I remember the very first time I saw a light table in a classroom, I was mesmerized by the soft glow and the reflecting colors.
There was just something about it that was super soothing and comforting to me.
And who doesn't like soothing and comforting? I mean, those words sound like a cozy night in with a good book and a hot cup of tea!
Well, after making my discovery, I thought to myself: "My students will 100% enjoy something like this."
But buying a light table was out of the question, it was just too expensive for me.
So, what did I do?
Yes friends, I went through a full-on DIY phase, and an amazing light table came out of it!
And guess what? You can do the same!
Just listen to this week's episode to find out how.
Key Takeaways:
What's a light table? (00:00)
Where to find a light table (04:30)
DIY light table? Yes please! (06:32)
What does a light table help with? (08:45)
Pros and cons of a light table (10:16)
The activities students can do on a light table (11:57)
DIY light table mats (13:18)
Translucent letters and number (18:22)
Translucent linking cubes (20:20)
Magna tiles (21:55)
Translucent pattern blocks (22:57)
Translucent bingo chips (24:18)
Translucent cups (25:51)
Answering more light table-related questions (26:43)
A few more resources for you (28:54)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about light table centers here.
- Wondering what kind of light table activities you can do with your students? Click here to find out!
- Everything about light table tools here.
- Here’s how to make your own light table.
- Grab your editable center signs here.
- Grab your “I Can” center task cards here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
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Onward & Upward!
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers