Join Dr. Rebecca Dekker and EBB Research Fellow Morgan Richardson Cayama as we explore the ARRIVE Trial and its impact on elective induction at 39 weeks. Together, we'll break down what elective induction involves, examine the trial's findings and critiques, and discuss the latest evidence on this increasingly common practice. Elective inductions have surged since the Trial's release. In this podcast episode, we'll talk about the latest post-ARRIVE research, and the benefits, risks, and professional guidelines on elective induction at 39 weeks. Additionally, we'll focus on the crucial role of respectful maternity care when making decisions about induction. This podcast episode is a companion to the Evidence Based Birth® Signature Article on "Evidence on: The ARRIVE Trial and Elective Induction at 39 Weeks." You can access all of the resources, scientific references, and a free 2-page handout at If you prefer to learn via video, check the EBB YouTube channel for the video version of this episode. For more information about Evidence Based Birth® and a crash course on evidence based care, visit Follow us on
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