Enterprise Digital – the podcast
Our guest is David Wright from SDI – Chief Value Officer and keen supporter of all things alien, UFO and sci-fi… We try to set out an intelligent discussion around the future and present with AI, GAI, AGI and much more. The potential is huge, being developed at a challenging speed, now with AI tools to speed up how we work. Should we trust this technology, or how much can we trust this..? We also look at what the practical service management opportunities are in the short and medium term, in relation to risk, LLMs in ITSM tools, ‘shadow IT 2.0’, and Increasing the time to value. Is Prompt Engineer the role that is redundant before anyone gets the job..? ‘Predict, prevent automate and realise’ as a teaser for some new innovations with AI. Should we stop and take a check before ‘HAL’ takes us over…? Or should we stop and go to the bar ??!! A sizzling conversation… scary, fascinating and much more.