Effortless Mindfulness with Loch Kelly
In this episode, Loch introduces a pillar of the Effortless Mindfulness model called the Five Levels of Mind. He refers to these five levels as Everyday Mind, Subtle Mind, Awake Aware Mind, Unity Mind, and Heartmind. In this show, Loch explores and unpacks how the first two levels of mind involve working with the body and mind to calm and stabilize them. The next three levels of mind make up a second tier, so to speak, providing access to a deeper sense of fundamental well-being, compassion and wisdom. Effortless Mindfulness really begins with the shift into the awake aware mind—an awareness-based way of knowing that exists prior to thought and can use thought as needed. Then the next two levels allow us to embody and live from a more connected feeling of flow. This episode provides tools, tips, and insights for how you can tune into your already awake mind, shift through the deeper levels of mind, and navigate your own consciousness with greater compassion, clarity, and loving flow.
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3 Common Obstacles to Awakening That Are Impeding Your Meditation Practice
And How to Break Through to the Next Level with Compassion and Flow
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Every great meditative tradition the world over has major maps of the significant steps or stages in meditation as their tradition has come to understand and practice them. And what significant research has demonstrated is that virtually all of them follow the four or five major natural states of consciousness given cross-culturally and universally to all human beings. ~ Ken Wilber, Integral Philosopher and Author
[25:48] The episode also features Loch offering a guided practice called Knowing From Heart-Mind. These mindful glimpses serve as invaluable tools for experiencing ways to access the awake consciousness that is already here within all of us.
Loch Kelly is the creator of the Mindful Glimpses app, award winning author, psychotherapist, and nondual meditation teacher known for his unique practical methods that support awakening as the next natural stage of human development. Backed by modern neuroscience and psychology, Loch introduces Effortless Mindfulness, an ancient form of nondual meditation that allows immediate access to our embodied awake nature which arises as calm, clarity, and compassion.
You can now explore all of Loch Kelly's practices and teachings on the new Mindful Glimpses app, found at https://lochkelly.org/mindful-glimpses. This innovative meditation and wellness app offers daily micro-meditations, step-by-step programs, and simple-yet-advanced tools for awakening.
Loch Kelly Bio
Loch is the creator of the Mindful Glimpses app, and an award-winning author, psychotherapist, and non-dual meditation teacher. He is also known for his unique practical methods that support awakening as the next natural stage of human development. Backed by modern neuroscience and psychology, Loch introduces Effortless Mindfulness, which combines an ancient form of nondual meditation and IFS psychology that allows immediate access to our embodied awake nature which arises as our calm, clear, and compassionate healing capacity.
Connect with Loch:
Mobile App: https://lochkelly.org/mindful-glimpses
Website: https://lochkelly.org/
Donate: https://lochkelly.org/donate
Podcast: https://lochkelly.org/podcast