EntreArchitect Podcast with Mark R. LePage
Architecture is a tough profession. We work long hours for years with passion and dedication to become architects. We struggle to launch our firms without basic business fundamentals. We search for the best clients and then work to serve them to the best of our ability.
Being entrepreneur architects gives us so many freedoms that we wouldn’t have if we were employed by another firm. It’s tough, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Still, sometimes we question whether or not we made the right decision. Would we be happier working for someone else? True happiness is the result not of your profession, but of the choices you make and the person you choose to be.
This week on EntreArchitect Podcast, Mark R. LePage shares his 3 Steps to Happiness as a Small Firm Architect.
Love has a lot of meanings to a lot of different people. Love is about respecting and caring for one another.
You’re probably visiting this podcast to learn. When you focus on a new skill, your mind grows and you become a better person. Imagine if you chose to focus on mastering the business of architecture. Would your home life be better? Your life as an architect? Your designs?
This is where the world gets to benefit from what you love and what you’ve learned. What’s the point of having all the knowledge if you’re not going to share it? If the goal is to be happy, keeping it to yourself is only halfway there.
Love, learn and share what you know.
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Photo credit: Pixabay / asi24
The post EA143: 3 Steps to Happiness as a Small Firm Architect [Podcast] appeared first on EntreArchitect // Small Firm Entrepreneur Architects.
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