In this week’s episode we spend a good bit of time revisiting the native ads discussion, then dive into the different ways that Twitter and Facebook have handled the news this week. From there we discuss Twitter’s timeline changes, the realities of venture capital, and whether or not our entire economic system will survive the automation revolution. Yes, it gets deep quickly!
- Ben Thompson: Print, Chinese Walls, and “Objective” Journalism – Stratechery (members only)
- Clay Shirky: Last Call – Medium
- Jay Rosen: When Quoting Both Sides and Leaving it There is the Riskier Call – PressThink
- Hamilton Nolan: Time Inc. Rates Writers on How “Beneficial” They Are to Advertisers – Gawker
- Derek Willis: New Republican Leader Finds New Friends, and Quick Cash – New York Times
- Marco Arment: I’ll Never Fly Amazon Again –
- Ben Thompson: Twitter is Great for Unprofitable News – Stratechery (members-only)
- Mathew Ingram: Twitter vs. Facebook as a news source – GigaOm
- Matt Buchanan: The Twitter of Tomorrow – New Yorker
- Humans Need Not Apply – YouTube
Podcast Information