On today's podcast, we talk with Jencie Richtman, an Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class graduate, about her experience taking the EBB Childbirth Class to help navigate her VBAC.
Jencie and her husband are graduates of the Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class with EBB instructor Julie Fors. Jencie is a mother of two living in the north suburbs of Chicago with her husband. Jencie used the Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class as a tool to help her with her VBAC with her second child.
In this episode, we hear both of Jencie’s birth stories. Her first birth was an induction that resulted in a Cesarean, and the second, was the healing VBAC experience she was hoping for. Jencie explains how the EBB Childbirth Class helped her and her support team to plan for the birth she desired. She shares how important it was finding a provider and a hospital that supported her choices which helped her to process and heal from the trauma she experienced during her first labor and birth.
Content Warnings: induction, failed induction, BMI, Cesarean, vaginal birth after Cesarean, birth trauma, informed consent, birth guilt, use of coercive language, obstetric violence, high intervention birth, delayed bonding, gendered language, difficulty breastfeeding, COVID-19
Resources and References
Read EBB’s Signature Article on Skin-to-Skin Care after a Cesarean here.
Evidence Based Birth® Podcast Episodes regarding VBACs:
Find out more about Julie For’s EBB Childbirth Class and other services on her website Journey Forward here and follow Instagram here
Go to our YouTube channel to see video versions of the episode listed above!!
For more information and news about Evidence Based Birth®, visit www.ebbirth.com.
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