EVOLVE with Dr. Tay: the podcast for parents of autistic kids
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have you ever wondered what physical therapy addresses?
in this episode, I'm speaking to physical therapist Cynthia Hughell about the ins and outs of physical therapy for autistic children. we discuss different areas that can be addressed and understand how to best support your child's body to avoid physical stress and strain.
this episode will help you learn:
connect with Cynthia on TikTok @vidakidstherapy for more free physical therapy content.
want to learn more about Dr. Tay's Whole Family Approachᵀᴹ and current services offered? >> schedule a free consult call here or email [email protected] if you have questions.
other places you can learn from me >>
*please note: in this episode, both identity-first (autistic child) and person-first language (child with autism / ASD) are used. although as clinicians and practitioners we are slowly learning to shift our language and take the lead from the autistic community, the stance of this podcast is that we ultimately want to honor what each child and family prefer.