EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™
Love and Money– they’re the two things every person wants. But here’s what most people don’t realize: love and money are connected. Deeply, energetically connected. This means that your relationship to finances and your relationship to love and partnership are linked, and the lessons you’re learning about one are mirroring the lessons you’re learning about the other. While we’ve talked about this connection before, every single person–TBM vets and newbies alike– will greatly benefit from this episode. It is a grand culmination of all of our wisest insights on the love/money connection. Some things you’ll learn about…what to do if you’re succeeding in one area and not in the other. Ways to start unblocking and understanding your personal relationship with finances. Finding the root themes beneath your material manifestations. Of course, we wouldn’t leave you without actionable steps to take – so don’t miss the specific DI and workshop recommendations for these powerful themes. This episode will uplevel your understanding of love and money, as you get wise on the energetics beneath both. Strap in!
Find the Complete Show Notes Here -> https://tobemagnetic.com/expanded-podcast
In This Episode We Talk About:
Manifest the life you desire in 2023
In The Episode:
Free Offerings to Get You Started
Other Resources