EVOLVE with Dr. Tay: the podcast for parents of autistic kids
ABOUT THIS EPISODE (+ scroll for resources) 👇
Dr. Tay discusses the highly requested topic of how autism often presents in females, particularly those with low support needs. This episode would still be an informative listen if you have a son who presents with high masking autism, as the more nuanced traits are discussed.
⚡️ want more on this topic? listen to Dr. Donna Henderson's episode on girls (note: this episode was recorded for psychologists / neuropsychologists but still could be a good listen)
⚡️ want to learn more about Dr. Tay's Whole Family Approach and current services offered? visit drtaylorday.com
⚡️ join the Evolve Facebook community to participate in the episode Q+As >> facebook.com/groups/evolveautism
⚡️ learn from me and submit your questions [could be featured on a future episode] >>