Happy Thursday, February 4th and happy National Homemade Soup Day! On this day, 232 years ago, the 1st US electoral college elects George Washington as the 1st US President and John Adams as his Vice-President. Today, we also celebrate Rosa Parks, who was born on this day in 1913 and commemorate the 1810th anniversary of the death of Roman Emperor, Septimus Severus (died Feb 4th, 211AD)
| Follow @EveryDaysAHolidayPod on Instagram and message me what special occasions you are celebrating (and on what day) so I can mention it on the show!
| Theme song by AJ Curtin
| Check out Becky's opera 'Taking Up Serpents' on Saturday, February 27th at https://chicagooperatheater.org/season/serpents