Greetings again my dear friends of Electronic Music,
It's time again for the ESOA podcast, the 45th edition this month.
And one thing right from the start, it's going to be groovier, housier, deeper.
Deep in the sense of classic. A music nerd, a connoisseur, even a friend.
His first buying record was "Westbam's - Celebration Generation". For me, however, he has always been a collector and provider of good old Acid House stories, which is clearly also the reason why I invited him here with an exclusive guest contribution.
Since 2003, you can hear his sets from time to time in various Chemnitz venues like ZV Bunker, Ndorphin or elektronische Unikate on the radio. But he has also made it further beyond the city limits to the Palazzo Venice or the one or other Italian open air. More recently, his appearances at Resonance events have been in strong statement.
He runs his own record press in Brandenburg, collects everything from Mojuba Records and likes to hang out with the Low Spirit family. And that, I think, says it all.
Now let's let his music talking.
Friends this is ESOA Podcast 045 by Marc Levi Mousa
have fun as always
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