Welcome to Episode 091 of the F-Stop Collaborate and Listen podcast with Aaron Feinberg!
I had the chance to catch up with Aaron in his gallery in Poipu Kauai and it was an amazing experience. Aaron is one of my favorite photographers and has some incredibly inspiring images from the island of Kauai.
We covered some fun topics this week, including:
1. Gallery Life.
2. Digital Manipulation. Here is a link to Aaron's article we discussed.
3. Impacts from location sharing.
4. Sharing work on social media.
5. Beards!
6. Following other photographer's work.
7. Drones.
Please consider supporting the podcast on Patreon! There's a ton of bonus content over there for subscribers! Your support is critical - it helps with production costs and to improve the podcast over time. Thanks! Even $1 / mo helps a lot! We are growing closer to our goal of getting to $1,000/mo in support, at which point I will create an award to be given to a photographer that is a champion of conservation. Help us get there!
This week on Patreon, Aaron and I talk about being a photographer at Burning Man and his Burning Man photography project.
To learn more about Aaron, check him out:
Here are the photographers that Aaron recommended for the podcast:
1. Brian Rueb.
2. Drew Hopper.
Some examples of Aaron's photography can be seen on my blog at www.mattpaynephotography.com
I love hearing from the podcast listeners! Reach out to me via Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter if you'd like to be on the podcast or if you have an idea of a topic we can talk about. You can also join the conversation on our Facebook Group! We've also started an Instagram page and a Facebook page for the podcast, where we'll be sharing updates as we go!