EntreArchitect Podcast with Mark R. LePage
We are living during an amazing period of time with rapid change and global innovation. Human society is changing before our very eyes. The world I knew as a pre-internet child no longer exists and the world we are experiencing today will be unrecognizable in less than a decade.
This week at EntreArchitect Podcast I share my thoughts on 6 Technologies That Will Radically Change the Architecture Profession in Less Than 10 Years.
The next generation of technology is coming and it’s going to change the profession radically. Will you be there to take advantage of that opportunity as an early adapter? In the next 5-10 years, these technologies will be mainstream.
These things are coming, so let’s choose, as architects, to become the leaders of them. Machines and technologies will be our tools to change the way we do what we do. Change is inevitable and it’s coming quickly; we can either embrace it or reject it for others to seize.
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Photo Credit: Shutterstock / William Bradberry
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