Happy Friday, February 26th and happy For Pete's Sake Day! Learn what a minced oath is a scream it to the rooftop you biscuit-eating bulldogs! On this day, 112 years ago, the first Kinemacolor motion picture was shown to the general public at the Palace Theatre in London! But MORE IMPORTANTLY, on this day, 152 years ago, the United States Congress passed the 15th amendment, granting black-American men the right to vote. Lastly, today is the 39th birthday of Nate Ruess, the lead singer of the indie pop band fun.
| Contact me on instagram @EveryDaysAHolidayPod or email [email protected] to share what special occasions you are celebrating (and on what day) so I can mention it on the show!
| Theme song by AJ Curtin
| February is Black History Month, join me in donating to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund at https://www.naacpldf.org/
| Check out Michael's instagram and etsy shop @patriotmadeproducts for beautiful custom leatherwork!