Die Paper zu dieser Podcast-Folge:
COSMO - Aktuelle Auswertungen des Covid-19-Snapshot Monitoring
COVIMO-Studie des RKI " Impfverhalten, Impfbereitschaft und -akzeptanz in Deutschland"
Christopher Holzmann-Littig et al, medRxiv, 2021, "COVID-19 vaccination acceptance among healthcare workers in Germany"
Patrick Sturgis et al, Nature Human Behaviour, 2021, "Trust in science, social consensus and vaccine confidence"
Eric Merkely et al, Nature Human Behaviour, 2021, "Anti-intellectualism and the mass public’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic"
Lisa Rosenbaum, NEJM, 2021, "Escaping Catch-22 — Overcoming Covid Vaccine Hesitancy"
Katrin Schmelz, PNAS, 2021, "Enforcement may crowd out voluntary support for COVID-19 policies, especially where trust in government is weak and in a liberal society"