EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™
Heather Whitaker has always had the special gift of making this work feel doable, accessible, and inspiring. If you don’t know the story, Heather started as a TBM-er just like many of us. She stood up to speak at a live TBM event, and her grasp and devotion to the TBM work made her shine so bright, she eventually became a beloved TBM coach. Now, Heather’s journey continues into a new chapter of motherhood, family, and career. Today, we got to put her in the hot seat to talk about her own process, blocks, fears, and manifestations. She is truly a pro at navigating this work, so just listening to her talk about it really helps you wrap your mind around what it looks when someone lives it – not dabbles or toe dips, but deeply commits. Heather and Jessica get into topics like learning how to get out of your own way, how to maximize and enjoy your free time in an authentic way, shifts in identity, and knowing when it's time to say goodbye. Heather has always had interesting tips and tricks for DIs and inner child work, so you won’t want to miss those! She’s been an expander in every sense of the word, and we are so grateful for every ounce of wisdom she’s given to TBM. We love you, Heather!
Find the Complete Show Notes Here -> https://tobemagnetic.com/expanded-podcast
In This Episode We Talk About:
Start Your Manifestation Process with the Pathway Membership? - Use code MAGNETIC for $20 off your first month of The Pathway or $20 off any a la carte workshop.
Wanna find out why you’re not manifesting? Start our free mini-workshop!
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