The rapid changes occurring in our personal lives and across the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic are just the beginning of a longterm transformation of global awareness and society. This month, as the Sun moves through Taurus, our attention will be brought to the major underlying conditions for systemic inequalities and we’ll being to see some of the possible solutions and outcomes to this emergency. Throughout it all, our most effective tool for self-regulation and immunity is our ability to come back to our embodied awareness and living presence.
In Part 1, Renee explores an embodied, somatic interpretation of Taurus as an energy we all work with
In Part 2 (beginning at 54:00), Renee describes the major transits throughout Taurus Season and discusses her interpretation of these symbols through personal, collective and political implications.
Resilient Strategies (as mentioned in part 2)
Click here for the Healing, Resilience & Power Presentation
Find the Taurus Season audio horoscopes for all 12 signs here:
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(Taurus rules the jaw, neck and throat in medical astrology) Cover Photo: model, Feonix for the EA Bodies project. This ongoing project wants your participation! Submit your body photos for our Astrology Body research and we’ll pair your photos with astrological writing and give you free year-ahead birthday reports. More information: