Welcome to Episode 100 of the F-Stop Collaborate and Listen podcast featuring a round table panel discussion with David Thompson, Alex Noriega, Eric Bennett, Sarah Marino, Colleen Miniuk-Sperry, Michael Shainblum & Joshua Cripps!
We invited students of our featured guests to participate and ask questions of the round-table, including Nic Stover, Carolyn Cheng, Brent Clark, and Gareth Coggan. In all, we had 12 people participate in this episode!
To celebrate the launch of episode 100, we have collaborated with some of our guests to offer discounts of their tutorials and products to new and existing Patrons of the podcast over on Patreon. From March 20 through April 30, 2019, new and existing patrons will receive the following discounts:
1. 20% off Alex Noriega processing tutorial videos
2. 20% off Michael Shainblum processing tutorial videos
3. 20% off Eric Bennett instructional videos
4. 20% off Joshua Cripps Photography tutorials
5. 20% off Sarah Marino & Ron Coscorossa Nature Photo Guides e-books
6. 20% off Colleen Miniuk-Sperry’s books and eBooks
Many important questions were asked of and answered by the panel of participants, including:
1. Have you noticed any shifts in the landscape photography community as it relates to topics that have emerged here on the podcast?
2. How would you rate the state of Creativity in landscape photography?
3. Who influences you the most and why?
4. How do you imagine Landscape Photography in 10 years?
5. Where do you feel weakest as a landscape photographer?
6. In the early history of photography, photographers played a vital role in the preservation of wild lands. This continued to a small degree over the last century but more recently has been forgotten. Do you think we have a role to play in this arena today? If yes, what should it look like? How do we go about retaking that role?
Please consider supporting the podcast on Patreon! There's a ton of bonus content over there for subscribers! Your support is critical - it helps with production costs and to improve the podcast over time. Thanks! Even $1 / mo helps a lot! We are growing closer to our goal of getting to $1,000/mo in support, at which point I will create an award to be given to a photographer that is a champion of conservation. Help us get there!