Happy Friday, February 12th and happy Lunar New Year! It is the year of the Ox which means... On this day, 112 years ago, the NAACP was founded! We're also celebrating the birthdays of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln who were both born on the exact same day in 1809! And finally, we commemorate the 21st anniversary of the death of singer-songwriter and shock-rock pioneer, Screamin' Jay Hawkins!
| Follow @EveryDaysAHolidayPod on Instagram and message me what special occasions you are celebrating (and on what day) so I can mention it on the show!
| Theme song by AJ Curtin, additional music by VABSounds, Setuniman and Valentin Sosnitskiy via https://freesound.org/
| February is Black History Month, join me in donating to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund at https://www.naacpldf.org/