In this episode, Ceri explores the world of Juneau Projects, the dynamic artist duo consisting of Phil Duckworth and Ben Sadler. With over two decades of collaboration, they share invaluable insights on navigating the art world, sustaining a successful partnership, and the importance of embracing creativity in all its forms. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration and practical advice on pursuing a fulfilling creative career.
"We became friends because we had, do have, really similar interests but very different ways of approaching it."
"Compromise isn't really a negative thing and I think kind of seeing the people you're working with, trying to have a sense that you're all a team and you're all working towards the same end, I think has been helpful for us."
"You can achieve so much just with people and I think yeah, it's kind of essential really to doing anything is to just realise you're part of a much bigger picture."
"Artists who commit or work with people and give it their best shot, it stays with those people. You know, it's like having the most beautiful afterimage on your mind, you know, on your retina."
"Just try to enjoy it, is the main can get very bugged down in all the stuff around it, but I think just returning to that impulse of why you like making things, can be just all the fuel you need really to keep going."
Meet Ceri Hand, the driving force behind countless creative success stories. A creative coach, entrepreneur, and dynamic speaker, she's committed to empowering creatives to realise their dreams and make a meaningful impact through her creative coaching, mentoring and training company. With three decades in the arts under her belt, Ceri has ridden the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Now, she's here to help you achieve your goals, your way.
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