Players who are new to Tabletop Role Playing Games make the fatal mistake of thinking that class and race equal character.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In this episode we are going to explore creating compelling characters and give you some things to think about the next time you put pen to paper and start making that Half Dragonborn Half Tiefling Ranger Barbarian Warlock Noble.
The rulebooks for RPG’s love to talk about character classes, character races, character archetypes...with that many characters being thrown around you would think we are in a Monty Python sketch.
Players often fail to understand that characters are made up of personality traits…not stat blocks.
Joining me today to talk about creating compelling characters is Christina Stiso one of my partners in crime on this podcast Christina is a long-time gamer and Creative Designer for Oddfish Games. She is a PhD student studying game-based learning and on the board of directors of the nonprofit organization “Tabletop Gaymers.”