Die Paper zu dieser Podcast-Folge:
Stefan Moritz et al, Nature Communications, 2021, "The risk of indoor sports and culture events for the transmission of COVID-19"
Jenifer A.E. Smith et al, Preprint, 2021, "Public health impact of mass sporting and cultural events in a rising COVID-19 prevalence in England"
Boris Revollo et al, Lancet, 2021, "Same-day SARS-CoV-2 antigen test screening in an indoor mass-gathering live music event: a randomised controlled trial"
Josep Llibre et al, Annals of Internal Medicine, 2021, "Screening for SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Before a Live Indoor Music Concert: An Observational Study"
Sibylle Anderl vom 25. August 2021, "Wie gefährlich sind Großveranstaltungen?"