Enlightened By Dogs: Living with Cooperation, Not Obedience
Join us today as Kathy discusses the impact of reward-based obedience training on the relationship with our dogs. She explains how a transactional approach can damage trust and make cooperation difficult.
The transactional dynamic of reward-based training can lead to power imbalances, erode trust, and cause stress and anxiety for dogs. On the other hand, building a partnership based on trust and love creates a natural and fluid dynamic where dogs are motivated to cooperate without being rewarded for performing specific behaviors.
Embrace a new way of living with your dog that prioritizes trust and love over obedience and rewards.
In this episode:
The problems with reward-based obedience training and the transactional dynamic it creates.
The power imbalances that arise in a relationship that is focused on transactions.
The benefits of a partnership-based approach that is built on love, connection and trust.
The negative effects of compliance and obedience-based training include increased stress and anxiety levels, and decreased confidence and cooperation.
Quotable Moments:
"A reward-based transactional approach can erode the trust that forms the foundation of a positive relationship between a dog mom and her dog."
"Trust and mutual respect can reduce stress and anxiety levels in both the dog and the human."
"A partnership-based relationship allows the dog mom and their dog to work together as a team, rather than relying on traditional obedience training methods to encourage cooperation."
“We are culturally conditioned to believe that dogs aren’t capable of choosing to be loving, playful, well-behaved partners without being paid to be so. That is simply not true.”
Become a calm and confident Dog Mom with a cooperative, happy dog ... without obedience training, or relying on treats or arousing games, or corrections of any type.
Here are some next steps:
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LET’S CONNECT on the socials for more partnership tips and advice:
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dancinghearts/
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathykawalec/
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