Enterprise Security Weekly (Audio)
NVD checked out, then they came back? Maybe?
Should the xz backdoor be treated as a vulnerability?
Is scan-driven vulnerability management obsolete when it comes to alerting on emerging threats?
What were some of the takeaways from the first-ever VulnCon?
EPSS is featured in over 100 security products, but is it properly supported by those that benefit from it?
How long do defenders have from the moment a vulnerability is disclosed to patch or mitigate it before working exploits are ready and in the wild?
There's SO much going on in the vulnerability management space, but we'll try to get to the bottom of some of in in this episode. In this interview, we talk to Patrick Garrity about the messy state of vulnerability management and how to get it back on the rails.
Segment Resources:
As we near RSA conference season, tons of security startups are coming out of stealth! The RSA Innovation Sandbox has also announced the top 10 finalists, also highlighting early stage startups that will be at the show.
In this week's news segment,
By the way, the thumbnail is a reference to the xz backdoor link we include in the show notes: https://lcamtuf.substack.com/p/technologist-vs-spy-the-xz-backdoor
Visit https://www.securityweekly.com/esw for all the latest episodes!
Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/esw-356