In 2097 the World Aeronautics & Robotics corporation (W.A.R.) is looking for a suitable representative to watch over Ganymede, the Jupiter moon that will soon be colonised. The Board at WAR has decided that the applicants for the position, being equally qualified, should fight for it. Now, the ten applicants must choose which Human-Assisted Robot (H.A.R.) will be their weapon and beat the others in a one-on-one competition.
This is how the manual of One Must Fall: 2097 describes the backstory of this iconic DOS robot fighting shareware game that is the subject of this month's podcast. It was developed by Diversions Entertainment and published by Epic Mega Games in 1994.
Joining hosts Martijn & Florian are two first-time guests: Ben, who only found us recently, and Biran, who has been a long-time listener. Both have spent tons of time on this game back in the day, so they can tell us all about what makes One Must Fall: 2097 such a cool title.
[ download mp3 ] (150 mins, 172 MB)
* UK magazine reviews scanned by Pix
* Diversion Entertainment's website on with a link to the freeware release of OMF 2097
* is a modern remake of OMF:2097 and has links to their wiki and Discord, among other things
* Interview with OMF2097 designer / programmer Rob Elam
* Interview with OMF2097 music composer Kenny Chou
* Demo group Renaissance on of which Kenny Chou was a member
* We talked about Epic Mega Games before in episode 19 (Tyrian) and episode 46 (Jill of the Jungle)