Equestrian Adventuresses Podcast | Your Global Passport to International Show Jumping Competitions
On today’s episode, Ute talks with Kathleen Schmitt, Equestrian Adventuress of the first hour. After finishing her education including horse riding training in England and Germany, Kathleen headed off to her personal adventure of a lifetime. She crossed the USA from coast to coast on the back of her Arabian part-bred Murphy accompanied by her dog Country Boy who went along as her protector. This ride took place in 1981, a time without internet, mobile phones or hand-held GPS devises. Kathleen only had an unreliable map and a direction: West! She was on trail for seven months, crossing mountains, plains and deserts. She met countless people on the ride, got lost ever so often and finally wrote a book about her ride recently. We talk about her ride, about her book and why it took her such a long time to publish it.
Show Notes: https://equestrianadventuresses.com/2021/01/27/horse-podcast-ep-89-the-great-trek-riding-across-the-usa/