Welcome to Episode 120 of the F-Stop Collaborate and Listen podcast.
This week's episode features an incredible landscape photographer from Florida, USA - Paul Marcellini. Paul is an award winning photographer known for his work in the Everglades and for his many contest wins throughout the years. Paul and I covered a lot of fun ground this week, including:
Over on Patreon, Paul and I had a fantastic time discussing his methods for naming photos, and a ton more! We also talked about using Anton Averin's photo naming app! Check out the full liner notes with examples of Paul's awesome photos on my website.
Please consider supporting the podcast on Patreon! There's a ton of bonus content over there for subscribers!
If you're a listener and have not yet made a pledge, there's more reasons to pledge now than ever. We have over 80 bonus episodes over on Patreon for anyone supporting the show at the $5/mo level.
Additionally, Patrons of the podcast are encouraged to participate in our themed photo contests by submitting them to the "community board" on our Patreon Page. The current theme, which ends on August 30th, is "Nemesis." I know we all have our own photo nemesis, whether it be a scene we have shot a thousand times that never had good light, or something else. Let's see those awesome shots over on our community board!
Here are the photographers that Paul recommended for the podcast:
1. Clay Bolt.
2. Jerry Greer.
I love hearing from the podcast listeners! Reach out to me via Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter if you'd like to be on the podcast or if you have an idea of a topic we can talk about. Join the discussion over on Nature Photographer's Network! We have weekly discussions about each episode of the podcast. It's also free! We also have an Instagram page and a Facebook page for updates.
Thanks for stopping in, collaborating with us, and listening. See you next week.
As a reminder, you can also support the podcast by shopping at B+H for your photography gear using our Affiliate Link.