It's a glob, it's a mass, it's Steve McQueen? In a sci fi movie?! Yes it's THE BLOB. While Americans were eating weird amounts of gelatin at their dinner tables, a gooey monster from outer space was pouring into their movie theaters and consuming them all. This may be our only "B-movie" type alien movie in our Invasion miniseries, but it's by no means the most insignificant one on the list! Eye of the Blob!
Next week, it's Steven Spielberg's massively influential UFO epic, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (1977)! Join the conversation on Eye of the Discord at
Eye of the Duck is created, hosted, and produced by Dom Nero and Adam Volerich.
This episode was edited by Michael Gaspari.
This episode was researched by Parth Marathe.
Our logo was designed by Francesca Volerich. You can purchase her work at
The "Adam's Blu-Ray Corner" theme was produced by Chase Sterling.
This miniseries was programmed with the help of Nik Long.
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