00.00.40: Introductions and thank you to our new Patron Anders Strafberg
00.02.42: World of gaming - Decuma Kickstarter; Nocternal release a variety of games to retail; and the Free League Workshop launches.
00.20.00: GMing Alien and Vaesen at GenCon and UK Games Expo
00.26.29: Interview: Andrew Gaska, talks about: his life in gaming, freelancing for Fox (00.31.15); joining the Alien RPG team (00.32.20); Destroyer of Worlds (00.40.00); the future releases (00.44.40); thoughts on canon (00.46.50); and convention appearances (01.10.47)
01.25.10: Next time, and goodbye
Effekt is brought to you by Fictionsuit and RPG Gods. Music is by Stars in a Black Sea, used with kind permission of Free League Publishing.
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