This week Brian and Jeff look back and laugh, with a little help from their friends. The topic and release is the LP collection of the first Eps by Teen Idles, SOA, Government Issue and Youth Brigade! Gather distantly social, around the campfire and listen to these tales from long, long ago about a mythical scene that was chockablock with heroes and villains and morality tales of timeless import. Starring Nathan Stejcek as himself (Teen Idles/Youth Brigade), Barry Henssler as the comical sidekick (Necros), Gary Bennett as the whimsical scamp (Kill Your idols), Mark O' Connor as the star-crossed and misunderstood lover (Daycare Swindlers) and a very special apperance by Vinny Segarra (Mint Tone Records) as the Catman from outer space. Come out of lockdown and hear this never-ending story of confusion and redemption. You might not regret it!