Here is part two of this journey through Teruo Ishii’s Joys of Torture with Chris Haskell (from the They Live By Film and Punk Vacation podcasts). Part one covered Tokugawa: Women’s Genealogy (1968), Shogun’s Joy of Torture (1968), and Orgies of Edo (1969), and in this episode we packed in Shameless: Abnormal and Abusive Love (1969), Inferno of Torture (1969), Yakuza Law (1969), Love and Crime (1969), and Shogun’s Sadism aka Oxen Split Torturing (1976).
And just a reminder that if you want to watch along but are struggling with where to locate some of these, email me (at [email protected]) and I can help you out! Several of them are on blu-ray from Arrow and they’re currently on sale, in beautiful editions with great special features from the GOATs Tom Mes and Jasper Sharp.
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