251 avsnitt • Längd: 100 min • Veckovis: Måndag
Your portal into cinematic pocket universes, fostering community far from the digital chaos. Join co-hosts Haitch and Jason as we welcome special guests and talk about their favorite movies. We love the genre films that inspired the creation of this show, but we talk about all kinds of movies. Just look at our episodes, choose your favorite movie, and dive right in!
The podcast Escape Hatch (formerly Dune Pod) is created by Haitch Industries. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
At last, it’s the return of noted fantasy enthusiast and the co-host of the Twin Vipers podcast, Jonesy Love Beer! We catch up on tennis, improving our health, and friendship. Then we tackle the first truly great modern fantasy film, 1981’s classic Dragonslayer.
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WE’RE BACK! And we brought back the creator of Skree Magazine and OG star of the Escape Hatch Letters Segment, Corey Corcoran! After catching up on Haitch’s tennis escapades, and Andor S2 hype, we finally cover Corey’s pick, 1990’s Abel Ferrara Christopher Walken classic, King of New York.
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LISTEN. We’ve been doing this for 4 ½ years, we’re coasting now, that doesn’t mean we don’t love you. We’re on ski week, but we fired up the mics to give you a 26 minute update on how things are going (SPOILER: not great!), and then we revisit this classic Dune Pod episode from all the way back in November of ‘22. Revisit my reentry into the world after having completed the Hoffman Process. Hear the final dispatch from Elon’s War of Aggression. Then listen to super guest Tom Coates as we talk about the greatest tribute in Hollywood history, 1999’s hilarious (and moving!) classic, Galaxy Quest. Never surrender, never give up!
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Can’t believe how lucky we are, cuh. We’re joined by the host of the New York Times political podcastThe Run Up,Astead Herndon. We have an amazing discussion about what Astead learned in the trenches covering the last few elections, specifically how the major parties ignore and take their voters for granted (at their own peril!) Then we get into one of his favorite nostalgia treats from his early 2000s college days in Wisconsin, the surprisingly fun sequel that cemented a franchise, 2 Fast 2 Furious. Start your engines.
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We finally settle the score: is Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather any good? Joining us to make the call is [checks notes] the co-host ofPod Save America andPod Save the World,Tommy Vietor! Plus, we get an update on how Trump 2.0 is going as well as how we’re all dealing with [gestures around] all this.
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Before he was the co-host of Pod Save the World,Ben Rhodes was the Deputy National Security Advisor for President Barack Obama. In that role, he was a consumer of Top Secret intelligence collected by the intelligence services. This gives him a very unique perspective as we finally tackle the 2011 adaptation of the John Le Carré spy masterpiece, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. A phenomenal political and cinematic conversation. Not to be missed.
Introduction (00:00:00) Hatch News (00:15:22) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Roundtable (00:20:23) Your Letters (01:49:48)Notes and Links
Check out Escape Hatch Merch! Our all new collection of swag is available now and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now. Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Hang out with Haitch, Jason, and other friends of the pod. Check out the invite here. Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts, alongside: 70mm (a podcast for film lovers), Bat & Spider (low rent horror and exploitation films), The Letterboxd Show (Official Podcast from Letterboxd), Cinenauts (exploring the Criterion Collection), Lost Light (Transformers, wrestling, and more), and Will Run For (obsessed with running). Check these pods out!. See the movies we’ve watched and are going to watch on Letterboxd Escape Hatch’s Breaking Dune News Twitter list Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram. Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music. Cover art by ctcher. Edited and produced by Haitch. Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.Tilda is forever our angel. For Part 2 of our Tilda double header, in the movie that put her over the top in her classic portrayal as the angel Gabriel, she faces off with Keanu Reeves as Constantine! Joining us to discuss is the co-host of the X-Ray Vision podcast, Rosie Knight.
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We’re bound to learn something as we’re joined by the co-host of The Filmcast Podcast, Devindra Hardawar! We tackle Part 1 of our latest Tilda Swinton Double Header, the Coens 2008 overlooked political thriller masterpiece, Burn After Reading.
Notes and Links
We are back bay-bee! And we kick the doors off 2025 with the return of NY Times Bestselling author, Dave Itzkoff! He has clearly established his Escape Hatch beat as gritty New York City movies from the 70s and 80s, and today is one of the all time classics, Walter Hill’s 1979 streetgang masterpiece, The Warriors. Come out and play with us!
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We know, we know…we said we’d be back in a week during the Mailbag ep, but I didn’t realize there was ANOTHER week before we got back. So Jason and I fired up the mics from vacation, and recorded a special new retrospective of the episode our listeners selected as the greatest Escape Hatch ever (it was actually Dune Pod at this point - but STILL), the first appearance of the actor from Warrior, Banshee, and See, Hoon Lee!
Waaay back in the simple days of April of 2023, right as a little new technology known as ChatGPT was suddenly bursting into the mainstream, we covered the biggest science fiction masterpiece since Blade Runner, the Wachowski’s The Matrix. Hear our finest hour, plus catch up with what Jason and I have been up to over the holidays!
Notes and Links
We know, we know…the holidays are OVER! But we’re still on our winter holidays break enjoying a little time with our families. Still, we wouldn’t leave y’all hanging, so we have a special treat for you, our First Annual Escape Hatch Mail Bag Episode! And we gotta shoutout the incredible letters and voicemails sent in from the Escape Hatch community, they truly have to be heard to be believed. We love y’all, thank y’all, and we’ll see you back in just 2 short weeks!
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Season’s Greeting from Escape Hatch! Remember last year, when we had dale_a on to talk about Dan Ackroyd wearing black face on our Trading Places episode? Well, we figured for our 3rd Annual Holiday Movie Extravaganza, we’d choose the not at all controversial 2005 neo-noir Shane Black classic that restarted Robert Downey Jr.’s career, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. While Jason opted to keep his reputation unblemished, we were so lucky to be joined by the showrunner of Veep and co-host of the original movie prop podcasts The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, Dave Mandel! Dave leads us on an in-depth discussion of comedy screenwriting that makes this movie shine. Enjoy!
Notes and Links
This is the One. We tackle one of the all time greatest works of art and the cornerstone of a beloved holiday tradition, as we watch Peter Jackson’s unmatchable translation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. And joining us is the greatest genre podcaster in the game, and Maiar level Tolkien expert, the co-host of the House of R podcast, Joanna Robinson. We simply walk into the deep details of the production that make this film a true one of a kind..
Notes and Links
We’re all still worried about AI, right? Well we are, so we decided to bring you the 1970 artificial intelligence cautionary tale, in all its methodical, intense, and drenched in 70s retro future production design glory. Join us and learn why the ‘scientist’ making the computer is definitely the bad guy, in Colossus: The Forbin Project. (I MEAN, seriously, that bozo Elon literally named the supercomputer he’s building Colossus? WTH!) Anyway, we’re joined by Escape Hatch super guest, the Product Director and Founder of the Social Web Foundation, Tom Coates.
Notes and Links
RED ALERT. We finally tackle the 1979 masterpiece you’ve been waiting for, Star Trek: The Motion Picture. And we brought a serious expert, as we’re joined by the author of The Fifty-Year Mission: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek: The First 25 Years, co-host of the Inglorious Treksperts podcast, and creator of the amazing documentary 1982: Greatest Geek Year Ever!, Mark Altman. We go DEEP into the history and legacy of Star Trek with his encyclopedic knowledge as our guide. Do not miss it.
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In order to preserve our precious bodily fluids, we look for answers to the big questions as we welcome senior advisor to MIT's Center for Constructive Communication, Glenn O Brown. We finally go back into the Kubrick vault, as we tackle his 1964 satirical masterpiece, Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Loving the Bomb.
Notes and Links
Welp. After a decisive electoral outcome, we desperately need healing and renewed belief in the possibility of our country. And there is only one man we could turn to, the co-host of the incredible podcasts Bat & Spider, Paperkeg, and Interview with a Podcast Vampire, dale_a. We chose to cover the incredible tale of a creator who put everything on the line, inspired the ordinary Americans around him to imagine being part of something bigger than themselves, and against all odds refused to give up on his dream to create the great American Movie.
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At this difficult time, our nation needs to come together. We do our part by finally tackling one of the most requested movies we’ve ever had for our podcast. The co-host of the X-Ray Vision podcast, Rosie Knight returns to cover the beginning of Bella’s journey, in 2008’s Twilight.
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Time to get to da choppa!! Ryan Condal, takes a break from prepping Season 3 of his mega-hit TV show House of the Dragon, to join us in covering his FOURTH Arnold Schwarzeneggar movie on Escape Hatch! We fill the final remaining slot of Arnold’s Mt. Rushmore, Predator!
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We enjoy the tastiest Halloween treat, the return of our very own scream queen, editor of Fangoria magazine, Meredith Borders! As usual she has done all of the deep, DEEP research into one of the greatest horror films of all time, her first horror true love, John Carpenter’s Halloween!
Notes and Links
It’s all been leading to this. Hear Jonesy Loves Beer go off on the 1968 390 cu. in. V8 Ford Mustang GT Fastbacks (325 hp) with four-speed manual transmissions vs. the 1968 375-horsepower 440 Magnum V8-powered Dodge Chargers. That’s right, the co-host of the Twin Vipers, PaperKeg, and Interview with a Podcast Vampire podcasts returns, for the most Jonesy Loves Beer movie we’ve ever done. It’s the 1968 thriller that changed the car chase game forever, Steve McQueen’s Bullitt.
Notes and Links
We cover one of the greatest films of all time (animated or not!), Lord and Miller’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse! Joining us in his first appearance on the pod is a true artist and technical expert, an editor who has worked on Lucasfilm Animation’s Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, and Tales of the Jedi: Nicolas Anastassiou. Nica tells us about what he learned working directly with George Lucas on The Clone Wars about telling stories and pushing boundaries. Amazing discussion!
Notes and Links
It’s the dramatic return of the show runner of Veep, and co-host of the movie props podcast The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, Dave Mandel! We cover Michael Mann’s 1986 thriller classic featuring the first onscreen appearance of Hannibal Lecter, Manhunter.
Notes and Links
Despite my best efforts, Jason gets his way. We finally cover what he called, ‘an under-rated science fiction masterpiece’, Vin Diesel’s The Chronicles of Riddick. Joining us, our queen, the co-host of the X-Ray Vision podcast, Rosie Knight!
Notes and Links
After 212 episodes, we try something different. REALLY different. Meanwhile, we’re rejoined by the host of the brand new (relaunched) media tech podcast, Channels with Peter Kafka, Peter Kafka. We cover Dustin Hoffman, Roy Scheider, and Sir Laurence Olivier in the 1976 paranoia thriller classic, Marathon Man.
Notes and Links
Season 8: The Great Big Ones™ continues as we finally cover Steven Spielberg’s movie that re-defined blockbusters for all time, Jaws. Joining us are not one, but TWO expert shark enthusiasts: the director of the documentary Sharksploitation, Stephen Scarlata, and the co-host of Bat & Spider, dale_a
Notes and Links
Look, I screwed up as my end of summer imploded, OK? So this is a rare episode with no guest host, just Jason and me (the only other movies when that has happened were Die Hard, Heat, The Dead Zone, To Live and Die in L.A., and both parts of Denis’ Dune.) Perfect timing for two old Gen X broskis to cut it up about Kevin Smith’s 1994 masterpiece, Clerks. Can you feel the nostalgia?
Notes and Links
Huge. Frickin’. Ep. Jason is back and we’re rejoined by the co-host of The Cinenauts, ctcher. AND called back up, out of his self imposed podcasting retirement, ctcher's now disgraced former co-host (and current Senior Director of Community and Social Media at Yuga Labs) Ian de Borja. And there are looottttttsss of firsts here: we cover our very first ever David Fincher film and our very first Aaron Sorkin film as we FINALLY take on their masterpiece, The Social Network. Join our network.
Notes and Links
BIG EPISODE. Jason’s on assignment so we welcome the producer and co-host of The Cinenauts, ctcher. And the co-host of The Flimcast, Devindra Hardawar. We tackle Alex Garland’s eerie sci-fi masterpiece, Annihilation.
Notes and Links
We finally cover our very first Martin Scorsese film! Can that be right? Check the tapes, it’s right. We cover his 1982 prescient media critique, starring Robert Deniro and Jerry Lewis, The King of Comedy. We call in the King of Podcasting, the co-host of The Austin Danger Podcast, Kev!
Notes and Links
For over 200 consecutive episodes (starting all the way back on Episode 12, our S2 premiere covering David Lynch’s Dune!), one man has been along for the ride every step of the way, leaving us a voicemail. And now he FINALLY joins us in the main portion of the show as guest host. The one and only, Corey from Austin, TX. And true to form, he takes us into the deep dark world of 90’s exploitation cinema, with Quentin Tarantino & Oliver Stone’s Natural Born Killers.!
Notes and Links
A dream come true for us. The co-host of Pod Save the World and Pod Save America, the incomparable Tommy Vietor! We cover our unfamiliar feeling of being Dems in array that Kamala Harris’ nomination has created, and Tommy and Jason debate the best bathrooms to poop in at the White House. Then, we cover Tommy’s HUGE PICK, Richard Donner and Steven Spielberg’s The Goonies. Unbelievable ep!
Notes and Links
TOMORROW is the season finale of Presumed Innocent. TODAY we have the director of FIVE of Presumed Innocent’s amazing episodes, Greg Yaitanes. Greg gives us behind the scenes details of working with Jake Gyllenhaal and the rest of the incredible cast, and then he joins the Escape Hatch Five Timers’ Club as we cover another entry in the Dad Movie Mt. Rushmore canon, Peter Weir’s 2003 nautical masterpiece, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World! Do not miss Greg’s insights as a director into this epic film.
Notes and Links
Summer vacation is OVER and we are back! We’re joined by Emmy winning producer Rob Schroeder and indie film director Ben Barnes. We cover Spike Jonez incredible head twisting debut feature film, Being John Malkovich!
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School’s out and for our final episode before a quick Summer Break, we welcome back New York Times best selling author Dave Itzkoff! And since nobody shouts summer vybes more than Walter Matthau, we tackle his 1974 classic New York heist thriller, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three.
Notes and Links
At last, It’s the return of ILM VFx Editor Lorelei David, as we consume John Carpenter’s beloved subversive sci-fi classic starring Rowdy Roddy Piper, They Live! Witness the greatest fight scene and some of the best satire in sci-fi cinema history.
Notes and Links
It’s all been leading to this: the episode AFTER Episode 200. It’s the return of the writer of Across the Spider-Verse (and Beyond the Spider-Verse!), Dave Callaham! We tackle Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward’s 1990 genre classic Tremors.
Notes and Links
It’s all been leading to this: Episode 200. We turned to our Top Men to celebrate the milestone, the showrunner of House of the Dragon Ryan Condal and the writer showrunner of Veep Dave Mandel! Their movie props collecting podcast The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of just wrapped S7, so they were ready to go DEEP into all the incredible props, artwork, and writing that made Raiders of the Lost Ark one of the greatest films ever made. WHAT A PICTURE!
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:17:58)
Raiders of the Lost Ark Roundtable (00:21:27)
Your Letters (02:06:01)
Notes and Links
With only 2 episodes left until we hit 200, we’re bringing out the big guns. It’s the dramatic return of the hosts of the beloved X-Ray Vision Podcast: Rosie Knight and Jason Concepcion! We knew we had to choose a huge movie after their appearance for X-Men (2000) late last year, so we’re tackling 2004’s high water mark for the entire superhero genre, Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2!
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:21:57)
Spider-Man 2 Roundtable (00:31:36)
Your Letters (01:48:37)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
View the Escape Hatch Data Central Dashboard. Click here to view all of the data about every aspect of every episode of the show, curated by our listeners!
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
There are episodes and then there are EPISODES. Joining us to break down the incredible behind the scenes details of 8,000 years of the making of the Bible, PhD in theology & religion, and holy warrior fighting back the forces of intolerance across the internet every day, Dan McClellan. And we needed Dan to tackle Darren Aranofsky and Russell Crowe’s weird (REALLY weird!) fantasy, sci-fi(?), post apocalyptic(?) biblical movie, Noah. So much fun to have an unparalleled expert - and truly great guy - share his knowledge with us!
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:33:44)
Noah Roundtable (0:35:25)
Your Letters (02:12:06)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
View the Escape Hatch Data Central Dashboard. Click here to view all of the data about every aspect of every episode of the show, curated by our listeners!
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
Think about Rome with us. As we fight our way to EPISODE 200, we tackle Ridley Scott’s sword and sandals masterpiece, Gladiator. We’re joined by Escape Hatch Film Correspondent ctcher and Escape Hatch Projectionist, Silly Oswald. Are you not entertained?
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:12:58)
Gladiator Roundtable (0:21:09)
Your Letters (01:38:20)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
View the Escape Hatch Data Central Dashboard. Click here to view all of the data about every aspect of every episode of the show, curated by our listeners!
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
Akira Kurosawa. Ever heard of him? We kick off the final 5 episodes of Season 7: The Big Ones Part Two, with one of the pillars of cinema, Seven Samurai. We’re joined by Escape Hatch Kurosawa Korrespondent, MikeyP. And by Escape Hatch Projectionist, Silly Oswald.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:07:58)
Seven Samurai Roundtable (0:10:02)
Your Letters (01:39:18)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
It’s the triumphant return of warrior, actor, and philosopher Hoon Lee! We tackle the Wachowski’s apex mountain, The Matrix Reloaded. This is as close to Dune Messiah as we’ve ever gotten, y’all.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:21:45)
The Matrix Reloaded Roundtable (0:30:58)
Your Letters (02:02:07)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
“We go into the Art Institute [of Chicago] and every room there, there are paintings that look completely and utterly different from the other rooms. But in cinema, everything looks the same. And it's a really aggressive straight-jacket, aesthetically. We started talking about cubism, for instance, and we started talking about could you make a cubist film? And we realized that if you try to make a cubist film for adults, you will end up like Picasso, running from the angry mob when he first showed Guernica. They wanted to kill him. Literally. It's because adults... they reject change, and an aesthetic change is too aggressive a death for them. Every generation experiences aesthetic death, and when you really assault an aesthetic, people freak out. But we said that kids are okay with aesthetic change.” - Lana Wachowski on making Speed Racer.
We get into it with the co-host of The Austin Danger Podcast, Kev, and Escape Hatch film correspondent Ctcher.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:12:01)
Speed Racer Roundtable (0:18:52)
Your Letters (01:20:33)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
This episode is really special. As our real world faces conflict with Russia and in the Middle East between Israel and Iran, we were incredibly lucky to welcome back former Deputy National Security Advisor and co-host of Pod Save the World, Ben Rhodes. We go deep into these threats, and then we find solace in fiction as we cover Alec Baldwin and Sean Connery as adversaries trying to find common ground, in The Hunt for Red October.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:21:39)
The Hunt for Red October Roundtable (0:28:20)
Your Letters (01:32:11)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
HEY! Did you watch Civil War? Wanna talk about it? We did, so we recorded a very special bonus episode on it. We invited our dear pal and media tech journalist Peter Kafka because he had thoughts! Plus, Jason completely takes over the pod for this ep, so don’t miss it!
Introduction (00:00:00)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
Escape Hatch Host Emeritus and co-host of the Paperkeg and Twin Vipers Podcasts, Jonesy Loves Beer. We kick off Nautical Month on Escape Hatch and a very special submarine episode double-header with Denzel Washington v Gene Hackman in Tony Scott’s 1995 classic, Crimson Tide.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:18:51)
Crimson Tide Roundtable (0:22:12)
Your Letters (01:34:49)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
Join us as we go for a walk on the Freak Beat, with the co-host of The Austin Danger Podcast, Kev. We finally take up James Cameron’s CGI sci-fi film Alita: Battle Angel. This shit is weird.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:17:41)
Alita: Battle Angel Roundtable (0:28:37)
Your Letters (01:41:39)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
HUGE Ep. We cover one of the greatest films of all time, The Coen Brother’s 1990 mob masterpiece starring Gabriel Byrne and John Turturo, Miller’s Crossing. To guide us along the way, it’s the return of the legendary journalist covering the intersection of tech and media, Peter Kafka.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:08:48)
Miller’s Crossing Roundtable (0:16:21)
Your Letters (01:35:09)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
BIG show this week. First, it’s the return of the showrunner of House of the Dragon, Ryan Condal. We cover Arnold Schwarzeneggar, for Paul Verhoeven’s 1990 sci-fi classic, Total Recall! Then, for a fascinating on the ground update on the IATSE Union negotiations just starting out in Hollywood, we’re joined by friend of the pod, 3D digital set designer Tim Croshaw!
Introduction & House of the Dragon (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:36:08)
Total Recall Roundtable (0:38:11)
IATSE Strike Update with Tim Croshaw (01:58:50)
Your Letters (02:20:45)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
BWWWWAAAAHHHH! It’s finally time to talk about Inception. M.G. Sieger returns for his 3rd Nolan on the pod.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:29:01)
Inception Roundtable (0:31:42)
Your Letters (02:09:30)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
Dune: Part Two has arrived, and after 4 years we knew it was time for a party! It ended up being so much fun we got written up in The New York Times (actually!) It was incredible to share the podcast live with friends and family, but especially our dear friends from the discord who flew in for this very special Meetup! Recording live is wild, y’all. Bring on the Dune Messiah Meetup!
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:11:26)
Escape Hatch Live Roundtable (0:13:35)
Your Letters (00:25:16)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
We give you the latest breaking news on ZENDAYA’S ROBOT SUIT and the HUGE CASTING NEWS from the World Premiere in London. Then, we finally cover Cilian Murphy, Danny Boyle, and Alex Garland’s science fiction masterpiece, Sunshine. The co-host of The Engadget Podcast and The Filmcast, Devindra Hardawar brings his insights and gives us his first hand dispatches from the Vision Pro Spatial Computing Wars.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:11:28)
Sunshine Roundtable (0:19:35)
Your Letters (01:18:17)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
In a very special episode, we celebrate the release on Netflix of the incredible Max Original series based on the writings of Bruce Lee, Warrior. Joining us to discuss the show is the hero of one of the most popular Dune Pod episodes ever (The Matrix), Hoon Lee. And his co-star from Apple TV’s SEE and Warrior, Olivia Cheng. Plus Haitch got all behind the scenes details and insights from the full cast in his first official press junket!
Introduction (00:00:00)
Press Junket Cast Highlights (00:04:26)
Warrior Roundtable (0:10:24)
Press Junket Cast Interviews (01:13:16)
NOTE: There were significant challenges with Olivia's audio recording for this episode. We were able to recover it, but the filtering process has introduced artifacts that sometimes distort her natural speaking style. Our apologies for this. When you watch Olivia on Warrior, you will hear her true, natural speaking voice.
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
Huge get this week in the run up to Dune: Part Two. We welcome the author of A Masterpiece in Disarray: David Lynch's Dune, Max Evry. He provides incredible behind the scenes details of Lynch’s Dune after interviewing David, Kyle, Rafaella, Bob, Fred, John, Virginia, and many many more. Then we get into what Stanley Kubrick called ‘his favorite movie ever’, David Lynch’s Eraserhead.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:30:44)
Eraserhead Roundtable (0:36:27)
Your Letters (01:26:04)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
Because you demanded it, we finally address the whole Taylor Swift situation. To do that, we welcome back the author of The New York Times bestsellers Robin and Mad As Hell: The Making of Network, Dave Itzkoff. We cover Paddy Chayefsky’s follow up to Network, the delightfully weird Altered States.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:12:47)
Altered States Roundtable (0:27:20)
Your Letters (01:31:27)
Notes and Links
Check out the Escape Hatch Merch! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited and produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
AND we’re back after Haitch got COVID. We welcome the producer of Jodorowsky’s Dune, the director of Shudder’s original documentary Sharksploitation, and the host of the Best Movies Never Made and In the Shadow of the Neon Maniacs podcasts, Stephen Scarlata. We tackle our first real horror film on the pod, with Sam Neil and Lawrence Fishburne in Event Horizon. This is a freaky movie, y’all.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
We start 2024 off with a bang, as we welcome podcasting legend Veronica Belmont. We tackle her all time favorite movie, Michael Crichton & Stephen Spielberg’s classic, Jurassic Park!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram. Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music. Cover art by ctcher. Edited and produced by Haitch. Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! For this very special end of the year episode, we're once again joined by our queen, editor of Fangoria Magazine, Meredith Borders. What movie could be huge enough for a Season 7 NYE show? Well Jason’s wishes FINALLY come true, as tackle the most epic fantasy creature film of them all, Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
On this very special Christmas Eve Edition of Escape Hatch, we welcome the original podcast badboy, the co-host of the incredible podcasts Bat & Spider, Paperkeg, Interview with a Podcast Vampire, and The Flap, dale_a
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
We said Season 7 was The Big Ones. Welp, this week we tackle one of the biggest of the big, the 1995 anime classic, Ghost in the Shell! To guide us on our dive, it’s the co-host of the Movie Mixtape, MikeyP!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
RED ALERT! We have a special emergency installment to provide your first look at the third Dune Part Two trailer that just dropped today. Jason is out on assignment, but the takes must flow, so we once again turn to Escape Hatch graphic designer and correspondent, Ctcher We dive into the details of the trailer to tell you everything you need to know!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
We kick off the Holiday Season on Escape Hatch with a Shane Black Christmas classic, Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans’ football action adventure directed by Tony Scott’s The Last Boy Scout! Joining us is the showrunner of Veep and White House Plumbers, and co-host of The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, Dave Mandel.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
For the first time in over 3 months, the hosts of X-Ray Vision reunite live on the air, as we welcome Rosie Knight and Jason Concepcion. You read that right. Jason and Rosie are here, and what could be special enough to bring them back together? We go to the source, where the modern superhero era started, when Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart first took up their mantles, X-Men (2000). 2 of the greatest X-Men comic fans tackle all things X and catch us up on what they’ve been up to (SPOILERS: a lot.) DO NOT MISS THIS EPISODE!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
We welcome back one of our all time favorite guests, internet visionary and pottery superstar Tom Coates! We wind back the clock to the 1971 speculative science fact by Michael Crichton, The Andromeda Strain.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun FLASH - AH AHHHHH
This is it. We finally cover Dino De Laurentis’ 1980 genre masterpiece that he made just before Dune, Flash Gordon. To guide us through this pinnacle of nostalgic adventure, providing incredible the behind the scenes details and knowledge, we welcome the author of Flash Gordon: The Official Story of the Film: John Walsh.
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun FLASH - AH AHHHHH
*Also, how ‘bout that Alex Ross painting for the cover art? GOATed.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
Set Condition 1 throughout the fleet. We have the writer of Across the Spider-Verse, Dave Callaham!! Dave joins us to share amazing behind the scenes insights into writing one of the greatest animated films in history, all the way back to a year before Into the Spider-Verse was even released. Then we cover his favorite film, the classic(?) ski movie from the 90’s starring a young Peter Berg, Aspen Extreme.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
It’s the return of the king: Jason’s college debate team partner, Jeremiah Gordon! We tackle our. Very. First. Denzel. We watched Spike Lee’s Denzel Washington joint, the taut heist thriller co-starring Clive Owen and Jodie Foster, Inside Man.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
WITNESS HIM! For his SIXTH appearance on the pod, we welcome the showrunner of Max’s House of the Dragon and co-host of The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, Ryan Condal. He tells us all about buying Captain Kirk’s away team jacket from Wrath of Khan, interviewing Anthony Daniels(!), and gives us the latest BTS details on House of the Dragon’s Season 2 production. Then we tackle the first truly holy action art film of the 21st century, Mad Max: Fury Road.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
When fate strikes and a guest can’t make it, Jason and Haitch turn to each other and make it work. This time, we covered one of the guest’s all time favorite movies, which neither of us had seen, William Friedkin’s gritty, eighties crime drama, To Live and Die in L.A. It rules. Also discussed, Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
We welcome Supervising Sound Editor from Skywalker Sound, Mac Smith (veteran of Ponyo, Up, Tron Legacy, Avengers: Endgame, and Star Wars: Visions) to teach a clinic about how sound design works in movies. And to demonstrate it, Mac walks us thru the perfect showcase of Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi! Experience Star Wars thru the ears of an expert and hear details you never noticed that subconsciously enhance the story. We were blown away and you will be too.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited and produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
Jason is BACK. And stepping out of the shadows running things at HQ, we have Escape Hatch projectionist Silly Oswald. We go back to the Keanu well, with his 1994 action masterpiece with Sandra Bullock, Jan de Bont’s Speed!
Plus, we say a fond farewell to legendary Dune Pod/Escape Hatch editor, the amazing Megan Hayward, who has edited half of all the episodes we’ve ever done and has been instrumental in making us sound good. Also, her creative inspiration has been a key part of every episode since Starship Troopers, so THANK YOU MEGAN!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
70mm Month Part Two rolls to a close with the co-host of 70mm and co-instigator of the original Dune Pod podcast, Protolexus. We finally get The True Origin Story of Dune Pod and Proto’s role in it, as well as try and get Final Closure on Episode 91 - IYKYK. Plus we cover the 1986’s post-apocalyptic sci-fi roller skating extravaganza, Solarbabies.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
70mm Month Part Two keeps rolling with the legendary co-host/producer of 70mm and The Letterboxd Show, slim. We tackle Tony Gilroy legal horror masterpiece of temptation starring Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves, The Devil’s Advocate! Pacino and Walken impersonations galore await you.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
70mm Month Part Two kicks off with the co-host of the 70mm podcast, famous artist, Danny Haas. And we’re joined by the director of the documentary Dave Stevens: Drawn to Perfection, Kelvin Mao. Kelvin’s appearance is not a coincidence, because we’re tackling Danny’s favorite movie of all time, the 1930’s action classic translation of Dave Stevens greatest work, The Rocketeer!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
Sending love and healing thoughts to Jason, who is out sick. Once again, we are rejoined by our illustrious 3rd and 4th official living hosts: Escape Hatch graphic designer, ctcher and the co-host of the Twin Vipers podcast, Jonesy Loves Beer! We cover Jonesy’s other favorite movie featuring a guy jumping off a waterfall, Michael Mann’s 1992 historical action masterpiece starring Daniel Day Lewis, The Last of the Mohicans.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
The Big Ones just keep coming! This week, we welcome back the host of the Recode Media podcast (and now official member of the Escape Hatch Five Timer’s Club), Peter Kafka. We cover the biggest of the big, Quentin Tarantino’s apotheosis, 1994’s Pulp Fiction! kermitflail.gif.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
This episode of Escape Hatch is completely normal. Jason called in sick. The week he got access to Baldur’s Gate 3. Coincidence? Thankfully we are rejoined by our illustrious 3rd and 4th official living hosts: Escape Hatch graphic designer, ctcher and the co-host of the Twin Vipers podcast, Jonesy Loves Beer! We were supposed to cover Pulp Fiction this week, but without Jason we had to settle for 1996’s John Woo’s Travolta and Slater action jawn Broken Arrow.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
Sorry, I know you’re tired of me saying ‘this episode of Escape Hatch is special, but this episode of Escape Hatch is special. We’re joined by the former Deputy National Security Advisor and co-host of Pod Save the World, Ben Rhodes. For over a decade Ben’s been tasked with anticipating and addressing potential threats to democracy, and on this episode he and Jason lead a fascinating discussion about the potential threats of AI, particularly one that is hardly ever talked about, the risk of us being left isolated from others because we turn to AI companionship. To illustrate this, we use Spike Jonze’s gorgeous and incredibly prescient AI relationship classic starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johannsen, Her.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
It’s all been leading to this: Haitch’s first viewing of The NeverEnding Story. Will his take tear the community apart or lift everyone up to soar thru the sky? Fangoria Senior Editor Meredith Borders joins us from Germany (and details her scouting trip LAST WEEKEND) to the Bavarian studio where the movie was shot which included a ride on the REAL Falkor. Do not miss this.
Introduction (00:00:00)
Hatch News (00:10:26)
The NeverEnding Story Roundtable (0:14:39)
Your Letters (01:27:18)
Notes and Links
Check out the BRAND NEW Escape Hatch Merch Drop! Great swag and every order includes a free Cameo style shoutout from Haitch or Jason. Browse our collection now.
Join the Escape Hatch Patreon! Support the show as a patron and receive exclusive bonus episodes, early access to episodes, join our LIVE recordings, and much more.
Join the Escape Hatch Discord Server! Our server is live, and this is the place to hang out with Haitch, Jason, guest hosts, and other friends of the pod. It’s a spot to chat movies, books, games, whatever. Join us! https://discord.gg/R5ThKbTn7t
Checkout TAPEDECK Podcasts! Escape Hatch is a member of TAPEDECK Podcasts. Check out our fellow podcasts!
Escape Hatch Set List on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/escapehatchpod/list/escape-hatch-set-list/
Let us know what you think of the show. Write us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it wherever you listen to the pod.
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z The Boss Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Edited by Megan Hayward
Produced by Haitch
Escape Hatch is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, a production of Haitch Industries
The co-host of The Filmcast aka The Slashfilmcast, Devindra Haradawar returns! Haitch officially honors Paul Reuben’s legacy. And we cover DA GAWD Tony Gilroy’s action masterpiece that changed the genre forever, Matt Damon’s The Bourne Identity!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
Big ep! From The Ringer, we’re joined by the co-host of the House of R and Trial by Content podcasts Joanna Robinson, and her Trial by Content co-host Dave Gonzalez! We talk that 1986 sci-fi family classic, Flight of the Navigator!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
This week we say, ‘as you wish’ and make your dreams come true, with the triumphant return of the co-host of Sword & Laser, Veronica Belmont! We cover her (and a lot of our) favorite fairytale movie of all time, The Princess Bride. Plus an exciting announcement about the new Blade Runner 2037 RPG Haitch is running for our patrons in the discord!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
This episode of Escape Hatch is special. Not only do we tackle one of the greatest films of all time, we’re joined by two screenwriting experts: the showrunner of Max’s Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon, Ryan Condal, and his co-host of their movie props podcast The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of, and writer of Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Veep, Dave Mandel! We revel in all the subtle script choices that make this film so powerful, learn a lot, and just have an amazing time revisiting it.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
For the latest episode of Escape Hatch (the podcast previously known as Dune Pod!) Jason is still out on assignment so we are joined by the co-host of the Cinenauts podcast, ctcher, and by Haitch’s old dungeon master, Brian Moseley. We tackle the 1981 animated science fiction rock and roll cult classic, Heavy Metal!
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram.
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music.
Cover art by ctcher.
Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio.
Produced by Haitch.
Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
For the second episode of Escape Hatch (the podcast previously known as Dune Pod!) Jason is out on assignment so we are joined by the co-host of the Cinenauts, ctcher, and by microphone legend and co-host of the hit new podcast Twin Vipers, Jonesy Loves Beer. We tackle the greatest Dad movie of all time, Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones in the 1993’s The Fugitive.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram. Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music. Cover art by ctcher. Edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio. Produced by Haitch. Escape Hatch is a production of Haitch Industries.
It’s all been leading to this: the very first ever episode of Escape Hatch (the podcast previously known as Dune Pod!) We kick off our new era with one of the greatest films ever made, Michael J. Fox in Robert Zemeckis’ time travel classic, Back to the Future! Joining us is dear friend of the show, Internet luminary Tom Coates. Also, Haitch gets absolutely roasted for being completely wrong about what actually happened in the movie. Don’t miss it.
Notes and Links
Follow @escapehatchpod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Scott Fritz and Who’z the Boss Music
Cover art by ctcher
The episode was edited and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
SORRY! The Escape Hatch launch has been delayed until June 25th. Meanwhile, please enjoy this sneak peek.
The. Final. Episode. of Dune Pod. After 150 episodes, the pod ends this week, and next week, on this very same feed, Escape Hatch will be born! To see us out, we welcome back the Emmy winning director of Children of Dune and House of the Dragon, Greg Yaitanes to cover one of the greatest films ever made, Terry Gilliam’s science fiction and paperwork masterpiece, Brazil.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Young Jason Month concludes as we’re joined by another one of his Princeton debate colleagues, Jeremiah Gordon. We cover Jeremiah’s favorite movie, John Singleton’s first film, the influential and moving 1991 classic starring Ice Cube, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Lawrence Fishburne, Boyz n the Hood. ONLY 2 EPISODES LEFT UNTIL THE END OF DUNE POD AND THE RELAUNCH OF THE PODCAST AS ESCAPE HATCH!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
We have long wanted to hear tales of Young Jason, and his collegiate days back at Princeton, whether it’s his rudimentary dietary habits or adventures as a young debate team warrior. This week, his fellow student and debate colleague Steve Yuhan joins us to provide contemporaneous documentation of these days. Then, we discuss Steve and Jason’s favorite movie of that era, the 1994 Coen Brothers’ classic, shot by Roger Deakins, and featuring performances by a transcendent Jennifer Jason Leigh and SILO’s Tim Robbins, The Hudsucker Proxy!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
I can’t even. Are you sitting down? We’re joined by the author of the sensational dystopian science fiction classic Wool, that is the source for Apple TV+’s hit new show SILO, HUGH HOWEY. We have an in-depth discussion with Hugh on writing the novel, his place in the rise of digital self publishing over a decade ago, and the translation of his work to the screen. All this plus the shocking events of Episode 3! Somebody pinch me.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
We welcome back star reporter and author of the bestselling biography Robin, Dave Itzkoff. We tackle Robin Williams’ first attempt at movie stardom, Robert Altman’s absolutely insane, cocaine fueled movie musical, featuring songs by the legendary Harry Nilsson, and filmed exclusively in a functional village that hundreds of carpenters built from scratch over a year, that 40 years later is still a standing tourist attraction on the isle of Malta, Popeye! What could go wrong? ONLY 4 EPISODES LEFT UNTIL THE END OF DUNE POD AND THE RELAUNCH OF THE PODCAST AS ESCAPE HATCH!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Jason and Haitch have been waiting for this show to be made ever since we independently read the book Wool, by Hugh Howey, almost a decade ago, and tonight we’re covering Apple TV+’s new hit translation, the science fiction show starring David Oyelowo, Rashida Jones, and Dune’s Rebecca Ferguson, Silo!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
We make the HUGEST ANNOUNCEMENT in the history of the podcast! Is this the end of Dune Pod, FIND OUT! Plus, we’re joined by the star of the legendary Film Hags and Cinenauts podcasts, Boom. Then we discuss Jimmy Cliff’s Jamaican classic from 1972 that introduced the world to reggae, The Harder They Come.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Well, we’ve all been waiting for our first loving look at Dune Part Two, and boy did we get it, when the full trailer dropped today. Jason and Haitch give you our detailed takes on everything in there to get you hype. Let's goooo!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Do you love Star Wars? Cause we do! So we celebrate the triumphant return of legendary ILM visual effect editor, Lorelei David! We discuss her recent work on The Mandalorian and then tackle the 1978 San Francisco horror classic that left our mouths hanging open, Donald Sutherland’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Jason is out on assignment, so we welcome back the co-host of the The Cinenauts podcat and Dune Pod graphic designer Ctcher and Letterboxd freelancer and co-host of the Film Hags podcast, Sophie Shin. We get competitive as we pick up the 2018 breakthru hit from the writer/directors of the new Dungeons and Dragons movie, Game Night!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
He’s back. The star of our Good Will Hunting and Kill Bill episodes: artist and writer, MikeyP! When is this guy getting his own podcast? I mean come on! Anyway, on this very special Spring Break vacation episode, we pick up the 3 seashells to discuss our first Stallone movie, the sci-fi action classic from 1993 co-starring Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock, Demolition Man.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
At long last, the return of super producer and co-host of The Letterboxd Show and 70mm, Slim. He’d always wondered why no one talks about 1975’s sci-fi film gladiator sports film that was James Caan’s follow-up to The Godfather, Rollerball. Now he knows. Is it an under-rated gem, attaining Kubrickian levels of genius, or does the story, pacing, editing, acting, costuming, sound design, and directing make this film a dud. Find out...NOW.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
If you only ever listen to one episode of Dune Pod, this is The One. Haitch and Jason had the high honor of welcoming the amazing actor from modern classic genre shows: Jason Momoa’s SEE, and HBO Max’s Banshee, Warrior, and DMZ, Hoon Lee! A true sci-fi aficionado and expert, he brings insights that blew our minds when we used the current escalation of AI technology as the backdrop for a discussion of the greatest science fiction action film of all time, The Matrix.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason got tired of waiting for the Cinenauts podcast to come back from hiatus, so they welcome one of the co-hosts, who is also Dune Pod’s graphic designer, Ctcher! We FINALLY do our first Spielberg?! The maestro’s classic blockbuster followup to Jaws, 1977’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason are joined by a rockstar from The Ringer Podcast Network, the co-host of The Ringer-Verse podcast, Joanna Robinson. We talk about her and Haitch’s SXSW highlights - including Haitch getting to ask a question to Tilda! And then we cover the legendary 2016 Korean zombie film, Train to Busan.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week, on a very special bonus episode, Haitch and Jason are joined by the showrunner of Netflix’ Shadow & Bone and the writer/executive producer of Denis Villeneuve’s masterpiece Arrival, Eric Heisserer. We go deep into the behind the scenes on Eric developing both of these properties including his close collaboration with Denis!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason are joined by Godzilla comics writer and co-host of the X-Ray Vision podcast, Rosie Knight. We talk one of her all time favorite super hero movies, starring our boy Jason Momoa, James Wan’s Aquaman!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host of the Bat and Spider and PaperKeg podcasts dale_a and his PaperKeg partner and co-host of the hit new martial arts movie podcast Twin Vipers, Jonesy Loves Beer. We cover the science fiction social satire classic, Arnold Schwarzeneggar’s The Running Man!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason are joined by the showrunner of HBO Max’s Banshee and Warrior, plus Jason’s favorite show SEE, Jonathan Tropper! We celebrate Geena Davis’s return, as we tackle her female action star role that broke the mold, The Long Kiss Goodnight!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason are joined by tech product visionary Tom Coates! After our first 2 attempts failed due to power outages, sickness, and the vagaries of booking, and because you DEMANDED IT, we FINALLY tackle the 1997 science fiction social classic, GATTACA!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason are joined by the West Coast bureau chief for The Wall St. Journal and author of The Big Picture: The Fight for the Future of Movies, Ben Fritz. We cover the movie that defined the Seat 1 mentality for all time, Reese Witherspoon’s indie classic, Election!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason are joined by the Director of The Stanford Internet Observatory, former Chief Security Officer of Facebook, and co-host of the Moderated Content podcast, Alex Stamos. We cover the movie that defined a generation and completes our trilogy alongside War Games and Sneakers, 1995’s Johnny Lee Miller, Angelina Jolie, and Matthew Lillard classic, Hackers!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host of The Filmcast (AKA The Slashfilmcast) and Endgadget podcasts, Devindra Hardawar. We bask in the glory of Michelle Yeoh, in her first major American crossover hit, co-starring Chow Yun Fat, Ang Lee’s martial arts masterpiece, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
This week Haitch and Jason are joined by the producer of Crooked Media’s hit podcasts, Keep It and X-Ray Vision, Chris Lord. We tackle a film with two Dune: Part Two stars, Dave Bautista & Lea Seydoux, in Sam Mendes’ second James Bond outing, Spectre!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In a very special 2023 Kickoff episode of Dune Pod, Haitch got so sick, we had to light the beacons, and the call was answered by the host and producer of 70mm, and The Letterboxd Show, Slim. Slim & Jason recorded an emergency pod, to finally get to do a show dedicated to the 15 Most Iconic Movie Watches Of All Time! NOTE: Be sure to look at the episode art while listening, you’ll see every watch covered while it’s being discussed so you can see what all the fuss is about!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a
In a very special 2023 Kickoff episode of Dune Pod, the tables are turned, as regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome Dune Pod editor Megan Heyward and editaudio CEO Steph Colbourn. We talk about the 1992 feminist (and lesbian?!) baseball classic starring Geena Davis, Tom Hanks, Madonna, and Rosie O’Donnel, A League of Their Own!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In a very special New Year’s Eve edition of Dune Pod, regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome back Fangoria editor/writer and Dune Pod European 80s Correspondent, Meredith Borders. We tackle another movie from Meredith’s wheelhouse, the Val Kilmer nerd hero classic, Real Genius!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In a very special Christmas Eve installment of Dune Pod, regular hosts Haitch and Jason celebrate the triumphant return of the showrunner of House of the Dragon, Ryan Condal! We complete this phase of our James Cameron/Michael Biehn journey with one of the greatest science fiction action movies of all time, Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting under President Barack Obama, the author of After the Fall: Being American in the World We've Made, and co-host of Pod Save the World with Tommy Vietor, Ben Rhodes! We discuss geopolitics and the challenges of the post-Cold War environment, and then the Robert Redford 1970s paranoia spy thriller classic, Three Days of the Condor.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome poker legend and host of the Sessions podcast and the Hustler Casino Stream, DGAF Poker Player! We discuss his podcast, poker strategies, the LA poker scene, and the greatest poker movie ever made, starring Matt Damon, Gretchen Mol, Edward Norton, John Turturro, and John Malkovich: Rounders.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: where we talk to our friends about the movies we love.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular host Jason is out sick, so Haitch is joined by the co-host of The Cinenauts podcast and Dune Pod graphic designer, Ctcher (at least until his internet gives out). Plus we’re joined by Dune Pod transcriptionist and the co-host and producer of The Film Hags podcast, Sophie Shin! We cover Timothee Chalamet’s new release, re-teaming with Call Me By Your Name’s director Luca Guadagnino for the dark cannibal road movie, Bones and All, in theaters now!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason celebrate the triumphant return of the co-host of The Cinenauts Podcast, Ian de Borja.We tackle the ultimate A24 horror gem starring a young Florence Pugh in her star making performance, in Ari Aster’s Midsommar. Streaming now on Showtime and Kanopy.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason celebrate the triumphant return of the host of Recode Media, Peter Kafka.We tackle the incredible Steven Soderberg noir film based on the Elmore Leonard novel starring George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez, Out of Sight!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the host of the Austin Danger Podcast, Kev. We finally cover Dune Part Two’s Austin Butler, in his star making performance in Baz Lurhmann’s latest musical mega-spectacle, Elvis!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by technology and product thought leader, Tom Coates. We cover Haitch’s transformation at the Hoffman Process, go deep (deeep!) on the frustratingly conflicted conclusion of Elon’s War of Aggression, now that he lost and was forced to buy (and subsequently ruin) Twitter, and it’s broader implications on society. And then we cover the Star Trek spoof that became a classic and offers the anti-cynicism protection we need to face a challenging world, Galaxy Quest!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome back the co-host of the hit new podcast Twin Vipers, and guest on our Krull and Highlander episodes, Jonesy Loves Beer. We cover John Carpenter and Kurt Russel’s American martial arts action masterpiece, Big Trouble in Little China, streaming now on Hulu.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome back legendary tech thought leader and investor M.G. Siegler! M.G. started his Dune Pod run with Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, so we go back to where it all began, 2000’s Memento, streaming now on HBO Max.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason discuss THE NEW DUNE MOVIE. This SPOILER FILLED deep dive into the nitty gritty details of this towering achievement of cinema is one you won’t want to miss. We also have the latest breaking numbers on Dune’s opening weekend box-office performance.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was produced and edited by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome back the co-host of the X-Ray Vision Podcast, Rosie Knight! We cover Tom Cruise, Tim Curry, and Ridley Scott’s seriously gorgeous and very horny fantasy classic Legend!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason celebrate the heroic return of the director of HBO’s House of the Dragon, Jeff Bridges’ The Old Man, and the Sci-Fi Miniseries Children of Dune, Greg Yaitanes! We dive deep into all 3 of these amazing projects spanning Greg’s illustrious career.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the New York Times culture writer and author of Mad As Hell: The Making of Network and the Fateful Vision of the Angriest Man in Television, Dave Itzkoff. We cover one of the most powerful and prescient exposes of media and corporate control, Paddy Chayefsky’s 1976’s classic, Network.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by President Obama's chief speechwriter, and the author of Grace: President Obama and Ten Days in the Battle for America and DC comics super fanboy, Cody Keenan.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome back the showrunner of HBO Max’s super hit, House of the Dragon, co-host of the hit podcast, The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, and owner of Conan’s Atlantean sword, Ryan Condal! He’s back for part THREE of the Condal Dune Pod Michael Biehn Journey, this time for the greatest time travel action movie of all time, Arnold and James Cameron’s The Terminator. Streaming now on Prime Video.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome back comicbook and podcast artist, MikeyP. We descend into John Milius’ right wing fever dreams, with 1984’s cold war classic starring Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey, Charlie Sheen, and C Thomas Howell, Red Dawn!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome back the co-host of the Film Hags podcast and Dune Pod's transcript artiste, Sophie Shin. We cover the drug and dancing fueled wild ride, featuring Dune Part 2’s Souheila Yacoub in her starmaking performance in Gaspar Noe’s Climax!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was so insane it had to be edited by both Maria Passingham and Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
We are back from Summer Vacation, and regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the Founder and CEO of Warhorn, Brian Moseley. We finally cover the essential fantasy touchstone that changed Haitch’s life, the greatest fantasy film of the 20th century, Conan the Barbarian!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was so insane it had to be edited by both Maria Passingham and Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
We are back from Summer Vacation, and regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the host of the Recode Media podcast, Peter Kafka. We cover Sean Connery’s 1983 sci-fi/western classic Outland!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was so insane it had to be edited by both Maria Passingham and Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In Part 2 of our Summer Vacation Spectacular on Dune Pod, regular hosts Haitch and Jason finally discuss the Emperor Shaddam IV himself, Christopher Walken, for his official Dune Pod debut, as we discuss David Cronenberg’s classic, The Dead Zone!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was so insane it had to be edited by both Maria Passingham and Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the CEO of TrueFire Studios Owen Grover! We cover a wheelhouse entry in the GenXDadPodSciFi canon starring Dennis Quaid and Lou Gosset Jr., 1985’s Enemy Mine.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was so insane it had to be edited by both Maria Passingham and Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined our own prodigal son, the og spiritual advisor and Movie Insider, Protolexus! We travel to 1995 once again, and tackle Keanu’s attempt at William Gibson’s sci-fi classic Johnny Mnemonic!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was so insane it had to be edited by both Maria Passingham and Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by UK wrestling announcer legend and noted TAPEDECK voice actor, Neil Bradbury! We cover Roger Deakin’s second foray into animated features, 2011’s ILM Animation debut, Gore Verbinski’s slept on classic, Rango.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was so insane it had to be edited by both Maria Passingham and Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
ON THE 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY(!) of one of the greatest days in Dune Pod history, join us for this special re-presentation of one of our greatest episodes: that time Danny Haas joined us for the Dune IMAX Sneak Preview Event! We were hype with 4 months to go before we could finally see the movie, but got to see the first 10 minutes and lost our shit. Also Jason was generally out of his mind upon his first return to the theater in 2 years, and Haitch organized the line and befriends(?) staff and attendees alike. Check it out!
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by co-host of the 70mm podcast, and famous artist Danny Haas. We’ve seen the first 10 minutes of Dune, another pivotal scene from the film, and behind the scenes interviews with Denis, Hans, and the whole cast of the film. We also had the opportunity to make some new friends at the San Francisco screening, and include some in line interviews with fellow dune heads. It was a great day.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by co-host of the Ammonite Movie Night and Austin Danger Podcast, and the star of Dune Pod’s own letter’s segment Kev’s Questions, Kev. We cover Richard Kelly’s absolutely perfect(?) follow up to Donnie Darko, featuring the Rock, Stiffler, Justin Timberlake, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Cheri Oteri! Southland Tales.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was so insane it had to be edited by both Maria Passingham and Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are co-host of the Austin Danger Podcast, and star of our Mulholland Drive and Bound episodes, Mckenzie Wilkes. We cover her dream movie featuring a rougher around the edges Kyle Maclaughlin, Paul Verhoven’s Showgirls (available now on Tubi and Kanopy).
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason cover Michael Mann’s 1995 heist genre masterpiece that changed the game forever, and featured the very first on-screen matchup of Hollywood’s biggest actors: Robert Deinro and Al Pacino, Heat!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the very first installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host of the hit podcast 70mm, Protolexus. We kickoff this journey with Part One of our discussion of Frank Herbert’s seminal work of fiction, Dune! Plus, in this Episode 1 SPECIAL EDITION, Haitch and Jason look back on the first 2 years of the podcast. So buckle up and join us for the ride!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the 100th installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host of the 70mm podcast, Danny Haas. We cover the classic Disney sci-fi film, The Black Hole, streaming now on Disney+!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host of the Paperkeg and Interview with a Podcast Vampire podcasts, Jonesy Loves Beer. We cover the beloved classic starring Clancy Brown, Christopher Lambert, and Sean Connery, Highlander, streaming now on HBO Max!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by co-host of the X-Ray Vision podcast, comics writer and journalist, Rosie Knight. We cover one of the most classic science fiction films of the 1970s, Logan’s Run!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by digital branding genius to Nike, Adidas, IDEO & more, Katie Dreke. We cover one of the biggest sci-fi classics of the 90s, that was at least partially inspired by Jodorowsky & Moebius’ The Incal, The Fifth Element!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the Chief Technology Officer of the DNC, Nell Thomas. We cover Jason’s favorite San Francisco startup movie, starring Sydney Poitier, River Phoenix, and Robert Redford, Sneakers!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host of the hit podcasts Paperkeg and Bat and Spider, dale_a. We cover Kyle MacLachlan’s other cult classic sci-fi movie from the 80s, The Hidden!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a product
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the director of the SciFi Miniseries Children of Dune and HBO’s upcoming Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon, Greg Yaitanes. We’re going back to the Coen Brothers sophomore movie, their 1987 comedy classic, Raising Arizona!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by 5 time superstar return guest, writer and editor of Fangoria Magazine, Meredith Borders. We discuss Stephen Spielberg’s classic horror film that haunted Jason’s childhood, Poltergeist.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the showrunner of HBO’s Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon, and co-host of the movie prop podcast, The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, Ryan Condal. We discuss the most epic modern western starring Kurt Russell, Bill Paxton, Sam Eliot, Michael Biehn, and Val Kilmer, Tombstone!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio an
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the Dune Scholar herself, Kara Kennedy. We discuss her new book, Women’s Agency in the Dune Universe: Tracing Women’s Liberation through Science Fiction.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by Emmy winning producer/director Rob Schroeder and the writer of their new movie Ultrasound, Conor Stechschulte. We cover Roger Deakins and Sam Mendes’ one shot wonder, their World War I masterpiece, 1917.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the author of the NY Times Bestseller that is the inspiration for the hit new Showtime tv show Super Pumped, Mike Isaac. We talk Alex Proyas’ haunting and stylish noir fantasy thriller, Dark City.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by co-host of the PaperKeg and Interview with a Podcast Vampire podcasts, Jonesy Loves Beer. We talk about 1983’s thoughtful exploration of the hero’s journey archetype, Krull.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the host of the hit podcast The Moment, alongside his partner David Levien, co-writer/ executive producer of Showtime’s Billions, Super Pumped, and co-writer of the classic film, Rounders, Brian Koppelman. We talk about one of the best written and acted films of all time, David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by Industrial Light and Magic VFx editor, Lorelei David. We finally tackle that classic staple from my childhood, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the host of the Recode Media podcast, Peter Kafka. We worship at the altar of Tilda, with her oscar winning performance opposite George Clooney in 2007’s powerhouse, Michael Clayton.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by artist and business man, MikeyP. On this episode, we complete our double header covering Quentin Tarantino’s ultimate American revenge genre classic, Kill Bill: Vol. 2.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by artist and business man, MikeyP. On this episode, we kick off part one of our double header covering the ultimate American revenge genre classic, Kill Bill: Vol. 1.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host of two new hit podcasts, On Lynch and The Austin Danger Podcast, Mckenzie Wilkes. On this episode, we cover the stunning 1996 feature film debut from the Wachowski’s: Bound, streaming now on Pluto and available for rent on all major platforms.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by by our spiritual advisor and the co-host of the hit podcast 70mm, Protolexus. On this episode, we cover Terrence Malick’s World War II masterpiece, featuring a score by a young Hans Zimmer, The Thin Red Line.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the host/producer of the hit podcasts 70mm and The Letterboxd Show, Slim. We cover the ultimate sci-fi war movie, Paul Verhoven’s Starship Troopers.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Megan Hayward of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In this special episode of ON DECK from TAPEDECK Podcasts, regular Dune Pod hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host of the Cinenauts podcast and Dune Pod’s graphic designer, Ctcher, and by the co-host and producer of Film Hags, Sophie Shin. We talk one of the greatest TV shows ever made, STATION ELEVEN.
ON DECK is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn, part of a network of podcasts, including Dune Pod (your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies), 70mm (a podcast for film lovers), Bat & Spider (low rent horror and exploitation films), The Letterboxd Show (Official Podcast from Letterboxd), Cinenauts (exploring the Criterion Collection), Lost Light (Transformers comics and movies), Will Run For (obsessing about running), and Film Hags (a podcast about movies hosted by three hag friends). Checkout all of these podcasts at tapedeckpods.com!
Cover art by Ctcher
The episode was edited and produced by Sophie Shin
In the latest installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by one of the writers for Netflix' The Crown and HBO Max' House of Dragons, David Hancock. We talk one of the greatest comedies of all time, Ghostbusters.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In THE SEASON 5 PREMIERE of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the host of The Cinenauts Podcast, Ian de Borja. We cover Timothee Chalamet’s other Fall 2021 instant classic film, Wes Anderson’s The French Dispatch
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In a very special Bonus Holiday installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by return super guest, Meredith Borders. In part of our 2 part double header, we’re back in our 80’s Movie Magic Wheelhouse, with the movie that changed film forever, Tron!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In a very special Holiday installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason look back on an amazing year, make some predictions about 2022, and cover the definitive Christmas movie: Die Hard! Plus in a Christmas miracle, we got to interview Dune’s Stilgar himself, Javier Bardem!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the Founder of Warhorn, Brian Moseley, and Dune Pod graphic designer, Ctcher. We cover the Wachowski’s adaptation of David Mitchell’s masterpiece of narrative fiction, Cloud Atlas.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the host of the Recode Media podcast, Peter Kafka. We talk one of the most epic movies ever made, David Lean’s 1962 masterpiece, Lawrence of Arabia.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the CEO of Devenu Collaborations, Kristen Cordle. We cover Carl Sagan, Robert Zemekis, Jodie Foster, and Matthew McConaughey’s 1997 classic Contact.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by Sr. Director of Product at Twitter, Sara Beykpour. We cover Alfonso Cuaron's prescient, 2006 sci-fi masterpiece, Children of Men.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by by legendary tech journalist and investor, MG Siegler. We cover the most revered hard science fiction film of all time: Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by Ryan Condal, showrunner of HBO Max’s Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon. We cover the greatest sci-fi action movie of all time: Aliens.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was produced and edited by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the director of SyFy's Children of Dune miniseries and HBO Max' upcoming Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon, Greg Yaitanes. Greg shares amazing behind the scenes stories of both shows and we talk Terry Gilliam’s time travel paranoia classic, 12 Monkeys.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was produced and edited by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome the Production Designer of Denis’ films: Enemy, Prisoners, Sicario, Arrival, and Dune, Patrice Vermette! We go deep into the behind the scenes of making Dune, how great design supports the story, and what it’s like working with Denis.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was produced and edited by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason discuss THE NEW DUNE MOVIE. This SPOILER FILLED deep dive into the nitty gritty details of this towering achievement of cinema is one you won’t want to miss. We also have the latest breaking numbers on Dune’s opening weekend box-office performance.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was produced and edited by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason welcome Emmy winning producer/director Rob Schroeder and the writer of their new movie Ultrasound, Conor Stechschulte. We consider frequent Denis collaborator Jake Gyllenhaal in the movie that launched his career, 2001’s emo high school time travel CLASSIC, Donnie Darko.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason interview Denis Villeneuve himself, on the Mill Valley Film Festival Red Carpet. Hear Denis’ deep insights into the new movie as well as our SPOILER FREE reactions to seeing the film. Do not miss this episode!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by visual effects legend from Industrial Light and Magic, Lorelei David. On this episode, we conclude our John Carpenter Triple Feature, as his collaboration with Kurt Russell reaches its apex, with their 1982 horror paranoia masterpiece, The Thing.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the creator of Netflix’ The End of the F#%@ing World and I Am Not OK with This and co-host of hit podcast Bat & Spider, Chuck Forsman, and by co-host of the Cinenauts podcast and Dune Pod graphic artist, Ctcher. On this episode, we continue our John Carpenter Triple Feature, with his 1981 classic dystopian sci-fi action movie that catapulted Kurt Russell’s career, Escape from New York.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by host/producer of the hit podcasts 70mm and The Letterboxd Show, Slim. On this episode, we kick off our John Carpenter triple header with his 1987 slept upon science vs. religion vs. demons thriller, Prince of Darkness.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by host/producer of the hit podcast Cinenauts, Ian de Borja as well as special surprise guest and host/producer of the amazing podcast Film Hags, Sophie Shin. On this episode, Ian and Sophie give us a spoiler free review of having seen Dune (2021) and interviewing Denis!! Plus we talk the bonkers sci-fi action film, Face/Off!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films featuring its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by spiritual advisor, Protolexus. On this episode we complete our journey, with the final book in Herbert’s septology, Chapterhouse Dune. We reflect on the entire journey, wrestle with the series highpoints and shortcomings, and give our definitive rankings for each book. Surprises abound!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get ready for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films of its cast and crew. Dune neophytes and hardcores alike are welcome.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the creator of the hit new podcast On Lynch, McKenzie Wilkes. On this episode we go deep into David’s Lynch’s 2001 dark masterpiece, Mulholland Drive. We cover the power of art to transform you, wrestling with the male gaze, and learning to be OK with not knowing what the hell is going on in this movie (or this life?)
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-founder of Twitter, Biz Stone. We jump straight into the belly of the whale, with Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. We go deep on our love for Star Trek (sorry not sorry), and cover the deep ecological themes of the film, including the excesses of the boomers.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by by the co-founder and CTO of Slack, Cal Henderson. We complete our Ridley Scott doubleheader, with his 1982 masterpiece, the greatest science fiction film of all time? Question mark? Blade Runner. We cover the power of production design, debate whether Deckard is a replicant (again), and make the biggest announcement in show history!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the producer of the outstanding documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune, Stephen Scarlata. We kickoff our Ridley Scott doubleheader, with his 1979 sci-fi masterpiece, Alien. Stephen breaks down how this film was directly born from the ashes of Jodorowsky’s Dune and we continue to worship its magnificence.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the CEO of Glitch, and noted Prince historian, Anil Dash. We discuss the movie that changed geek culture forever, Tim Burton’s Batman (1989). Anil gives us a DETAILED history of Prince’s career and the groundbreaking legacy of his Batman soundtrack, and we relive powerful moments from our youth.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by housing activist and commuter train enthusiast, Ed Parillon. We discuss Jake Gylenhaal and Duncan Jones’ mind bending time travel thriller, Source Code. We cover complex storytelling, fun coup stories, and completely disagree about what happened in this movie.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by musician, producer, and DJ to the stars Daisy O’Dell. We discuss Jim Henson, George Lucas, Jennifer Conolly, and David Bowie’s 1986 fantasy masterpiece, Labyrinth. We cover the importance of representation, give a primer on Bowie’s career, and Daisy breaks down how this film affected a generation of young women in the 80s.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by co-host of the 70mm podcast, and famous artist Danny Haas. We’ve seen the first 10 minutes of Dune, another pivotal scene from the film, and behind the scenes interviews with Denis, Hans, and the whole cast of the film. We also had the opportunity to make some new friends at the San Francisco screening, and include some in line interviews with fellow dune heads. It was a great day.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by podcasting legend and host of Sword & Laser, Veronica Belmont. We discuss Terry Gilliam’s 1981 classic sci-fi/fantasy film, Time Bandits. We cover the struggle between seemingly all powerful beings, try to figure out what Gilliam’s problem is with wrapped plastic, and Veronica sings! Twice.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by comicbook writer and artist, MikeyP. We discuss the amazing behind the scenes story of making this film, exceptional achievements in accent work, and just how much we ache over losing Robin Williams.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by 3 time superstar return guest and Managing Editor of Fangoria Magazine, Meredith Borders. We discuss Matthew Broderick’s star making performance in the hacker, Cold War thriller, WarGames. We cover the secret, hacker history of the making of WarGames, the relevance of game theory, and how much we still love Ally Sheedy.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by Dune Pod graphic designer and co-host the Cinenauts podcast, Ctcher. We discuss Denis Villeneuve’s Oscar nominated, breakout final Canadian feature film, Incendies. We cover the stark beauty Denis captured in the Jordanian desert, the dangers of war and sectarian violence, and how to properly respond to a potential bear attack.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by spiritual advisor, Protolexus. We discuss the penultimate book in the series, Heretics of Dune. We cover profit as a motive for creating art, a return to actual worldbuilding in the series, and what the actual fuck was going on with including literal Sex Duels in this book.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host, producer, and editor of the 70mm Podcast, Slim. We discuss Paul Thomas Anderson’s bizarre paranoia noir, Inherent Vice, starring Dune (2021)’s Josh Brolin. We cover the importance of good hygeine, how the current era has us on edge, and debate appropriate drug use.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by co-host of the 70mm Podcast SLASH famous artist, Danny Haas. We discuss the other seminal, ecological sci-fi masterpiece, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. We cover the power of art, the interconnectedness of nature, and how the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by cartoonist and co-host of the Film Hags podcast, Melissa Mendes. We discuss the 1990 dark comedy starring Keanu, River Phoenix, Kevin Kline, Tracy Ullman, and William Hurt, I Love You to Death. We cover monogamy in long term relationships, the appeal of true crime, and the enduring legacy of religion in our lives.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the crew of the Lost Light podcast, Jim Lind and Caleb VanDeren. We discuss the 1986 classic animated sci-fi film, The Transformers: The Movie (1986). We cover the importance of succession planning, debate hair metal, and wrestle with mortality following the traumatic deaths of our beloved icons.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by visual effects superstars from Industrial Light & Magic: Todd Vaziri and Lorelei David. We discuss the 2014 science fiction/time travel banger starring Emily Blunt and Tom Cruise, Edge of Tomorrow. We cover the time travel sci-fi masterpiece Edge of Tomorrow, including out of control marketing departments, complex interconnected storytelling, and why everyone is wrong about CG.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by Steph Colbourn and Sophie Shin, from the podcast production studio, editaudio. We discuss David Lynch’s direct follow-up to Dune, his 1986 surreal thriller starring Paul Atreides himself, Kyle MacLachlan, Blue Velvet. We cover the seedy underbelly of Americana, the ways standards have changed since 1986, and how this film inspired the generation of directors that came after it.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the Founder and CEO of the online game organizing platform Warhorn, Brian Moseley. We cover Gurney Halleck himself, Sir Patrick Stewart’s very first movie, 1981’s epic sword and sorcery film, Excalibur. Topics include the power of a score to make a movie, the dangers of casting your own children as actors in your movie, and we recite the Charm of Making.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by Internet thought leader and General Partner at Google Ventures, M.G. Siegler. We tackle Paul Muad’dib himself, Timothee Chalamet’s very first film, Christopher Nolan’s 2014 epic, Interstellar. We discuss the dangers and responsibilities of being a parent, Jason gives a 4 part symposium on the Physics of Interstellar, and we consider just how alike Chris Nolan and Denis Villeneuve truly are.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by 2021 podcast rookie sensation and co-host of the Cinenauts Pod, Boom. We discuss our kween, Zendaya, and her sensational performance in the black and white 2 person drama, Malcolm & Marie. We discuss unreliable narrators, aggressive food eating acting, and the dangers of filmmakers tussling with critics.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by Product Manager and investor, Merci Grace. We discuss Dune 2021’s Gurney Halleck himself: Josh Brolin, in the Coen Brothers and Roger Deakins’ 2010 western masterpiece, True Grit. We cover complicated Civil War era dynamics, the power of being able to admit you’re wrong, and the dangers of frontier era dentistry.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by legendary tech investor and Shark Tank host, Chris Sacca. We discuss the #1 cult film of all time: The Big Lebowski, shot by our man, Roger Deakins. Topics include the amazing community that has sprung up around the film, its limitless rewatchability, and all the behind the scenes secret insights.
Read our full episode transcript!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by digital set designer, Tim Croshaw. We discuss the *definitive* big budget serious sci-fi masterpiece from 2020: no, not Denis’ Dune, Nolan’s TENET. We cover international film finance, how much it costs to rent a 300’ yacht, and try to sort out the grandfather paradox.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the podcast godfather himself, Jonesy Loves Beer. We discuss Stilgar himself from Dune 2021, Javier Bardem, in Skyfall. We cover the deeper meanings of James Bond’s journey, debate which 007 theme song is the best, and as always, lay in adoration at the feet of DA GAWD Roger Deakins.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the hosts of the amazing low rent horror podcast Bat & Spider: Charles Forsman and Dale_A. We discuss David Lynch’s 1997 surreal nightmare, Lost Highway. Topics include how this soundtrack changed our lives, how to spot a psychotic fugue state, and accept David Lynch’s blessing that a movie can mean whatever we want it to.
Also, we’re thrilled to announce that our final total raised by our Texas Foodbank Fundraising Charity Drive was $16,028! The main link for contributions remains open if you still want to contribute. Details below.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by return guest and VP of Viewer Experience at Twitch, Tom Verrilli. We discuss our first film featuring the Baron Harkonnen himself, Stellan Skarsgard, 1998s heist thriller, Ronin. We discuss the value of maintaining one’s personal honor, get surprisingly in depth on german sports sedan configurations, and finally figure out what color the boathouse at Hereford really is.
Also, we’re thrilled to announce that our final total raised by our Texas Foodbank Fundraising Charity Drive was $16,028! The main link for contributions remains open if you still want to contribute. Details below.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by return guest and Managing Editor of Fangoria Magazine, Meredith Borders. We discuss the 1985 classic fantasy romance film, Ladyhawke! Topics include the complexity of animal mating rituals, esoteric details of historical weaponry, and the dangers lurking in the Dark Web.
We're also provide an update on the Dune Pod Charity Fundraiser for Texas Foodbanks in light of the recent severe storms. We are matching contributions up to $5,000 to do our part to help out and we hope you’ll join us. Details below.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by Emmy Award winning producer and director, Rob Schroeder. We discuss the breakout role for Dune’s Duke Leto himself, Oscar Isaac, in the 2013 Coen Brothers masterpiece, Inside Llewyn Davis. We discuss the dangers of demanding artistic purity, great achievements in music, and marvel at the majesty of John Goodman.
We're also launching the Dune Pod Charity Fundraiser for Texas Foodbanks in light of the recent severe storms. We’ll be matching contributions up to $5,000 to do our part to help out and we hope you’ll join us. Details below.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by noted poet and spiritual advisor, Protolexus. We discuss the fourth book in Frank Herbert’s hexology, God Emperor of Dune. We cover the dangers of literary excess, the challenge of separating art from artist, and whether love really is the most powerful force in the universe.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by return guest and host of the hot new podcast Cinenauts, Ctcher. We cover Denis Venilleuve’s first feature film, Polytechnique. This powerful drama about a 1989 school shooting, led us to have a very real conversation about the dangers of isolation and delusion, the barriers to economic and gender equality, but hopefully to still have a few laughs along the way.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by return guest and host of the 70mm podcast, Slim. We cover Timothée Chalamet’s perfect warmup for his performance in Dune, 2019’s The King. We discuss the ups and downs of home theater configuration, historical facts vs fiction, and whether the movie Heat is wildly over-rated?
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by return guest and founder-engineer, Sara Chipps. We cover Zendaya & Rebecca Ferguson’s 2017 musical powerhouse movie, The Greatest Showman! We discuss the struggle for equality, humane treatment of humans and elephants, and have a quick sidebar on Zendaya’s incredible HBO Series, Euphoria.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by return guest and Senior Director of Product Management at Twitter, Sara Beykpour. We cover the dangers of translating majestic works of fiction, the highs and lows of achievements in costuming, and how we’ve adjusted to living the same day over again every day.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film.
In our Season 2 Finale, regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by internet publishing pioneer and author of two Frank Herbert Biographies, Tim O’Reilly. We cover the deeper meaning of Frank’s works, coming of age during the human potential movement, and what Frank was like at home.
Notes and Links
Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Follow @dunepod on Twitter and InstagramMusic by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we discuss an early role for Duke Leto himself, Oscar Isaac, the 2011 crime thriller, Drive. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the Chief Technology Officer of Slack, Cal Henderson. We cover how sympathetic villains can be, just how hunky Ryan Gosling is, and the dangers of listening to REO Speedwagon while under the influence.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we welcome back Timothee Chalamet, for his first pairing with Saoirse Ronan in Greta Gerwig’s 2017 masterpiece, Lady Bird. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the host of the hit new podcast Cinenauts, Ctcher. We cover the power of an auteur director’s singular vision, the challenges of family dynamics, and take a trip down memory lane to revisit our high school theater experiences.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we discuss Denis Villeneuve’s 2013 dark thriller, Prisoners, starring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by Emmy winning producer and director, Rob Schroeder. We cover how we feel as fathers responsible for the safety of our kids, the secret behind the scenes details of Roger Deakins' cinematography, and the sorry state of our home improvement skills.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we discuss the Lady Jessica herself, Rebecca Ferguson as she joins Tom Cruise for 2018’s Mission Impossible: Fallout. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by Industrial Light and Magic Visual Effects Editor, Lorelei David. We cover how much we miss traveling, dissect special effects techniques, and try to figure out just what the hell Tom Cruise is up to anyway.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we discuss the 1974 science fiction mind-bomb: Zardoz. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason New York Times reporter and bestselling author, Mike Isaac. We cover the implications of counter-counterculture in the mid-1970s, the unintended consequences of immortality, and the dangers of wearing a mankini.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we complete our discussion of the 3rd book in Herbert’s hexology, Children of Dune. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by noted poet and spiritual advisor, Protolexus. We cover describing strange drug trips, the orderly transference of power, and which movie from Ridley Scott’s Alien hexology is truly the best.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we discuss the 3rd book in Herbert’s hexology, Children of Dune. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by noted poet and spiritual advisor, Protolexus. We cover the dangers of living inside our own information bubbles, challenging family reunion dynamics, and LASER TIGERS.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we discuss Dune (2020) Cinematographer Greig Fraser’s previous sci-fi visual masterpiece, Rogue One. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by co-host of the 70mm podcast and famous Star Wars artist, Danny Haas. We consider the meaning of sacrifice, how reshoots can sometimes change a movie for the better, and why the Empire has so damn many OSHA compliance issues.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we discuss Denis Villeneuve’s 2013 surreal Jake Gyllenhaal thriller, Enemy. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by co-host of the 70mm podcast, Slim. We discuss ambiguity in film storytelling, the deeper meaning of the Jungian model of the psyche, and declare that we are not here to f#@k spiders.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In this special breaking episode, we react to the first official Dune Trailer! Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are on their own. We break down all the details of the trailer and discuss whether Stephen Colbert is the best of us, how amazing the cast looks, and the perils of using popular music in trailers.
If you’re enjoying the show, we need your help. Be cool like listener Knoble1234, and leave us a 5 star rating and a review wherever you listen to your podcasts, as it really helps new listeners find the show. Enjoy!
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we study the breakout performance by Chani herself, Zendaya in her Emmy nominated role on HBO’s brilliant but heart wrenching series: Euphoria. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by engineer and podcast host Sara Ownbey Chipps. We discuss how much high school has changed (spoilers: A LOT), just what drugs the kids are taking these days, and try to figure out who we’re supposed to be relating to anyway.
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our latest episode, we discuss Timothee Chalamet’s performance in Greta Gerwig’s definitive period film, Little Women. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by film critic extraordinaire Ctcher. We explore artistic ambition vs. responsibility, what exactly constitutes genteel poverty, and whether Beth had it coming all along.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our Season 2 premiere, we discuss the current definitive film version (for a few more months?), David Lynch’s Dune. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the Managing Editor of legendary horror magazine Fangoria Meredith Borders. We explore the risks of tackling impossible projects, how much exposition is too much exposition, and the strategic value of war pugs.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at +1-415-534-5211.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our Season 1 Finale(!) we discuss 2013’s inspirational and magical documentary, Jodorowsky’s Dune. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the creator and producer of this masterpiece: Stephen Scarlata. We explore how much madness is too much madness, the path of the spiritual warrior, and why it’s important to say YES in life.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our 10th episode, we discuss director Denis Villeneuve’s beautiful and heartbreaking 2015 film, Sicario. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by VP of Viewer Experience at Twitch: Tom Verrilli. We explore what happens when you are consumed by the hunt for revenge, whether any of us would hold up on the front lines of battle, and why so many great authors seem unable to finish their master works.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our 9th episode, we complete our discussion of the 2nd book in Herbert’s hexalogy: Dune Messiah. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by promising Messiah candidate himself: Protolexus. We explore the tragic fall of Paul Atreides, whether humanity is doomed to repeat our history forever, and document which of us has actually finished reading Infinite Jest.
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our 8th episode, we discuss the 2nd book in Herbert’s hexalogy: Dune Messiah. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason celebrate the triumphant return to the pod of noted poet and spiritualist, Protolexus, as we explore why bad things happen to good people, what happens when our reach exceeds our grasp, and why no one should ever use the word rutting. Ever. Enjoy!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our seventh episode, we focus on Dune (2020)'s own Duke Leto Atreides: Oscar Isaac, in his breakout role in Alex Garland’s 2014 sci-fi banger, Ex Machina. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by prodigious software engineer and product manager, Sara Beykpour, as they explore: what makes someone truly conscious, the value of a great dance scene, and the responsibility of technologists to do more than just pay lip service to the ethical obligations of their creations. Enjoy!
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our sixth episode, we focus on Dune (2020)'s Josh Brolin and Javier Bardem (in his Oscar winning performance), starring in The Coen Brothers' 2007 neo-western noir masterpiece, No Country for Old Men. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by the host of IMDb's podcast Movies That Changed My Life, Ian de Borja, as they explore: whether fate or chaos determine our paths, the natural beauty of the world, and the fight to keep the flame alive against the forces of darkness. Enjoy!
Dune Pod: your one stop shop for all things Dune. Each week, we break down Herbert's books, the movies, the mini-series, the games, the comics. We will get you fully prepared for Dune 2020 by delving into the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help other discover it, and let us know what you think at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
* music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
** cover art by @ctcher
In our fifth episode, we see Dune (2020)'s Paul Atreides himself, Timothee Chalamet, shine in his first Oscar nominated performance, 2017's Call Me By Your Name. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by film critic and artist Ctcher , as they explore: the highs and lows of opening yourself to love, alternative parenting paradigms, and whatever happened to braided leather belts. Enjoy!
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our fourth episode, we continue our look at why Denis Villeneuve is the perfect choice to direct Dune (2020) by studying his very first science fiction outing: 2016's Arrival. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by podcasting legend Veronica Belmont, as they explore: free will vs. predestination, wise regal whales, and Fermat's principle of least time. Enjoy!
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our third episode, we discuss why Denis Villeneuve is the perfect choice to direct Dune (2020) by studying his most recent sci-fi masterpiece: Blade Runner 2049. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason are joined by film critic and artist Ctcher, as they explore: jaw dropping visuals, the importance grounding science fiction in reality, and the unanswerable questions of life. Enjoy!
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In our second episode, we complete our discussion of Frank Herbert's seminal, 1965 novel Dune. Regular hosts Haitch and Jason complete Part Two our discussion of Frank Herbert’s seminal science fiction masterpiece, Dune. We explore the dangers of following heroes, the complex religious themes in Dune, and which Matrix movie is TRULY the best. Enjoy and let us know what you think at [email protected].
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to get fully prepared for the new Dune movie by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film. Dune neophytes and historians alike are welcome to join our tribe. Rate and review the podcast to help others discover it, and let us know what you think of the show at [email protected].
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by @ctcher
In the very first installment of Dune Pod, Haitch and Jason are joined by the co-host of the hit podcast 70mm, Protolexus. We kickoff this journey with Part One of our discussion of Frank Herbert’s seminal work of fiction, Dune! Plus, in this Episode 1 SPECIAL EDITION, Haitch and Jason look back on the first 2 years of the podcast. So buckle up and join us for the ride!
Notes and Links
Dune Pod: your one stop shop to enjoy the new Dune movies by delving into the books, as well as the films directed by Denis Villeneuve and featuring the cast and crew of the new film, as well as just awesome movies that we think you’ll enjoy.
Follow @dunepod on Twitter and Instagram
Music by Tobey Forsman of Whipsong Music
Cover art by Haitch
Transcripts by Sophie Shin
The episode was edited by Maria Passingham of EditAudio and produced by Haitch
Dune Pod is a TAPEDECK Podcasts Jawn
Dune Pod is a production of Haitch Industries
Welcome to Escape Hatch, your portal into cinematic pocket universes. Each week, co-hosts Haitch and Jason discuss one of our favorite movies, what it means to us, and its place in cinema and culture. We're both Gen X dads with tech backgrounds from the Bay Area, which means, you guessed it, a lot of the movies we cover are genre films from the 80s, 90s, and beyond.
We started the podcast - originally called Dune Pod - in the early days of the pandemic because we were obsessed with Denis Villeneuve's upcoming Dune movie. But as we began delving into the works of the cast and crew of that film, we quickly started following a constellation of related cast and crew including The Coen Brothers, Greta Gerwig, Roger Deakins, Ridley Scott, Alex Garland, Paul Thomas Anderson, and many more. This means we've covered a wide range of movies including classics like Arrival, Blade Runner, Back to the Future, The Big Lebowski, Heat, Hackers, Highlander, Kill Bill, Ladyhawke, Lady Bird, Drive, Starship Troopers, and No Country for Old Men.
Whether it’s a beloved favorite, or a movie you’ve never heard of, we’ll break it down for you with all the production details, profiles on the cast and crew, and a look at how the project came together. Then we'll revisit our favorite moments and discuss our insights from the film. Every week we're joined by a special guest, whether they're a leading TV showrunner, director, journalist, or our friends, we have lots of laughs revisiting these classics.We're also building a community far from the digital chaos, where you can make friends and be part of the conversation in our discord.
So, what are you waiting for? Just look wherever you get your podcasts, pick your favorite movie from the list, and hit play. We'll be waiting for you.
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