On today’s podcast, we will be sharing with you an excerpt from a live webinar featuring Dr. Rebecca Dekker and the EBB Research Team that was taught for our Evidence Based Birth® Professional Members, all about failure to progress versus failure to wait.
What is the history of “Failure to Progress”? What are the top 5 factors that influence labor progress?
Dr. Dekker and the EBB Research Team will talk about the history and background of "Failure to Progress" and how we have the definition all wrong. They will also talk about the updated research and evidence on the topic, the top 5 factors that influence the length of labor, as well as how to prevent a "Failure to Progress" diagnosis.
Content warning: We will mention labor, medical interventions (i.e. Pitocin, epidural), cesarean, hospital transfer, racism, pain, nonconsensual vaginal examinations, forceps, episiotomy, gendered language, medications in labor, eugenics, microaggressions, and vaginal/pelvic birth
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