Ezra Institute Podcast for Cultural Reformation
In this episode, Dr. Michael Thiessen and Dr. Joe Boot respond to the recent controversial interview by Chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, Ligon Duncan, on the Room for Nuance podcast where he answers questions on theonomy, postmillennialism, and faithful cultural contextualization all while throwing barbs at unnamed parties and mixing up Scripture. YOU’RE NOT GOING TO WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!
Episode Resources:
“On Culture War: Doug Wilson and the Moscow Mood” by Kevin DeYoung | Clearly Reformed: https://clearlyreformed.org/on-culture-war-doug-wilson-and-the-moscow-mood/
“My Rejoinder to Kevin DeYoung” (VIDEO)| Doug Wilson via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2mHSXAVge8
“My Rejoinder to Kevin DeYoung” by Doug Wilson | Blog and Mablog: https://dougwils.com/books-and-culture/s7-engaging-the-culture/novembers-done-kevin-deyoung.html
End Abortion Now: https://endabortionnow.com/
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Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/ezra-institute-podcast-for-cultural-reformation/id1336078503;
Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/0dW1gDarpzdrDMLPjKYZW2?si=bee3e91ed9a54885.
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<p>Watch the video here: <a href="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/m48c5SaRywg" target="_blank">https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/m48c5SaRywg</a></p>