Discovering the unfortunate cause of the containment fault, our crew of explorers must attempt to search out any stowaways before the ship tears itself apart.
Player Intrusion:
Stace: Legends of the Storm by Bec McMaster. First book in series: Heart of Fire Bookshop | Amazon | Barnes and Noble
Your cast:
GM: Daniel
Adilabrim "Dili" Kret: Sampson
Atalia: Marietta
Chansey "Cha-Cha" Letoile: Alex
Nix: Stace
Theme music: Ninth World by Dave Sterling.
Unknown Phenomenon by Jean Leonti / via Adobe Stock
Editing: Daniel
Transcription: Stace
Safety in Role-playing
It is essential that everyone playing in a game feels safe and is having fun. We've compiled a brief list of the safety tools we use here.
As always, see our standard disclaimer.