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Every Last Word is a radio and Internet ministry of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Featuring the Bible teaching of Dr. Philip Ryken, Every Last Word teaches the whole Bible to change your whole life.
The podcast Every Last Word is created by Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc.. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Luke 6:37-42
We find it easy to point out the faults of others, but it's often difficult to see anything wrong with ourselves. Other people’s sins always seem much bigger than our own. How do hold others accountable for their actions, while not being hypocrites ourselves? How do we take the speck out of our friend’s eye when we have a log in our own? Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
Luke 6:27-36
Sometimes it’s hard to love the people we like, let alone those we don't! If our friends and family can drive us crazy, how can we expect to love people that we don’t want to be around? But Jesus commands us to love in this seemingly impossible way. How can we follow Jesus Christ’s example of loving our enemies? Find out on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Luke 6:12-26
Most leaders want a stellar group of followers to represent them and do their bidding. Some gather a group of intellectuals, while others surround themselves with people who are wealthy. Still others find followers with social influence. But who is it that Jesus chose as his apostles? Find out on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Luke 6:1-11
Do you feel like your life is always in the fast lane? Are you worn out juggling your job, your family, and your other responsibilities? Do you wish you could help others, but are too burnt out or simply don’t have time? Do you find yourself yearning for a space in life where you can rest? Jesus offers a rhythm of life that provides new joy and rest. Find out about this offer on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Luke 5:27-39
Have you ever warned your kids not to hang out with the wrong crowd? The ones who cheat or do drugs or lack good character? We always advise our kids to choose their friends wisely. But did Jesus himself follow these rules when choosing his disciples and friends? Find out who Jesus hung out with and why on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Luke 5:12-26
Sin makes us like first century lepers: disfigured, unacceptable both to God and other people, and unable to help even ourselves. The leper in Luke was an outcast. He was considered as good as dead by society, but he still ran to Jesus and cried out for healing. How did Jesus respond to him? How does he respond to us when we turn to him for new life? Find out on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Luke 9:23-27
Do you feel comfortable with your life right now? Are all your ducks in a row? Is your life running smoothly and comfortably? Today Dr. Philip Ryken will look at what it means to follow Christ on Every Last Word. The way we live now has huge eternal implications.
Luke 5:1-11
Have you ever been doing something that you love, but then something else came up that was so important, you gladly dropped everything for it? Well Peter found himself in this exact spot when Jesus came along. He was faced with a decision that could change his life forever. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken shares how he responded to the call of the Lord Jesus Christ on Every Last Word.
Luke 4:31-44
Different people exercise their authority in different ways. A general does it by barking out orders and enforcing strict military discipline. The traffic officer does it by blowing his whistle and by handing out citations. The tax collector does it by conducting an audit and assessing penalties. But how is it that the Lord Jesus Christ exercised his authority? Find out on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Luke 4:22-30
Who is Jesus and what does he want with me? We have heard the news of his virgin birth. We have read about his baptism as the beloved Son. We have seen his struggle with Satan and listened to his preaching of the gospel. And in each of these cases, we have been confronted with his claims. Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
Luke 4:14-21
Of all the great sermons that have ever been given since the beginning of time, there is no greater sermon than the one that Jesus preached in his hometown of Nazareth. It was a sermon designed to bring people to saving faith, to give them hope in trouble, and to help them see the glory of the Son of God. Hear about this remarkable message from Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
Luke 4:1-13
Jesus had come to destroy the devil and to liberate people who were enslaved to Satan by sin. Rather than waging a secret war or launching some kind of sneak attack, Jesus took the fight directly to Satan. Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
Luke 3:23-28
We are passing away and shall soon be gone. This is what it means to be human. We are born, we live a short time during which we sin, and then we die. But the good news is that from the very beginning, God promised to send a Savior to a long and fallen line of sinners. Hear the good news on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Luke 3:15-22
It can be tempting to think of the one who baptizes as more spiritual than the one being baptized. We may even be tempted to think of the baptizer as being even greater in value because of his position. But Jesus turned this temptation upside down when He was baptized by John the Baptist. Tune in to Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
Luke 3:1-14
We hear of the importance of preparation everywhere we go. People need to prepare for all kinds of things including exams, interviews, visitors, children, marriage, deadlines, taxes and even death. Now God did not need to prepare the way for Jesus to bring salvation to the world, but he did. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about those preparations on Every Last Word.
Luke 2:39-52
In the early 1970s, the good people at the TOPS chewing gum company produced a series of baseball cards that featured boyhood photos of the stars. Each card featured a black and white photograph of some baseball all-star when he was a young boy. And then in the corner there was a contemporary picture of him for the purpose of comparison. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about the childhood of Jesus on Every Last Word.
Luke 2:21-38
There is no salvation without the cross and the empty tomb. And yet what Simeon said when he saw the baby was really true: “I have seen salvation. I’ve really seen the whole thing…because seeing Jesus is all that anyone needs to be saved.” Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from the book of Luke on Every Last Word.
Luke 2:8-20
Angels came with a message of joyful praise; they revealed the identity of the newborn baby Jesus to the shepherds. The shepherds took the angels by their word and went to see Jesus, resulting in worship and sharing the good news of the coming of the Savior of the world. Dr. Philip Ryken shares the message, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" on Every Last Word.
Luke 2:1-7
One of the great mysteries of the universe is the fact that when God the Son became a man, he spent his first night in a barn. Now why was Jesus born like this? What does the crude and unwelcome poverty of his birth tell us about the way of salvation? Tune in to Every Last Word as Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about Christ's birth in a manger.
Luke 1:56-80
After long months of pregnancy and hard hours of labor, old Elizabeth had her baby, and the whole town came over to celebrate. In a small village, any birth is a public event, but under these circumstances it was especially so. This child was to proclaim the coming of the Messiah and bring about the new covenant. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about the birth of John the Baptist on Every Last Word.
Luke 1:39-55
John the Baptist and Jesus Christ met while their mothers were still carrying them in their wombs. Elizabeth acknowledged the young One in Mary’s womb as Lord, and John leapt in excitement. It was an incredible encounter, a meeting of the two covenants, Old and New. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about this remarkable event on Every Last Word.
Luke 1:26-38
An angel visits a young girl, telling her that she would conceive and bear a son. His name was to mean "God saves," and He was to be Son of the Most High. He would be given the throne of David, His father. Listen to the story of the annunciation on Every Last Word.
Luke 1:5-25
As the early Christians looked back at Jesus’ ministry, they recognized what God had done through Him. They also realized that God’s work had actually been started through John the Baptist. John was the forerunner, the herald, sent ahead to announce the coming of Christ. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about getting ready for Jesus on Every Last Word.
Luke 1:1-4
Doubt. Little by little it gnaws away at the soul. Now to be sure, there are times when Christianity seems to make all the sense in the world—when the mysteries of the faith appear so certain that it would be foolish even to call them into question, and yet there are also times when we have our doubts. Dr. Philip Ryken answers the question, "How can I know for sure?" on Every Last Word.
Exodus 31:1-11
Have you ever looked at a work of modern art and been puzzled as to its message or purpose? So much of the art in the world today seems to be so odd that we find it hard to fit it into our Christian worldview. But the bigger question is what role do the arts play in the church today? What does God say about the arts? And what kind of art glorifies God? Dr. Philip Ryken shares about art for God's sake on Every Last Word.
Exodus 30:11-33
“You belong to me.” Did you know that there are over 50 songs that have been written that include those four simple words? Jazz, pop, country -- artists of all kinds of music have written lyrics about this concept that conveys such strong feelings. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from Exodus 30 about how those feelings didn’t start with us on Every Last Word.
Exodus 30:1-10
Is your prayer life where you want it to be? Do you ever feel like the words you’re trying to lift up to God’s ears just fall to the floor the minute they leave your lips? We all feel like that at times. Dr. Philip Ryken encourages us to approach the sweet altar of prayer on Every Last Word.
Exodus 29:22-46
Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? It’s easy to wonder -- we don’t always feel like our lives are achieving any greatness. Well, there is a purpose...but with all the difficulties and distractions of daily life, it is easy for us to get lost in the details. Hear about our God-given purpose from Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
Exodus 29:1-21
We often describe our Christian communities as a “body of believers” or “God’s church family.” You might call yourself a “believer” or a “follower of Christ.” But do you ever think of yourself as a priest, or as part of a royal priesthood? Dr. Philip Ryken shares a message about the ordination of priests on Every Last Word.
Exodus 28:31-43
Most of us wear our “Sunday best” for church. We try to look a little nicer than normal, as it is, after all, for worship. So too the priests of Israel had fine garments they had to wear when entering into God’s presence. But one Priest didn’t wear them when He made His sacrifice. He didn’t need outward splendor -- He had a splendor all His own. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about the splendor of our Great High Priest on Every Last Word.
Exodus 28:15-30
Have you ever wanted to know exactly what God wanted you to do? Decision-making can be difficult, and when it’s time to make an important life choice, people often wish that God would write His will for them in the sky. What they fail to see is that God has revealed His will for them, giving us an instruction manual on how His children should go about learning just what His will is. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken shines light on how we can know God's will on Every Last Word.
Exodus 27:20-28:14
The priests of the Old Testament were holy men with a holy calling. They were servants of God, offering sacrifices to Him for the entire nation of Israel day and night. They had the high privilege of entering into the Holy Place where God was, wearing sacred and beautiful garments. But they weren’t perfect. They were still sinners -- except for One. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken shares how this Priest has offered the perfect and final sacrifice on Every Last Word.
Exodus 27:1-19
Many people today say that they want to know God. But what they're really interested in is what God can do for them. They’ve got a lot of questions they’d like him to answer, problems they’d like him to solve, and blessings they’d like him to give. But this is not how God operates. God is holy, we’re not, and before anything else happens, something has to be done about our sin. Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken's teaching on Every Last Word.
Exodus 26:1-37
When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded in 1986, President Ronald Reagan spoke of the astronauts having “slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.” This phrase expresses one of our deepest longings. We want to meet with God. We want to see him -- the only problem is, we’re sinners. We stretch the truth. We use our money selfishly. These sins keep us from God. And that’s why we need Jesus. On Every Last Word, Dr. Ryken teaches about Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Exodus 25:31-40
Do you find it hard to be one of the only Christians at your workplace? How much do you talk about your faith to the other parents at your child’s school? It’s not easy, but there are so many people living in darkness who cross our paths each day who need to hear about the light that God offers to sinners. The only way to have the light of God is to come to faith in Jesus Christ, who said, “I am the light of the world.” That’s a message you can help tell them deliver as you shine for Christ in this dark, dark world. Dr. Philip Ryken encourages us to share the good news on Every Last Word.
Exodus 25:23-30
In today’s struggling economy, a lot of us have come to a place that we thought we would never be… worrying about how we will meet our needs. If you’ve lost your job, you’re probably worried about how you will pay your bills and provide food for your family. And you may feel like nobody understands or knows your needs. But someone does. And he knows your needs even better than you do. Take heart with Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
Exodus 25:10-22
Have you ever wondered how the Old Testament is relevant to you? Could studying the building plans of God’s Tabernacle help you in your life today? Well, the Bible makes an explicit connection between the tabernacle in Exodus and the coming of Christ. God gave us his Son, just as he gave Israel the tabernacle, only this time he didn’t just pitch a tent! He took on our flesh and blood in order to give us direct access to God. Dr. Philip Ryken shares these important truths on Every Last Word today.
Exodus 25:1-9
The Bible teaches that, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The reverse can also be true: that where our hearts are, that is where we put our treasure. So if all this is true, why do we spend so much money on earthly things? Well, it’s because our hearts are hard. But when we give back to God what He has given to us, we have the privilege of participating in God’s work of spreading the Gospel. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from Exodus on Every Last Word.
Galatians 6:14
Boasting is never attractive. But have you ever noticed that, despite the fact that nobody likes a bragger, everybody brags anyway? And what about? Our brain power, our muscle power, our buying power...anything that makes us feel like we are better than someone else. But when we come to know Jesus, we humbly realize that we have nothing, except for His cross, to boast about. And for the cross, we should boast eagerly. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from Galatians on today's episode of Every Last Word.
Colossians 2:15
Have you ever broken the law? We’ve all had the occasional traffic violation or parking ticket…. but many of us try to lead good lives. We go to church every week, help others, we’re not lawbreakers...or are we? The Bible says we are. In fact, we have so often broken God’s Law that we have accumulated an infinite debt to Him. That infinite debt, that we could never pay back, was completely erased --- completely cleared -- on the cross at Calvary. Tune in to hear this life changing news from Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
1 Corinthians 1:18
Christians believe that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and his subsequent resurrection, was the most important event in the history of the world. To Christians, the cross of Christ is the source of all hope and comfort. Yet the same cross that is so attractive to the followers of Christ is exactly what keeps others from coming to him at all. How could there be any power in a man hanging on a cross? Dr. Philip Ryken sheds light on this subject on Every Last Word.
Colossians 1:20
If you were asked, “Are you at war with anyone?,” you would probably be surprised by the question, or maybe even offended. And why would that be such a strange question? Probably because we all want to think of ourselves as peace-loving individuals. But the fact is, we are at war with God. The good news is, God has made a peace offering toward us. Will you accept it? Find out more on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Hebrews 12:2
Most of us in our day-to-day lives feel pretty good about ourselves. We’re generally truthful. We put in an honest day’s work. We are by and large, good people...good enough to get into heaven...or are we? The Bible teaches us that we are helpless, hopeless, and unrighteous. The good news is, that’s not the end of the story. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about the offense of the cross on Every Last Word.
Acts 2:23
Grotesque, morbid, unsightly... those words describe something that is at the very heart of Christianity. It’s something that is preached and taught about all the time in the Christian faith. Namely, Christ’s crucifixion. And while some may find it too brutal, or think it unnecessary... because of our sin, it is essential to our very salvation. For wherever the cross disappears, true Christianity also disappears. Listen to these gospel truths on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
John 21:17
Peter was a big disciple. He was the first disciple to trust Christ with his life. He left his career and followed God. But even Peter denied Christ... not once but three times! Thankfully, Jesus Christ did not abandon Peter. He picked him up after he had fallen, set him back on his feet, and encouraged him to continue to grow in his faith. And the good news is that this same encouragement is available to us when we stumble. Be strengthened in your faith on today's episode of Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Luke 24:39
The Bible teaches that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the most significant events in human history. The reason Jesus rose from the dead was to conquer sin and death once and for all. That sounds like critical information for all of us to hear. But the question you might be asking is this: “Is what the Bible says about Jesus really true? Did Jesus of Nazareth actually come back to life?” Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken as he responds to these questions on Every Last Word.
John 20: 19, 21
“I need just a little peace and quiet.” It's something we’ve all said on occasion. It may seem innocent enough, but the truth is, deep down inside, we all long for peace... in our relationships, at our workplace, in our families. Often these areas of our lives have very little peace, even though we may work hard at it. Listen to Every Last Word as Dr. Philip Ryken teaches that the problem is, real, genuine peace in our lives only comes after we make peace with God.
Matthew 28:10
The times we live in are difficult, some might even say tumultuous. If you look around you can find much to be afraid about...the economy, current world affairs, wars. We can let our fears get to us, or we can stop, and take a minute to look at what the Bible has to teach us about this world, fear, our future, and the courage we can have as we face all of those things. Dr. Philip Ryken encourages us to be anxious for nothing on Every Last Word.
John 19:30
Have you ever left a project unfinished? Who hasn't?! Our lives are filled with projects that we have never quite managed to complete. We have half-read books on our shelves and piles of junk left abandoned from hobbies we’ve started, but never finished. Thankfully Jesus Christ did not leave the great project of his life unfinished. He got the job done, He accomplished the mission. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from the Book of John on today's episode of Every Last Word.
Matthew 27:46
Have you ever been at a place in your life where you felt forgotten or forsaken, totally alone? It’s a painful place to be, a place where you feel no one understands or “feels your pain.” But one person does understand, and has felt your pain and has conquered death for you so that you can have eternal life. Listen to this encouraging message by Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
John 19:28
It’s hard for us to fully embrace the idea that Jesus Christ was as much a man as he was God. But along with the miracles he performed as the Son of God, he also experienced humanity as deeply as we do. One clear example we see is when he said he was thirsty while being crucified. Jesus was human after all, and if he was going save us, if he was going to die in our place, then he needed to be one of us to do it. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about the humanity of Jesus today on Every Last Word.
John 19:26-27
As Jesus was growing up, his unique identity as the Son of God and his unique ministry as the Savior of the world must have made for some very interesting family situations. Certainly these family ties were strained during the course of his life, and they were broken altogether at the cross. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about the family of Jesus on this episode of Every Last Word.
Luke 23:34
The thief on the cross next to Jesus was a criminal in life, the lowest of the low. But he knew his Savior when he met him that day at the place of the Skull outside Jerusalem. Was he just lucky to be dying next to Jesus? For at the last possible moment in his earthly life, he received the gift of eternal life. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about "the luckiest man alive" on Every Last Word.
Matthew 28:18-20
While many millions have been saved already, millions more are still waiting to hear the message of salvation. God has not finished gathering that great multitude that will one day worship at His throne. If they are to hear the message of salvation, it is up to us to proclaim it. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken shares about the Great Commission on Every Last Word.
Revelation 7:9-17
Glory, or the afterlife, is not a place we know about in great detail. However, the book of Revelation offers us an interesting glimpse into heaven. It describes an enormous number of people from all different ethnic groups and places, worshipping the Lord in the splendor of His holiness. Tune in as Dr. Philip Ryken looks to our eternal future on Every Last Word.
1 Peter 1:1-9
Suffering in the Christian life is not necessarily to be avoided, nor is it to be accepted with an attitude of defeat. Rather, the life of the Christian is to be patterned after Jesus Christ’s. Tune in to hear more about God's purpose in our suffering from Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
Romans 6:1-14
The Bible calls us saints, which means "holy ones," because God has separated us from sin and blessed us for His service. Most Christians would agree that we have a need for personal holiness, however we have difficulty in agreeing as to how this holiness actually comes about. Listen to Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken as he teaches from Romans, Chapter 6.
Acts 2:42-47
Believing the message of salvation is not an end in itself; it is only the beginning. We are not merely saved from sin, but we are also saved for God’s glory which is commonly revealed in genuine Christian community. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about the importance of fellowship on Every Last Word.
2 Samuel 9:1-13
In our rebellion, we put Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to death. Now our lives are forfeited. But here we see the wonder of God’s adopting grace, turning rebels into princes. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we become God’s own sons and daughters. Hear the good news of the gospel from Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.
Romans 3:21-28
We are all on trial, the religious and the irreligious, believers and atheists. Everyone must stand before God’s throne of judgment. The standard for justice is God’s perfect law, and it is by that standard that everyone deserves to be condemned. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from the book of Romans on how we can be declared righteous on Every Last Word.
Ephesians 2:1-10
Being made alive in Christ makes a world of difference in your perception of reality and in the direction of your life. It brings spiritual life into our broken world and into our broken souls, revealing God’s plan of redemption in the present for all to see. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from Ephesians 2 on Every Last Word.
Luke 18:35 - 19:10
Do you let your circumstances dictate your attitude toward God? If you're down and out are you quick to blame, or when you're riding high, do you find the time to give thanks? Well, a rich tax collector and a blind beggar both felt they had specific needs, until they met Jesus. Tune in to Every Last Word for Dr. Philip Ryken's teaching in the book of Luke.
John 3:1-18
What does it mean to be born again? For some, it implies a literal re-birth from the womb, whereas others think it is the name for a bunch of overzealous believers. Well, Nicodemus confronted Jesus and asked him just that question. Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word to find out more.
Acts 13:26-49
It is the story of Christ Jesus' life, death, and resurrection that represents the full picture of what we are to know of His sacrifice. Many people shortchange Jesus’ significance by not believing in His complete work, or by only sharing part of the message. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken explains why it is only the full story that represents the true work of God on Every Last Word.
2 Corinthians 5:14-6:2
Most people seem to ask the wrong questions about God. Does God exist? Why is there so much evil in the world? If God is loving, why is there suffering? In reality, they are trying to figure out if God is acceptable to them. Today on Every Last Word, Dr. Philip Ryken says that the real question should be, are we acceptable to God? And the answer – apart from salvation in Jesus Christ – is no.
Luke 18:9-14
Perhaps you know someone who doesn’t steal or run with a bad crowd. They attend church, pray, and even give generously to the poor. Yet in spite of all the evident devotion, they don't appear to have saving faith. How can this be? Dr. Philip Ryken explains that our pious acts don’t improve our standing before God on Every Last Word.
Ruth 4:1-22
Why did the eternal Son of God have to become a man? It’s a good question, and it connects two very important things – the person of Jesus Christ and his work. Sound a bit too theological? It’s really quite simple. Dr. Philip Ryken explains why the price to redeem us had to be paid by flesh and blood on Every Last Word.
Exodus 15:1-21
If you were to ask people to describe the Bible, how do you think they would respond? Some would probably say it’s a story. Others, a collection of moral teachings. Or maybe just a piece of literature. Listen to Every Last Word as Dr. Philip Ryken explains that the Bible is indeed a story – but the important thing is whose story it is.
Ephesians 1:3-14
Do you know that God’s saving grace is anticipated, accomplished, or applied on every page of the Bible? Christ is our salvation, and in him we are called, redeemed, forgiven, adopted, reconciled, sanctified, and finally, glorified. It’s God’s work from beginning to end. Dr. Philip Ryken explains God's plan of salvation from before the foundation of time on Every Last Word.
Isaiah 59:1-21
Have you thought about the sinfulness of sin? It may sound redundant, but sin has a compounding effect. It makes us feel ashamed and separates us from God. Even though we’re the ones who are guilty, we often blame it on God. And we’ve been doing that since Adam and Eve ate the apple. On Every Last Word today, Dr. Philip Ryken points to our need for a Savior and the hope and promise of eternal life.
Genesis 3:7-24
Sin brings real consequences. It brings guilt and shame, and it’s not something we can cover over or hide. So what do we do? How do we pay the price? The answer? We don’t. Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken's encouragement from Genesis on Every Last Word.
Genesis 2:15-3:6
There are times when we each face the big questions of life. Who am I? Who is God? What is the purpose for my life? Many times these questions arise when we are facing a trial, or are at a significant crossroads in our lives. Dr. Philip Ryken reminds us that we are saved by grace, and saved by a God who is good and whose plans for us are good on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 13:1-25
Most everyone has heard of Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb, but few know of the resurrections that took place in the Old Testament. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken shows how these Old Testament miracles point toward the work of Jesus on the cross on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 12:1-21
Do you struggle with money? Many people have trouble managing their personal finances and are unclear about how to best serve God with the gifts He has given them. Dr. Philip Ryken shares how we are to be wise stewards of our God-given gifts on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 11:1-21
Joash, the youngest king in Israel's history, was in danger of losing his life before he ever took the throne. He was the last hope to continue the kingly line of David, which would ultimately lead to the birth of King Jesus. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken tells the story of how God providentially preserved the young king's life to ensure His promised heritage on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 10:1-36
Giving our whole heart to the Lord is challenging when our self-centered desires for pleasure, entertainment, and money are so strong. But Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. How are we to do that? Dr. Philip Ryken exhorts us to unwavering devotion to God on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 9:1-37
Who are you accountable to in your day-to-day life? As we go about our work, tend to our gardens, watch sports, read books, or prepare to go to Church, many of us fail to consider our accountability to God or understand His divine justice. On Every Last Word, Dr. Philip Ryken explains how a clear understanding of God and His authority should impact every aspect of our lives.
2 Kings 8:7-29
We all are very well aware of the presence of evil in our day, including among our political leaders. While the degree of good and evil in our kings and rulers varies, the Bible gives us basic principles for discerning these qualities in our leaders. Dr. Philip Ryken explains these principles from 2 Kings on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 8:1-6
In our culture, there tends to be a major emphasis on the importance of the individual above all else. For Christians, what this can lead to is an overemphasis on personal conversion and experience. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken explains how this overemphasis hasn’t always been helpful as it has led to an unhealthy view of the Christian life on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 6:24-7:20
All throughout the Bible we hear about good news -- from the Old Testament declarations of a few hungry lepers to the accounts of the New Testament apostles. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken highlights this good news on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 6:1-23
Often it seems like we are alone during life’s difficult times. This is especially true when we are blind to the realities of God's presence and are engulfed in spiritual darkness. Dr. Philip Ryken explains how the prophet Elisha’s example demonstrates that turning to God in prayer provides all the spiritual light we need against the forces of evil on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 5:19b-27
A common adage says, "Money is the root of all evil!" You have likely heard this before, and there is obviously some truth to it. The love of money can easily become the object of someone’s greed, leading them into sin and eventually death. On Every Last Word today, Dr. Philip Ryken explores this most relevant topic: the root of all evil.
2 Kings 4:1-19a
Isn’t it much easier to forget the gifts we have received than to remember them with a grateful heart? This is a common problem for those following Jesus, because we quickly forget that the grace we received was free. We didn’t earn it! And that same free grace we received is what we are called to give others. Dr. Philip Ryken encourages us to remember God's amazing grace on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 4:38
Many of us take our material possessions and daily food for granted, but we must realize that everything we have is from God. Dr. Philip Ryken reminds us that it is out of God’s great providence that we are provided for regularly on Every Last Word.
2 Kings 4:8-37
Many people spend their lives guarding against disappointment. Success always comes as something of a surprise to them, and failure confirms their suspicions. Certainly in some cases, not getting one’s hopes up may be prudent. But Dr. Philip Ryken explains why it's always appropriate to have high expectations when it comes to the promises of God.
2 Kings 4:1-7
Widows and orphans have always had a special place in the Lord's heart, as is made clear throughout the Word of God. Join Dr. Philip Ryken as he explains why this means that they should also have a special place in the life and heart of the church on today's episode of Every Last Word.
2 Kings 3:1-27
Where do we go to weather life’s storms? Do we turn to false gods and attempt to find refuge and peace through their passing pleasures? Or do we do what we are taught in the Bible and go to the Father, through the Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit? On Every Last Word today, Dr. Philip Ryken shares why it's important to consider whom you will ask.
2 Kings 2:19-25
People who call themselves God’s servants have a lot to live up to in terms of truly doing the Lord’s Kingdom work. They also have to deal with the worldly adversity that often comes with trying to do what is right. Join Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word as he begins a new series on the prophet Elisha.
Malachi 4:1-6
For many children, fathers are protectors, providers, and role models. Going without such an important figure in their lives can leave many men feeling unprepared to be a dad. Join Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word as he explores how by following the example of Elijah, any father can be more prepared for this important role, and any child may better know their Father in Heaven.
2 Kings 2:1-18
No one is able to please God without the Spirit of the Lord. It is only by calling on the Lord and asking Him to pour out His spirit upon us that we can please Him, much like Elisha the prophet did at the end of his mentor Elijah’s ministry. On Every Last Word, Dr. Philip Ryken teaches about the Spirit's work in the life of Elisha, and in all who call on His name.
1 Kings 22:51-53, 2 Kings 1:1-18
Ultimate questions of meaning and purpose quickly surface when we are confronted with our own mortality. It is something that no one can escape in this life. How do we understand our lives and our deaths? Tune in as Dr. Philip Ryken explores how the Scriptures speak clearly to these most vital matters on Every Last Word.
1 Kings 22:1-50
The Word of God is readily available to most Americans today. But the question is, “Will anyone hear, understand, and follow its ways?” On today's episode of Every Last Word, Dr. Philip Ryken explores the story of King Ahab’s death in which we have a tragic example of someone who disregarded the Word of God.
1 Kings 21:1-29
"Do not covet" is the tenth commandment. Having to do with desire, it is often considered to be the least significant commandment, but the Bible teaches something very different. Today on Every Last Word, Dr. Philip Ryken explains why covetousness is at the root of the most horrific sins.
1 Kings 20:1-43
Our view of God determines how we behave. In Elijah’s day, the King of Syria believed it was possible to defeat the Israelites in the valley because he thought Israel’s God was just a god of the hills. Join Dr. Philip Ryken as he explores the error in this limited way of thinking on Every Last Word.
The question of “calling” can be one of vocation, place of residence, or spirituality. One such question of calling can be answered in part through the story of Elijah’s anointing of Elisha to replace him as prophet. Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from 1 Kings, Chapter 19 in this episode of Every Last Word.
All of us experience spiritual depression at times. With so many possible causes, how can a Christian seek to come out from under it? In the story of Elijah, we have a good example of how God deals with the spiritually low. Listen to Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Is it right for Christians to feel that they have had enough of life, and want to say “I quit”? Since Christians have all the spiritual blessings from heaven in Jesus, can they honestly need more? Well, Elijah was a great man of God who said to God, “I have had enough.” Learn more about this challenging time in Elijah's life on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.
Prayer is simply one of the most important, yet neglected and difficult exercises and privileges in the Christian life. Elijah was a great man of prayer and he persisted in doing it with great endurance. It was an endurance that was answered by God. Dr. Philip Ryken sheds more light on Elijah's prayer life on Every Last Word.
Humans may argue for the existence of God, but it is God who proves Himself in different ways for different circumstances. In Elijah’s case it was a supernatural fire initiated by God. Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken as he teaches about how God distinguished himself from Baal in this episode of Every Last Word.
Does God really exist? Can it be proven? These questions have existed throughout history, with many arguing in favor of His existence, and many arguing against. And both sides of the debate have their reasons. Tune in to Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken as he sheds light on this topic from 1 Kings, Chapter 18.
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