Enterprise Security Weekly (Audio)
Log4j, solar winds, tesla hacks, and the wave of high profile appsec problems aren’t going to go away with current approaches like SAST and SCA. Why? They are:
-40 years old, with little innovation
-Haven’t solved the problem.
In this segment, we talk about fully autonomous application security. Vetted by DARPA in the Cyber Grand Challenge, the approach is different:
-Prove bugs, rather than trying to list all of them.
-Zero false positives, which leads to better autonomy.
Segment Resources:
Article on competition: https://www.darpa.mil/about-us/timeline/cyber-grand-challenge
Technical article on approach: https://spectrum.ieee.org/mayhem-the-machine-that-finds-software-vulnerabilities-then-patches-them
Example vulns discovered:
Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/vault-esw-12