The Canadian military’s efforts in the Second World War are often mythologized so as to portray opposition to fascism as a cross-class trait, shared by workers, bosses and politicians alike. The disturbing reality, however, is that well into the late 1930s, a significant section of Canada’s elite admired fascism in Italy and even in Germany.
We spoke to journalist Mitchell Thompson about his recent article digging into the history behind the rich and powerful figures who gave vocal support to Hitler and Mussolini in the run up to the war.
This is part of our series as selected by Maple readers exploring how the ruling elite and the wealthy shape power in Canada. Read the entire series here.
Mitchell Thompson is a writer with PressProgress, an occasional radio producer and a researcher based in Toronto. He tweets (also occasionally) at @thompsonian_m.Subscribe today and support progressive independent journalism like this for as little as $1 a week
Read Thompson's article here.