Episode 059 of F-Stop Collaborate and Listen with Kathleen Clemons!
I had a great time speaking with Kathleen on the podcast this week. She was gracious enough to join me to discuss some of her favorite topics. Kathleen is a photographer from the coast of Maine. Primarily a nature photographer, Kathleen is known for her creative use of natural light and unique compositions. Her work is represented worldwide by Corbis and Getty Images. Lensbaby recently named her the "Georgia O' Keeffe of Flower Photography". With a degree in education, and a passion for both photography and teaching, she loves to teach others how to improve their photography skills.
I know you'll like this week's podcast, especially if you're wanting to get into macro photography or have an interest in flower photography!
We covered some great topics this week, including:
1. How Kathleen got into photography.
2. Flower photography.
3. Tips for macro photography.
4. Using Lensbaby lenses for flower photography.
5. Adding textures to photos in post.
Over on Patreon this week, Kathleen and I had a fabulous conversation about best practices in flower photography.
Please consider supporting the podcast on Patreon! There's a ton of bonus content over there for subscribers! Your support is critical - it helps with production costs and to improve the podcast over time. Thanks!
To learn more about Kathleen, check out his online presence:
Here are the artists that Kathleen recommended for the podcast:
1. Cynthia Haynes.
2. Jennifer Spelman.
3. Mark Stevens.
Some examples of Kathleen's photography can be seen below.
I love hearing from the podcast listeners! Reach out to me via email, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter if you'd like to be on the podcast or if you have an idea of a topic we can talk about. You can also join the conversation on our Facebook Group! We've also started an Instagram page and a Facebook page for the podcast, where we'll be sharing updates as we go!