On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce and his wife, Claire, will be discussing the importance of marital blessings within the Church. In a world that has produced chaos and confusion on the subject, the Churches have fallen victim to cultural pressure. The Churches across the world have engaged in major debates regarding the subject of same-sex marriage, where historical and biblical teachings are abundantly clear on the matter. Our desire is to confront this issue head-on, but also begin the process of countering the culture by spending more time blessing the biblical marriages, rather than complaining about the unbiblical marriages. Tune-in and see what Stephen and Claire have to say on the matter and their plan to counter the culture on the subject of marriage.
Here is the blog that Stephen wrote on the subject: https://www.explorechristianity.net/blog/gem3if5dy64xhuuxstg8h8v4cn558h