Enlightened By Dogs: Living with Cooperation, Not Obedience
What if it were easy to stay in the flow of love and connection with your dogs no matter what was going on around you or in your life? It would be nice, but often times it just isn’t the case! While we strive to be intentionally creating heart to heart connections with our dogs, sometimes it’s just not that simple. Things can get hectic and stressful, and pressure can climb and become uncomfortable. But what if putting an end to that feeling of struggle is easier than you think? What if the answer is extremely simple, and right under your (and your dog’s) very nose? That may very well be the case, and Kathy is here in this week’s episode of Enlightened By Dogs to share a super simple concept with you, that if you’re open minded and willing to try, could change your life and the lives of the people you love and hold dear! Sound good to you? Click play and learn more!
“The very thing we want, we actually create tension and resistance around”
“Feel that gratitude, that delight, and deep heartfelt resonance with how great things actually are”
“That feeling comes from inside of you”
“The feeling is generated inside ourselves all the time”
“A light intention is all you need”
“They don’t need to do or be anything different than they already are”
“This life is an amazing experience and I am so grateful that we get to share it together”
“I’m always in love with my dog”
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