A Collection of all Frontier Alliance International’s Podcasts
The podcast FAI Central is created by Frontier Alliance International. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this episode, Stephen takes a look at the current Coronavirus epidemic in light of the story of Joshua and Caleb in Numbers 13.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches from Revelation 22 in the final session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches the final session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Joel Richardson teaches his final session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
“At this stage, we are in desperate need of clarity as to what the Kingdom is— and is not— lest we give ourselves to a pursuit and pageantry that will burn when He comes on the clouds in power and glory.”
Read and listen to, KINGDOM COME by Stephanie Quick from FRONTIER ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches from Revelation 21 & 22 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Stephanie Quick teaches on the dangers of conflating America with The Kingdom in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
“Increasingly, I find myself deliberately contemplating what kept Jesus on His own cross out of necessity for mine. Scripture says that as He stared down the barrel of His own death—not only a terrible way to die, but bearing the weight of wrath for many—it was “the joy set before Him” that kept Him from cowardice. Anything less than that same obsession will consign us to our own demise at the hands of the “pride of life,” “lust of the flesh,” and “the cares of this world.” So what is it on the other side of the “Maranatha!” cry, when “Maranatha” is a memory that can keep us going? These are the things we should meditate on constantly.
Read and listen to, "When 'Maranatha' is a Memory" by Stephanie Quick now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Gabe Caligiuri teaches from the book of Acts in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
FROM THE ARCHIVES // "Peacemaking requires us to break off our apathy and address the things that are most difficult for us head-on. We’re not contributing to anyone’s peace by avoiding conflict. Peacemakers go to the front lines of war and bring a drink to their enemies instead of a gun."
Read & listen to the audio recording of "The Paradox of Peacemaking" by Autumn Crew now.
Joel Richardson teaches on the restoration of all things in Revelation 21-22 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"'Where’s the Jews?!' was a hunting call. Frankly, it would’ve been better if they’d simply chanted their support for Hitler. Unable to find the Jews they were looking for, they instead burned tires and an Israeli flag and screamed expletive-laden curses at the victims of the Hamas massacre, high-fiving each other for several hours before going home. This is the world of October 8th."
Read & listen to "The World of October 8th" by Stephanie Quick from Frontier Alliance International now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches from Revelation 21 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Stephanie Quick teaches on "the hope of the world" in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"The LORD is a very good coach. He knows your story, He knows where He’s leading you, and He’s really good about training you for it. And, 'tomorrow has trouble of its own.' All you have is today to pursue obedience." Read & listen to the audio recording of, "Endurance for the Right Race" by Stephanie Quick now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches from Revelation 21 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Faced with impending annihilation by its Arab neighbors, the Jewish State strikes first in June of 1967, winning a stunning victory that reclaims all of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and the Golan Heights in just six days.
Read & listen to the audio recording of "The Six-Day Miracle" by Gabriel Caligiuri now.
Joel Sorge teaches on The Lord's Prayer in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"This is what Jesus shed His blood for on the cross. The Everlasting Covenant, gifted to Abraham, inherited by Isaac, and passed onto Jacob, now stewarded by his sons and daughters. But, mind you, it did not go to Ishmael. It did not go to Esau. These disruptions tore the tents of their father Abraham, and set the stage for the fractures running throughout the Middle East and the broader nations of the earth today. The controversy of the covenant split the family then, and it splits the family now. The whole world is reeling for it." Read & listen to "The Torn Tents of Abraham & The Ordained Bridge of Reconciliation" by Stephanie Quick now.
Joel Richardson teaches from Revelation 20 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"After a stunning defeat in Israel's War of Independence, a new Egyptian regime attempts to cut off Israel from the rest of the world, provoking Israel's second major conflict with his Arab neighbor."
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches from the book of Acts in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
The Good Shepherd doesn't always protect His sheep from the wolves. He also sends them among the wolves.
Stephanie Quick teaches on the Incarnate Witness in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International. THE BOOK OF REVELATION will return on September 12.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"Israel's victory in its first war of survival leads to the expulsion of over 800,000 Jews from across the Middle East and North Africa. The nascent Jewish State struggles to manage the influx of refugees."
Stephanie Quick teaches the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"We know that when the gospel of the Kingdom is preached to all nations, then the end will come... Until then, we have a responsibility —given to us by Jesus — to bear witness to His coming Kingdom. We have been commissioned by the Lord to preach the gospel to all nations. And to do so while living lives consistent with the Sermon on the Mount. The timing we leave to Him, but the obedience is still on us."
Read & listen to the audio recording of, "A Heavy Stone: Part III" by Daniel Scott now.
Joel Richardson teaches on the foundational covenants that every believer must understand in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
“the identity of the Church is bound to the history of the Jewish people.” and because of that, it is vital that we have a right understanding of this fact: “God’s discipline of Israel has always been, and will always be, with the purpose vindicating His name and winning back His wayward son. The coming trouble is no exception.”
Read and listen to the audio version of, "A Heavy Stone: Part II" by Daniel Scott from Frontier Alliance International now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches on how Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom even in His earliest days of ministry in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"What does it mean to stand with or against Israel? This is a weighty and nuanced issue. And the consequences are everlasting. We should be eager then to allow Jesus to define what He means by standing with or against Israel."
Listen to the audio recording of "A Heavy Stone: Part I" by Daniel Scott now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches on the world beyond the Beast Empire in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
“Sometimes we overthink what this needs to look like, in the same way William Wilberforce very nearly abandoned a strategic and influential political position because he’d elevated the dignity of vocational ministry above any other job. But can you not bear witness while you serve in Congress? Can you not bear witness as a cafe barista? Shouldn’t you though, wherever you are? Surely there are gardens to plant in Babylon.”
Listen to the audio recording of "Planting Gardens in Babylon" by Stephanie Quick now.
Matthew 24:14 is a companion verse to Matthew 28:19-20, wherein we are told to “Go into all nations, teaching them to obey everything [Jesus] has commanded.” Perhaps the costliest and most uncomfortable command is to forgive those who sin against us or against people we love and rightfully endeavor to protect.
This command places us at a watershed juncture of freedom in obedience, or to be ensnared with rage and bitterness—however well warranted—when we must entrust the Lord to exact perfect, satisfying justice. Joel Sorge explores this command and shares his own story as recent events have challenged him in this area.
Due to the sensitivity of the issues, we encourage viewers to watch/listen to the session in its entirety.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
A modern Jewish state is born and baptized by the fire of all-out war.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches Episode 78 of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
“To put it simply, the mounting #ChristIsKing trend betrays our biblical illiteracy and unwillingness to actually obey King Jesus—especially when we’re violating the third commandment to continue the church’s unholy legacy of anti-judaic theological tradition and antisemitic civil practices and culture.”
Listen to the audio recording of, "Culture Wars & the Way of the Cruciform" by Stephanie Quick now.
Stephanie Quick teaches the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
In 1947, tensions between Jews and Arabs reach a boiling point in the Land while the newly-formed United Nations determines the political fate of the British Mandate for Palestine.
Joel Richardson teaches on the Millennium from Revelation 20 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"For all of the swirling circumstances of your life, for all the quagmire of global politics, for all tumult of 'hopes deferred' and the daily wrestle against the 'cares of this life,' the most important thing about your life and mine is that we—right now, today—remember we have a good Father in a good heaven whose good pleasure is to give us a good Kingdom. And: He will give you glimpses of that goodness here and now, in this age." Listen to the audio recording of, "The More Important Part of Your Life" by Stephanie Quick now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches on defining "this kingdom" in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Winston Churchill forms a unit of Jews in Mandate Palestine to fight the Nazis in Italy. When the Jewish Brigade encounters the magnitude of Jewish suffering in Europe, they form a secret network dedicated to evacuating survivors to Eretz Yisrael and taking revenge on their German persecutors.
Gabe Caligiuri teaches from Revelation 20 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word vulnerable is derived from the Latin word vulnerare, meaning 'to wound.' The definition includes 'capable of being wounded' and 'open to attack or damage.' The interesting thing is that Adam and Eve were in a state of vulnerability since they took their first breath and they were fine with it, no anxiety or fear or desire to protect themselves. What changed?" Listen to the audio recording of "Confessions of a Maranatha Pastor: Part IV" by Matthew Cullen now.
Stephanie Quick teaches on the People of the Cross in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"We are not our own; we are, in the words of Jihadi John, the 'people of the Cross.' And it is the crosses we carry that become bridges to the Just One in the lives we lay down for our friends—and our enemies."
Listen to the audio recording of, "In the Words of Jihadi John" by Stephanie Quick now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches on The Final Rebellion of Revelation 20 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
European Jews flee from the Third Reich towards their ancestral homeland, only to encounter the complexity of wartime politics in the Middle East. Leaders of the Yishuv propose another all-Jewish regiment in the British Army.
Joel Sorge teaches the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
"Deductively, a social justice-centric hermeneutic leads us to conclude God will always fight for and side with the underdog. He is, to be sure, the 'Father to the fatherless' and tireless advocate for the poor and needy, and the One who will defend the defenseless and vindicate all victims. This is just who He is. This is what He does and will do in fullness in the Day of the LORD and reign of King Jesus. The story of David & Goliath confirms this—but not in validation of a social justice liberation theology."
Listen to the audio recording of GAZA, GOLIATH, GOSPEL: LIVING IN A WORLD TOO GOOD AT WAR by Stephanie Quick now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches on the Millennial Kingdom from Revelation 20 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Tensions continue to escalate in the Promised Land between the sons of Abraham while a new Beast arises on the European continent.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches from on the Kingdom of Covenant in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
“Deception. Counterfeits. Wars. Near-wars. Geopolitical competitions, military collisions. Clashing crowns. Starving bellies. Failed crops. Pandemics. Raging sicknesses. Unpredictable tectonic shifts. Those are just the ‘beginning of sorrows.’ Then there’s the family betrayal, bloody violations of brotherhood. Offenses will mount, calloused hearts will abound. Disillusionment will ensnare weary hearts with fatigued faith too tired to be saved.” So how, then, are we to survive this present evil age?
Listen to the audio recording of, "Surviving this Present Evil Age" by Stephanie Quick now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches from Revelation 20 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Joel Sorge teaches on THE NEGLECTED CORNERSTONE in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
FROM THE ARCHIVES // We tend to either accuse God like Job, or oversimplify God like his friends. We tend to either reduce Him to what fits in our boxes of black and white, or deduce that He can’t be good if He doesn’t fit there. In the end, God assured Job that his friends got it wrong in their haste to explain suffering. We want this story to explain the “why” behind affliction, but that’s not what it does. It invites us into a gray area of trust in God, while we don’t comprehend His ways, while we don’t see the whole picture or plan. It invites us to steward the mysteries of God’s justice and kindness in a chaotic and broken world. Listen to the audio recording of "Mysteries of Mercy" by Autumn Crew now.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches from Revelation 20 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Upheaval in the nations in the wake of World War I combined with the Balfour Declaration fuels a Third Aliyah to the Eretz Yisrael. But as Jews begin to reclaim their ancestral land and build the institutions of a modern society, an ancient antagonism begins to resurface with some of their new neighbors, leading to violent pogroms in 1920-21.
Stephanie Quick teaches on THE NEW SONG in the latest session of the MATTHEW 24:14 series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
When we trust God with our preservation, we are free to persevere. Listen to the audio recording of, "Confessions of a Maranatha Pastor: Part III" by Matt Whiteford now.
Joel Richardson closes out his teaching on Revelation 19 in a bonus session covering Islamic Eschatology and how it relates to the Book of Revelation in THE BOOK OF REVELATION, a series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
While the British army rolled back the Ottoman Empire across the Middle East, the British Foreign Secretary was drafting a letter that held the promise of making the Zionist dream a reality.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches on THIS GOSPEL in the latest session of MATTHEW 24:14, a new series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
FROM THE ARCHIVES // Wilderness is uncharted territory, lack of direction—and lack in general. Whatever it is, you have the amazing opportunity to meet with Him there, and this mysterious opportunity only exists for a short window of time. The desert season is not just a time to endure scorching, it’s a time to look to the skies and watch manna fall. If you don’t see anything, go again in the morning and check the ground. And again, and again, every day until you’ve found what He wants to give you. Listen to the audio recording of, "Don't Waste Your Wilderness: Part II" by Autumn Crew now.
Joel Richardson closes out his teaching on Revelation 19 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
FROM THE ARCHIVES // "Being in a desert (whether figuratively or literally) is far from easy or comforting, but it is rich with spiritual treasure. We have many examples in scripture of the intense trial that can occur in deserts, followed by intense outpouring and provision. What do you get when olives, coconuts, seeds, or nuts are hard pressed on every side until what’s inside of them flows out? In other words, what do you get when good things are crushed? Oil." Listen to the audio recording of "Don't Waste Your Wilderness: Part I" by Autumn Crew now.
Stephanie Quick teaches on THE CRUX OF THIS GOSPEL in the latest session of MATTHEW 24:14, a new series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
As the world goes to war for the first time, Zionist Jews from the Russian Empire and Ottoman Palestine see an opportunity to throw off the shackles of the last Caliphate.
Joel Richardson continues his teaching from Revelation 19 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
FROM THE ARCHIVES // The Lord invites us in and washes us clean. All too quickly our pride tells us we know better and we set out on our own. But He is relentless in His love, pursuit, and commitment to us, even when we have forgotten our commitment to Him. “Grace Abounding” is a beautiful exploration through these truths. Listen to the audio recording of this stunning poem by Andrew Cowart, first published in our PILGRIM VOL. III 2020 Field Journal.
Gabriel Caligiuri teaches on the Olivet Discourse in the first session of MATTHEW 24:14, a new series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Another devastating wave of pogroms in the Russian Empire leads to the Second Aliyah in the early twentieth century. Larger and better organized, Jewish olim begin building cities and forming defensive militias against their hostile neighbors.
Joel Richardson teaches from Revelation 19 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
“We knew something had happened. And when we left that cottage at three o’clock in the morning we learned what it was. Everywhere men and women were seeking God. As I walked along the country road, I found three men on their faces, crying to God for mercy. There was a light in every home; no one seemed to be thinking of sleep.”
Listen to the audio recording of HOPE IN HIDDENNESS by Stephanie Quick from the FAI Publishing archives.
Stephanie Quick teaches the final session of the HAPPY TO DIE A FOOL series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
One man singlehandedly transforms an ancient vocabulary into a living language.
Joel Richardson teaches from Revelation 19 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
Listen to the audio recording of, "Gaza & the Gospel of the Kingdom," an appeal from the producer of the ‘Covenant and Controversy’ film library during the online furore regarding the Great Return March in 2018. From the FAI Publishing archives.
Stephanie Quick teaches on serving the Lord in life and death in the latest session of the HAPPY TO DIE A FOOL series from Frontier Alliance International.
An insidious affair in France inspires a Jewish publisher to write the pamphlet that would spark a movement for a Jewish state in the Jewish homeland.
Listen to the audio recording of "Birth of the Zionist Movement" by Gabriel Caligiuri now.
Joel Richardson teaches from Revelation 19 in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.
More MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY series are available at https://fai.online/mgbs
This is the second episode of the new FAI Publishing Series Center of Nations, which examines the history of the modern State of Israel in the midst of an increasingly hostile world.
Listen to the audio recording of "The First Aliyah" by Gabriel Caligiuri now.
This is the first episode of the new FAI Publishing Series Center of Nations, which examines the history of the modern State of Israel in the midst of an increasingly hostile world.
Listen to the audio recording of "Early Voices for Return" by Gabriel Caligiuri now.
The nineteenth century French philosopher Auguste Comte once wrote, “Demography is destiny.” If that's true, then a global demographic trend is hurtling the world toward the appointed destiny of this age.
Listen to the audio recording of "A Social Jihad" by Gabriel Caligiuri now.
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 47 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Episode 3 of the HAPPY TO DIE A FOOL series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL STUDY from FAI STUDIOS.
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 46 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
"God’s love for us is quite literally unfathomable. And sometimes it can even seem unbelievable. When we take a long look at humanity, or even better, a long, honest look at ourselves, it seems comical that God could and does love humans. But He does. Of course we believe God loves us, on paper. But what about on our pillows? What anxieties keep us awake at night that come from a lack of believing, on a gut-level, that God loves us?"
Listen to the audio recording of "Because He Cares" by Jordan Scott now.
Stephanie Quick teaches Episode 2 of the HAPPY TO DIE A FOOL series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL STUDY from FAI STUDIOS.
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 45 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Episode 1 of the HAPPY TO DIE A FOOL series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 44 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
“Exalting the worth of Jesus Christ among the unreached and unengaged at the end of the age” preaches good. It lives hard. This vision statement has been and will remain the thing that put and keeps us on the field. The worth of Jesus compels us to lay foundations for the Gospel where there are none (as Paul put it in Romans 15:20).
But we’re just really beginning to feel the brutality of a world without the Gospel. The reality of a world without the One who will crush the head of the serpent and save us all from going the way of Cain forever is visceral. We feel it. Our friends in our adopted lands live in it every day. They don’t know anything else.”
This time of year not only marks the end of one and the approach of the next, but it also holds our anniversary as an organization and spiritual family (23 Dec 2011). Every year at this time, like many of you, we look back to look forward.
This year feels a little different. But the core remains the same: the beauty and supremacy of Jesus. He is worth being made known. And everyone everywhere deserves the dignity of an incarnate witness—especially the grieving.
Listen to the audio recording of “Good News Among the Grieving,” our year-end letter now.
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 43 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Humans have always had a propensity to put men on pedestals. God warned us that all our heroes would fail us sooner or later, and He gave us a whole book about how He is redemptive amidst the gravest of sins. We all long for a leader we can trust will never fall, but there is only One. Listen to the audio recording of, "All Our Heroes Fall" by Autumn Crew now.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 40 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 42 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
"Unquestionably, there is no heart on earth that is more pierced than God’s. There is no entity in existence whose anger is more enraged, or whose passion for justice is more enflamed than Jesus Himself. So how could He not act immediately and bring swift judgment on His adversaries?"
Listen to the audio recording of "God's Patience Waited in the Days of Hamas" by Jordan Scott now.
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 27 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 39 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 41 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 40 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 26 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 38 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 40 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 39 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 25 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 37 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 39 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 38 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 24 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 36 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 38 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
You can, and must, do difficult things in order to die without regret. But He gives grace.
Listen to "Die / Endure / Don't Deny (Hard Things)," the final episode of THE BETTER SONG with Jeff & Steph now.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 37 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 23 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 35 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 37 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
At the heart of the "song of all songs", and in the center of the Gospel of the Kingdom, is the city of Jerusalem. Your destiny is woven in with her destiny—but everything hinges on the day she sings again "as in the days of her youth," the very day when God Himself will rejoice with singing over her. In the meantime, this "song" protects your heart from the accusations shot like flaming arrows against her—and your—eternal security. Best to begin singing it now.
Listen to "& There They Both Will Sing," Episode 6 of THE BETTER SONG, with Jeff & Steph now.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 36 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 22 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 36 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Perhaps the crux of the story, and certainly a critical feature of the Song of Solomon, is learning to believe what God says about you—to quit arguing with Him about it. If we can receive the better word that washes us, we'll live more like we're meant to. Listen to "God & the Better Wine," Episode 5 of THE BETTER SONG with Jeff & Steph now.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 35 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 21 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 35 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
The impetus and inspiration for BALLADS OF THE SONG OF SOLOMON songs like "The Door," "Wild Wind," "Foxes, Weeds, and Jealousy," and more. What is the process He leads us through to bring us to "Death Without Regret"? Listen to "When Jesus Kills Your Pet Sin," Episode 4 of THE BETTER SONG with Jeff and Steph now.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 34 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 20 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 34 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 34 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Sometimes His pursuit feels like you're in a little bit of a prison. But that's in the script.
Listen to Episode 3 of THE BETTER SONG, "Hedged In Behind & Before," with Jeff & Steph now.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 33 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 19 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 33 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 33 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Perhaps the most audacious lyric in BALLADS OF THE SONG OF SOLOMON, "Jesus, we are gonna dance or fight tonight" raised more than a few eyebrows. Find out why we included it in "Wild Wind," and why it's such a valuable part of our own processes of formation and maturity in God. Listen to Episode 2 of THE BETTER SONG with Jeff and Steph now.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 32 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 18 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 32 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 32 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL returns with a miniseason swimming through the Gospel of the Kingdom in light of the Song of Solomon, and vice verse. Join Jeff & Steph for the first of seven episodes of THE BETTER SONG. Listen to "The Gospel in Solomon's Song" now, and browse the BALLADS OF THE SONG OF SOLOMON resource library for more.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 31 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 17 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 31 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 31 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 30 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 16 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 30 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 30 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 29 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 15 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 29 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 29 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 28 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 14 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 28 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 28 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 27 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 13 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 27 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 27 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 26 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 12 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 26 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 26 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 25 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 11 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 25 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 25 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 24 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 10 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 24 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 24 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 23 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 9 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 23 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 23 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 22 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 8 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 22 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 22 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 21 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 7 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 21 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 21 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 20 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 6 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 20 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 20 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 19 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 5 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 19 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 19 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Dalton Thomas teaches Session 65 of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 18 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 4 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 18 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 18 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Dalton Thomas teaches Session 64 of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 17 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 3 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 17 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 17 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 16 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 2 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 16 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 16 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 15 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 1 of the Difficult Things series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 15 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff and Steph conclude THE BETTER DEATH miniseason looking "Beyond the Cross." Listen now.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 14 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 7 of the CONFRONTING UNBELIEF series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 14 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 14 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff and Steph discuss the paradox of the Cross in this episode of THE BETTER DEATH, our Lenten Meditation approaching Resurrection Sunday.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 13 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 6 of the CONFRONTING UNBELIEF series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 13 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 13 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff & Steph discuss the triumph of the Cross as seen in Colossians 2:15:
"And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in the cross."
Join us for this week's episode of THE BETTER DEATH, a Lenten meditation approaching Resurrection Sunday.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 12 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 5 of the CONFRONTING UNBELIEF series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 12 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 12 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 11 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 4 of the CONFRONTING UNBELIEF series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 11 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 11 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Join Jeff Henderson for this week's meditation on the judgment of the Cross, beginning with John 12:31:
"Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out."
Joel Richardson teaches Session 10 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 3 of the CONFRONTING UNBELIEF series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 10 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 10 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
"And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Myself."
Meditate on these words of Jesus and the magnetism of His Cross with us this week for our second of seven conversations through Lent.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 9 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 2 of the CONFRONTING UNBELIEF series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 9 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
We begin THE BETTER DEATH, a meditative lingering through this Lent season. Jeff and Steph discuss 1 Corinthians 1:23-24. Listen to "The Scandal of the Cross" now.
In this episode, Gabe introduces The FAI Wire video series before discussing the ongoing response to the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, followed by the rising tension between Israel and Iran.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 8 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 1 of the CONFRONTING UNBELIEF series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 8 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
We reach the end of the Galatian road in our final episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM. Listen to the season finale, "Courage, Cowardice, and the Cross (Gal. 6:11-18)" now here in the FAI App.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 7 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 7 of the JESUS IN THE END TIMES series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 7 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 7 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
We finish riding Paul's train of thought in this passage and reflect upon the fatigue of doing good works, and bearing good fruit—why it is tiresome, and why we should keep going anyway. Join Jeff and Steph for this week's conversation in Galatians, for one of the final episodes of THE BETTER FREEDOM.
Listen to "The Abject Fatigue of Good Fruit (Gal. 6:6-10)" now here in the FAI App.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 6 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 6 of the JESUS IN THE END TIMES series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 6 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 6 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
As we near the end of Paul's letter to the churches of Galatia, this week's text includes 6:6-10. Jeff and Steph discuss the individual and corporate imperative to live with generosity, and the broader principle of reaping what you sow—and the inability to reap what you haven't sown then demonstrating God's invincibility. "He cannot be mocked." But He also won't leave you hanging if you trust Him, even with something simple like a tank of gas.
Join Jeff and Steph for this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM: "You Cannot Reap What You Do Not Sow (Gal. 6:6-10)." Listen now in the FAI App.
Joel Richardson teaches Session 5 of THE RETURN OF JESUS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Stephanie Quick teaches Session 5 of the JESUS IN THE END TIMES series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 5 of THE RAPTURE and ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Jeff Henderson teaches Session 5 of the KING OF GLORY series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
Joel Richardson teaches Session 53 of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series of the MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY from FAI STUDIOS
If bearing the fruit of the Spirit looks like bearing the burden of someone "caught" or buckling, and doing so in a spirit of gentleness, the counter-attack of the flesh looks like your pride swelling with the ego of your good deeds. Paul effectively warns us to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves, and "stand alone together."
Listen to this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM with Jeff & Steph now.
Listen to the brand new series from FAI STUDIOS with Dalton Thomas.
Watch the video in the FAI App or download the notes to follow along.
"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." This mighty admonition on the heels of last week's conversation on the "gentle hand of restoration" is not for the faint of heart, but is a beautiful privilege and burden of its own merit for everyone in the Body of Jesus.
Jeff and Steph discuss Galatians 6:2 in this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM, our ongoing season of THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL devoted to the book of Galatians. Listen now in the FAI App.
Listen to the brand new series from FAI STUDIOS with Jeff Henderson.
Watch the video in the FAI App or download the notes to follow along.
Perhaps the most offensive and beautiful passage in all of Galatians is the subject of this week's episode: what to do with a member of our faith family when they get "caught" in a transgression. "WWJD?" may well lead us all to scratch our heads in wonder, but "blessed is he who is not offended because of [Jesus]," and there is gold to mine in these hills.
Join Jeff & Steph for the latest episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM. Listen to "The Gentle Hand of Restoration (Gal. 6:1-3)" now in the FAI App.
Listen to the brand new series from FAI STUDIOS with Joel Richardson.
Watch the video in the FAI App or download the notes to follow along.
Listen to the brand new series from FAI STUDIOS with Stephanie Quick.
Watch the video in the FAI App or download the notes to follow along.
Listen to the brand new series from FAI STUDIOS with Dalton Thomas.
Watch the video in the FAI App or download the notes to follow along.
Listen to the brand new series from FAI STUDIOS with Jeff Henderson.
Watch the video in the FAI App or download the notes to follow along.
The narrow way that leads to life is the path of the Spirit that bears the fruit of the Spirit in our interior lives. This week, Jeff and Steph push past the Sunday School familiarity with this passage and Stephanie shares how this always reminds her of the time she discovered she has a crippling fear of heights.
Listen to the latest episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM now.
No one wants to spend an entire episode discussing things that are not holy, but that's just what we do this week. We have to. Let us see a life without the Spirit for what it is, where it leads us, and how easy this path is to find and walk down. Next week, we'll see the "more excellent way."
Listen to "The Wide Road Way of the Flesh (Gal. 5:19-21)" with Jeff & Steph now in this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM.
Jeff & Steph sit in Galatians 5:16-18 for a second week, discussing the broader theological and practical implications of "walking in the Spirit." Listen to "To Live Truly Free," our latest edition of our THE BETTER FREEDOM season in Galatians, now in the FAI App.
To "walk by the Spirit" and "not gratify the desires of the flesh" is less a list of "dos & don'ts" and more....a dance.
Listen to "Dancing with the Spirit (Gal. 5:16-18)" with Jeff and Steph now, in the latest episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM, here in the FAI App.
Gabe talks with Farhad on location in Iraqi Kurdistan about the current state of the Yezidi people.
Living as "the freest Man alive" lived (and lives) has immediate implications on our relationships. In life, you have brothers (& sisters) and neighbors. How does your freedom in Jesus bear upon how to best relate to the people around you?
Jeff Henderson returns for a second solo episode on Galatians 5:13-15. Listen to "Brothers and Neighbors," our latest episode in THE BETTER FREEDOM, now.
"For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!"
We are not meant to live as cannibals.
Join Jeff this week for a meditation on Galatians 5:13-15 in the latest episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM: "Lest We Bite & Devour," now in the FAI App
We "have need of endurance" to "run the race set before us" "looking to Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith."
No big deal.
Life is hard. And finding the narrow road is difficult to do. It's even harder to stay on it. So imagine how devastating it would be to "run well" and yet allow a "hindrance" to keep you from "obeying the truth." It's one thing to trip; it's another thing to allow a "persuasion" to pull you off the only path that leads to life and bring you into disobedience—which leads to death. We might call that a "crash and burn." Paul once referred to it as a "shipwreck."
Is there a way back on the narrow road? What persuasions might be pulling on you today, and how do you silence them?
Jeff & Steph discuss Galatians 5:7-12 in this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM, "Crash & Burns Off the Narrow Road." Listen now in the FAI App.
Forty-four days after the death of Masha Amini, street demonstrations and labor strikes continue in cities across Iran and abroad, even as the head of Iran’s notorious revolutionary guard corps issues a veiled threat against demonstrators.
This week's passage is a collision and contrast between the path of self-righteous severing, its real-time implications on your relationship with Jesus, true fellowship with Him, and the faith-wrought work of the Spirit to save you from your own conniving ego.
Jeff and Steph discuss Galatians 5:4-6 in this week's edition of THE BETTER FREEDOM. Listen to "To Not Go the Way of Cain" now in the FAI App.
"You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace."
What does it mean to "fall from grace," or be estranged from Jesus? It is no accident these issues bookend justification within this one verse. Join Jeff & Steph as we mine out the issue of justification, how Jesus approaches it, and what it means for us (even on our best behavior).
Listen to "Justification & Jesus (Gal. 5:4)" now in the FAI App.
THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL returns from our little hiatus with a Jeff & Jeff episode sitting in Galatians 5:3, which reads:
"And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law."
The whole law. Some might even say, "the whole enchilada."
Jeff unpacks the implications and consequences of this in this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM. Listen to "The Entire Enchilada" now in the FAI App.
Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets across Iran last week after a 22-year-old woman died as a result of physical abuse she endured in police custody.
At least 135 Armenian soldiers are dead and over 7600 civilians displaced after a short but intense campaign by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces into Armenian territory last week. The latest round of hostilities began Tuesday when Azerbaijan began a coordinated artillery and drone bombardment across its shared border with Armenia.
Last week, we asked, "What is freedom?" This week, as we park in Galatians 5:2, it distills down to this simplicity: The freedom Jesus set you free for is the confidence of a kid who can feel their Dad smiling upon them.
Meditate on this with Jeff and Steph in this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM, available now here in the FAI App.
THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL // If the book of Galatians could be summarized in one verse, it is chapter five verse one: "It is for freedom's sake Christ has set you free—therefore do not be entangled again in a yoke of bondage."
In this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM, Jeff and Steph discuss the implications of this explosive verse which we hold so dear.
Listen to "For Sake of Free Freedom (Gal. 5:1)" now in the FAI App or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Rival Shiite militias clashed in Iraq last week, as a power struggle between infamous cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his political opponents spilled over from parliament into the streets of the heart of Baghdad’s Green Zone.
In Episode 32 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, we come to the end of chapter four in Paul's letter to the churches of Galatia:
"Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless what does the Scripture say? 'Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.' So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free."
Listen to "Castaways & Brotherhood (Gal. 4:28-31)" now with Jeff and Steph here in the FAI App.
US warplanes pummeled a facility in Syria used by Iranian-sponsored militias last Wednesday, after two suicide drones targeted American and Syrian rebel forces at the Al-Tanf base in southern Syria on August 15. Iranian-linked militias responded with rocket fire which wounded 3 US service members.
Somehow, God deals with our unrighteousness in a way that makes Him "both just and the Justifier" of all who have faith in Him; of all who "trust" in Him. Paul had exceptional clarity to communicate the nuts and bolts of this profound message, and it is apparent throughout his letters in addition to the points he makes at the end of this Galatian chapter. Listen to Episode 31 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, "Law, Legality, & Liberty (Gal. 4:24-27)" now and buckle up—we're about to get into the grit and glory of Galatians.
Funerals and demonstrations were held across Syrian Kurdistan (a.k.a. Rojava) over the weekend after a Turkish drone strike killed four young schoolgirls last Thursday near the town of Haskalah.
"For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise...."
These are two simple verses, in theory. But we got lost in them—good and deep. Join Jeff & Steph for the latest conversation in THE BETTER FREEDOM: "Isaacs, Ishmaels, & Rabbit Trails (Gal. 4:22-23)," live now in the FAI App.
The region of Syrian Kurdistan (a.k.a. Rojava) endured “unprecedented” artillery shelling last week, as Syrian Arab militias aligned with Turkey struck communities along Rojava’s long border with Turkey.
The One Wherein Jeff & Steph Park in a Singular Seventeen-Word Verse For a Whole Episode
"Tell me, you who desire the law, do you not listen to the law?"
Galatians puts the collision between our desires, identities, and owners (yes, what/who owns you) under a microscope, and even this short little verse sifts the human heart and exposes intentions and aspirations undergirding how we approach a life in God. Perhaps this conversation will help illuminate some of your own.
Or maybe we just got the Backstreet Boys stuck in your head. Either way, listen to the latest THE BETTER FREEDOM episode, "So, Tell Me... (Gal. 4:21)," now in the FAI App.
Israeli citizens in the nation’s south spent the night in bomb shelters on Friday as Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Israeli military (IDF) traded rocket fire and airstrikes for hours.
As a father in the faith, Paul was concerned for the Galatians. He was jealous for the Galatians. He was burdened for the Galatians. Yet he was, in his own words, "perplexed" by the Galatians. What can we learn and glean from this man who developed out of his own immaturity to give his life to shepherding others out of theirs?
Listen to "Fatherhood & Full Formation (Gal. 4:17-20)" with Jeff & Steph now here in the FAI App.
Turkish artillery and drone strikes against Kurdish forces are spiking in Syrian Kurdistan after Turkish president Erdogan encountered opposition from Iran and Russia regarding a fourth planned Turkish military offensive.
Paul's tone begins to pivot in Galatians 4:10-16, and we hear him in humility, in his humanity, as he makes a heartfelt plea to the believers in Galatia. Jeff & Steph discuss these verses in this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM, our (long) season exclusively devoted to Paul's letter to the churches of Galatia. Listen now in the FAI App.
Gabe reads the FAI Wire report regarding the Turkish attack on a resort in Iraqi Kurdistan which killed nine civilians last Wednesday. Comments from a member of FAI's field team in the region and a local resident.
An abiding law of the universe is this: You are a slave to that which you obey, and you obey that which you desire. This is why loving Jesus is synonymous with obedience (John 15), and why Paul so often refers to himself as a bondservant. But say you break beyond the fence line of obedience; you are not then "free" from the constraints of His commands—you're enslaved within the territory of disobedience. In this week's passage, Paul addresses one way we jump the fence: by giving our minds back to "weak and worthless elementary principles of the world."
Abiding within the fences of Jesus' commands is THE BETTER FREEDOM. Join Jeff & Steph for a meditative conversation on Galatians 4:8-9 in this week's episode of our long walk through the book of Galatians.
US President Joe Biden visits Israel and Saudi Arabia, announces air and sea deals between the Kingdom and the Jewish State in advance of Arab summit in Jeddah. Hamas responds with rocket fire into Israel.
When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son "to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons—and because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, 'Abba, Father!' Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ."
Here we encounter the generosity of God. Meditate with us on Galatians 4:5-7 this week in the latest episode of our journey through Galatians: THE BETTER FREEDOM.
Turkish forces cross the border to stage around Kurdish-held areas, Syrian army reinforces Kurdish-led militias, shelling and drone strikes intensify.
Now firmly in the second half of the year, we are also finally getting into the second half of Galatians: sonship, slavery, and the sovereignty of God displayed in the revelation of the Son in the "fullness of time"—in your life, Paul's life, and in the nations. For Stephanie, a marked moment of "fullness" in her life involved Cutco knives and the guy who would later co-host this podcast with her. Hear the story in this episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM, our season of THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL in the book of Galatians—and why getting salvaged from the "elementary principles of the world" make us viscerally aware of a particularly beautiful truth:
Karma is a load of crock.
Listen now here in the FAI App.
Gabe reads the weekly review of events in the Middle East for the week of June 26-July 2.
THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL // We close out chapter 3 of Galatians exploring the implications of equality in Jesus, and the possible pitfalls of the "one new man" formed in His offering.
Listen to "Unity, Diversity, and Distinction (Gal. 3:28-29)" of THE BETTER FREEDOM with Jeff & Steph now, right here in the FAI App.
Gabe reads the weekly review of events in the Middle East for the week of June 19-25.
Or, "The One Where Jeff Became a Grandpa." In Episode 22 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, we meditate on Galatians 3:27: "For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ." In this regard, there is no other way but to be fully immersed—but what happens if we, like the Crusaders of old, withhold something above the water line? What in your life do you try to protect and preserve?
But Jesus "washes us with the water of His word," and "dresses" us with Him. Ponder these things with us today in this week's episode of THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL, "All-In Under the Waters of Baptism (Gal. 3:27)" with Jeff and Steph now.
As the economic and social crisis in Iran continues to mount, the Wire asked Joel Richardson and leaders in the Iranian underground churches for their perspectives.
We're in the meat of Galatians 3, with substantial themes to chew on: law, faith, grace, promise, slavery, sonship, and the means of reckoning against the righteousness of God. It's not for the faint of heart—but it'll lead you to the One who is "meek and lowly" inviting you to abide in Him all your days.
Grab a coffee and your Bible, and maybe bookmark Romans so you can move back and forth between the two. We love meditating on the Word with you, and staring at the beauty of Jesus every week. He is the answer to every question.
Listen to Ep. 21 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, "Abiding on the Path of Promise (Gal. 3:19-26)" with Jeff and Steph now.
Our theme song is by Jess Ray, who has some new material coming soon. Check out her new single, and her band MISSION HOUSE's latest "Live in Raleigh" album.
Gabe reads the latest FAI Wire report detailing the various ways in which the Iranian regime is on the brink of war abroad and revolution at home.
"What is covenant?" For as heady and meaty as the issues in this passage can be, ultimately the faith comes down to a very simple issue: children believing the promise of their trustworthy Father.
Join Jeff & Steph for episode 20 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, which also happens to be the 100th episode of THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL. Thank you for spending the last two years staring at the beauty of Jesus with us. He is the answer to every question. We're looking forward to the next 100!
Gabe reads the latest edition of the FAI Wire Mideast Week in Review.
The most offensive elements of the Good News are the best ones. The most precious truths are the ones we most resist, most despise. Galatians 3:14 is among these; join Jeff and Steph for a meditation on the Cross as we wade into the doctrinal depths of Paul's letter to the Galatian churches.
Gabe reads the latest edition of the FAI Wire Mideast Week in Review.
Our second of two conversations with Dana Candler (IHOPKC) gets real about what to do when you don't love Jesus like you used to. If you cross the finish line without love, did you really run the race to begin with? What do you do when you test the worth of Jesus, and the worth of Jesus turns around and tests you back? Listen to "Finishing with First Love," our final conversation with Dana Candler celebrating her latest book, 'First Love: Keeping Passion for Jesus in a World Growing Cold,' now.
Get Dana's new book (and her many more writings) at danacandler.com
Gabe reads the latest edition of the FAI Wire Mideast Week in Review.
In this special two-part edition of THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL, Jeff and Steph sit down with Dana Candler (IHOPKC) to discuss her latest book, 'First Love: Keeping Passion for Jesus in a World Growing Cold.' If ever there was a manifesto for our heart behind "The Better Beautiful," it's Dana's new book. These conversations provoked us, challenged us, encouraged us, and brought us into worshipful wonder at the sustaining and sufficient beauty of Jesus. Listen to Part One now here in the FAI App, and stay tuned for Part Two next week.
In this episode, Gabe talks to Marco about the growth of hostilities in the West Bank, and the greater strategic threat across the border from Israel in Lebanon. Marco discusses IAI's initiatives to adopt the Israeli Border Patrol unit stationed at Machpelah Cave in Hebron, West Bank, and to assist the Northern Galilee community of Kiryat Shmona with renovating bomb shelters in advance of a coming future conflict with the massive arsenal of Lebanese Hezbollah.
Gabe reads the latest edition of the FAI Wire Mideast Week in Review.
We spend this week in the five verses between Galatians 3:10-14, and it's important to hear Paul's tone in this segment. What of the curses? Why is the cross a theological checkmate? Jeff & Steph discuss these questions and more in this week's episode of THE BETTER FREEDOM, our journey through the letter to the churches of Galatia. Find yourself in these eternal truths, relevant to disciples in the first century and relevant to us now as we await the return of the slaughtered King. Maranatha.
Gabe interviews Farhad, a member of the Yezidi people and resident of the Mount Sinjar region in Northwestern Iraq. Farhad explains the background of the Yezidi conflict with ISIS, Turkey, and Iraq, and provides a first-hand perspective regarding the recent Iraqi military offensive against Yezidi militias and their Kurdish allies around Sinjar.
In episode 17 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, Jeff & Steph discuss Galatians 3:8-9 and the international intention woven into God's covenant with Abraham (and by extension, Isaac and Jacob) from the very beginning. If this "Good News" was truly meant to reach the nations from its earliest expressions, what do we do with it on, say, a Tuesday afternoon?
Listen to "Jesus' International Inheritance (Gal. 3:8-9)" now here in the FAI App
Paul cites "works" to describe marks of Jewish identity. James cites "works" as actions evident for faith. Paul says you're saved by grace through faith and "not by works," lest any man should boast. James says you must have works to back up your faith, or you're the walking dead. Both men build their positions on the same text: "Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness." How do these stand together such that we can "know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham,"—and what is Paul's 'hold my beer' moment in Galatians 3?
Listen to Episode 16 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, "All in the Family (Gal. 3:6-7)" now here in the FAI App
In this episode, Jeff & Steph pull the car over somewhere around Galatians 3:5 to stretch our legs, check the map, and look at the road ahead. Paul develops a robust theology of justification, adoption, sonship, inheritance, freedom—as well as the less attractive alternatives—in just a couple of chapters in Galatians, and we're about to take a deep dive to wade through them all. And we're feeling a bit of fear and trepidation as we do.
Grab some coffee, your Bible, and survey our surroundings with us. We're going to be in this book for a while.
Jeff & Steph interview Daniel Lancaster, author of the commentary 'The Holy Epistle to the Galatians: Sermons on a Messianic Jewish Approach,' and Director of Education at First Fruits of Zion. Daniel helps us wade through some of the larger questions presented by the Galatian letter, and approach Paul's words within their broader context both culturally and theologically.
Find more of Daniel's resources at www.ffoz.org
In this episode, Gabe interviews Lt. Col. Marco Moreno (IDF, Res) about the ongoing spate of terror attacks and counterterror operations in Israel. Marco gives an update on upcoming FAI/IAI initiatives in the Jewish State.
What *wouldn't* Jesus do? Jeff and Steph ask this pertinent question as we discuss Galatians 3:1-5. How do the questions surrounding Law & Spirit, Jew & Gentile, faith & freedom bear upon us? How does staring at "Christ and Him crucified" safeguard us from the seduction of bewitching words and Gospel perversions?
Listen to Part 13 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, "What *Wouldn't Jesus Do? (Gal. 3:1-5)" now
In this episode, Gabe reads his latest Wire special report: Unpegging the Petrodollar, exploring the past, present and future of the US Petrodollar.
What must we do when we bow the knee to Jesus for the first time? How does this bear upon being either Jew or Gentile? Jeff & Steph discuss Galatians 2:17-21 in this week's installment of THE BETTER FREEDOM. Listen to "All the Law & the Prophets" now:
On the heels of Paul recounting how Peter had "extended the right hand of fellowship" to him and his ministry team, the "apostle to the Gentiles" publicly confronted the man Jesus nicknamed "the rock." Why was this conversation significant, and why did it have to take place publicly? As we so often find in the heart of God, the priority of table fellowship plays a central role in a much larger story.
Listen to Episode 11 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, "A Confrontation with Justification (Gal. 2:11-17)," now
Galatians' second chapter describes two encounters and conversations between Paul and Peter: in the first (this week's episode), Peter forfeits an opportunity to lambast Paul for his blood-stained, prideful past, and extended the "right hand of fellowship" to both Paul and Barnabas. In the second (next week's episode), Paul had to publicly bring a word of correction to Peter's leadership culture.
The "better freedom" Jesus brings us into has both individual and corporate ramifications and implications. Galatians 2 offers a glimpse of how this worked with the early apostles, who each received a revelation of Jesus that then bore the fruit of a rapidly reproducing, decentralized disciple-making movement in the first century.
Jeff and Steph explore this first encounter this week in Galatians 2:1-10. Listen to "THE BETTER FREEDOM Part 10: Revelation & Decentralization" now here in the FAI App
Gabe hosts Devon to discuss her latest Wire special report regarding the history of Russia in the Middle East, and implications for the present conflict in Ukraine.
Not long after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the testimony of the crucified and risen Messiah is growing in Syria. A young, zealous Pharisee is on his way to Damascus to extinguish the growing church, "breathing threats of persecution," committed to silencing this spreading sect of Judaism. Then he receives his famous, blinding encounter with the Lord, changing his life forever—and then spent the next three years in Arabia. Where did he go, and why did he do that?
Jeff and Steph discuss Paul's apostolic formation in Arabia in Episode 09 of THE BETTER FREEDOM. Listen now.
The apostle Paul lived his entire life "set apart," seeking to honor the legacy of his fathers. His encounter with Jesus on the Damascus Road took those ambitions, and leveraged them for a better consecration and a better Father, illuminating Paul's life and identity as a son with eternity and joy. Yet as he reflects on it, he makes a significant distinction: it was not simply that Jesus was revealed *to* Paul—what changed his life forever was God the Father's revelation of God the Son *in* Paul, with local and global implications.
Join Jeff and Steph for a conversation surrounding Galatians 1:13-16, "The Revealing of the Son," in our THE BETTER FREEDOM series on Galatians now
Allegiance to and obedience to Jesus can only be done one way: all or nothing. That's always been true of discipleship, and it'll always be true of discipleship. In Episode 7 of THE BETTER FREEDOM, Jeff & Steph spend some additional time in verses 1:6-12 to consider Paul's singular focus to face one direction and live such that God would see the apostle's life and smile. How can we do the same?
Listen to "Face Face One Direction, and God Will Smile" now right here in the FAI App
With the opening greeting to the churches of Galatia behind us, we move now into the meat of the letter—and Paul wastes no time telling us how he really feels. Consider Gal. 1:6: "I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Gospel of Christ." He goes on to condemn anyone who perverts of distorts the Gospel—himself included, should he be so reckless and foolish—to hell and everlasting curse. But this is a letter about everlasting liberty conquering the curse, so what gives?
Listen to "The Claws & Fury of the Apostolic Mama Bear (Gal. 1:6-12)," the latest episode in our Galatians series THE BETTER FREEDOM now
Paul consistently opens his letters with emotionally and theologically charged greetings; Galatians is no different. He closes his introduction with verse five: "to Whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen." But what is the glory of God? How is it distinct to Him, and how can we know it?
Jeff and Steph grapple with the glory of God in episode five of THE BETTER FREEDOM, a season of The Better Beautiful devoted to Paul's letter to the churches of Galatia. This ancient text bears upon us today—in all the best ways. Listen now.
"Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father."
With these words, Paul deflates any prosperous dreams for a "best" life being available or accessible in this age—this "present evil age." But he does powerfully and succinctly identify the totality of all we are rescued from, within and without our interior lives. And this is the scandal of the liberty secured for us in Christ and offered to us only within Christ: we are truly free, and free indeed, to do *anything.* So how shall we spend our numbered days in this present evil age?
"Paul, an apostle—not from men or by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead— and all the brothers who are with me:
To the churches of Galatia.
Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen."
Our third episode of 'The Better Freedom' finds Jeff & Steph in the middle of Paul's opening greeting to the Galatians. What are the grace and peace he wishes upon us, and what foundation does this have biblically? Already, Paul is drawing from his background—and pushing us into the future with him.
Listen to "Grace, Peace, and Glory" now
Jeff and Steph discuss Paul's firecracker opening in his letter to the churches of Galatia:
"Paul, an apostle—not from men or by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead—"
Why was it appropriate and necessary for Paul to play a (very legitimate) "thus saith the Lord" card when it came to his own qualifications and authority to speak into the Galatian church community? Why did it matter—and what weight did Paul bear responsibility for before the One who assigned him to the task?
The answers to these questions are paramount as we proceed through the letter. Listen to "The Call, the Crisis (Galatians 1:1)" now.
DURATION: 36 minutes
The Better Beautiful returns with Season 4: THE BETTER FREEDOM. Join Jeff & Steph for the first of many (many many) conversations exploring & embracing the God-given Good News expounded upon in Paul's letter to the churches of Galatia. Happy New Year, and Maranatha!
In this bonus off-season episode, Jeff and Steph discuss Luke 24's "burning heart" and why it's required to serve strategically in this moment in human history. Explore our in-person and online training opportunities in 2022 at faitraining.org
'The Better Thing' ends with 'Part III: The Accessible, Sustaining Beauty.' What could possibly enthrall, invite, entice, and captivate you "all the days" of your life? The best news is this: it's not just that David prioritized the pursuit of the Better Beautiful all the days of his life—it's that God sanctified his prayer in the Scriptures. Meaning this: David's prayer is actually God's invitation and intention for you and your life—all the days of your life. Seek Him, and you'll find Him. And you'll never "taste and see" anything less than satisfaction. No matter the cost, no matter the path of pursuit, He will always be better than you ever could've dreamed. He is enough, and He is worth it.
NOTE: 'The Better Beautiful' will return with Season 4: 'The Better Freedom: A Very Long Journey through Galatians' in November
Listen to this week's episode now right here in the FAI App
Our pit stop in Psalm 27:4 en route to next season's journey through Galatians sets us this week in Part II of 'The Better Thing.' David set a vision to pursue, behold, and prioritize the beauty of the Lord 'all the days' of his life—his bad days, his good days, his wretched days, his battle days, his bored-out-his-mind days. We have to do the same.
Good things take time. The best thing is worth all our time—all our days.
Listen to this week's THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL now in the FAI App
The human heart obeys that which it desires. This is why David's lifelong commitment and calibration to the "one thing" of Psalm 27:4 kept him from wandering onto the wide road that leads to destruction. If you want to walk the "narrow way" that leads to life, if you want to "finish the race set before you," then you need to lock your eyes on this ONE THING.
What is it?
Join Jeff & Steph for the first of three episodes in another mini season (we're up to Season 3.5 now) before we get to the long-awaited Season 4: The Better Freedom— we're finally getting to Galatians. You can probably see Stephanie's excited face from where you're standing.
But to mine out the "better freedom" properly, we need to first build our house on the "better thing"—the One Thing.
Listen now // 39 minutes
Season 3's meditation on Philippians 2:5-11 comes to an end with "Part XIV: Death, Joy, and Final Words from a Father." We extend our conversation into verses 12-18, and consider Paul's "therefore" words for his beloved Philippian family, knowing well these words could've been his last. What were they, and how should we hear them today?
Gabe reflects on the events leading up to the 9/11 attacks, their consequences in the following decades, and the path forward for the churches in the days ahead.
In this season's second-to-last episode, we approach the end of Philippians 2:5-11's incredible hymn. As Paul testifies to the super-exaltation (i.e. reward) of Jesus' all-in obedience, he closes with these words: "to the glory of God the Father." Jeff & Steph discuss the implications of these words, and weave corresponding passages from the biblical testimony throughout the conversation. Listen to Part XIII of 'The Better Surrender': "How Our Father Glories in Obedience & Reward" now
NOTE // Last week's episode (Part XII) glitched in its initial publication, but the issue has been resolved. If you missed Part XII, we encourage you to catch up on it before listening to Part XIII.
The Day of the LORD is coming, when Jesus is exalted above everything and everyone everywhere—in word, and deed. Every knee will bend and every mouth will declare His glory—even the most vile blasphemers among us still. This is the Day when injustices cease, and we want it to come. But as the prophets tell us, this Day is both "great" and "terrible."
Jeff and Steph discuss the less popular, less shiny sides of Jesus' return, and their implications for us today. Listen to Part XII of 'The Better Surrender: The Great & Terrible of Jesus' Return' now
In this Special Edition of 'The Better Beautiful,' Jeff & Steph discuss recent events in Afghanistan. How do we continue to care for and carry burdensome grief and advocacy? What is God doing in Afghanistan, and how do we pray and partner with Him strategically and effectively?
PLEASE NOTE // This episode was recorded before the devastating attacks at the Kabul airport
SUPPORT THE AFGHAN UNDERGROUND // catalyticministries.com
GET TO KNOW THE GCM FAMILY // Watch 'SHEEP AMONG WOLVES' Vols. I & II right here in the FAI App
'The Better Beautiful' returns with Part 11 of 'The Better Surrender: The Name Above All Names.' Join Jeff and Steph for an extended conversation on Philippians 2:5-11, zeroing in this week on verses 9-10a, to meditate on the only Name that saves—the only Name that matters.
This week, we hit verse 9 in the Christological Everest that is Philippians 2:5-11. Likely an early church hymn, this text arrests us and puts us right where we belong: beneath the super-exalted King. Our surest freedom comes only on the terms of this sure truth: He is and will be preeminent in all things.
Listen to Part X of The Better Surrender now: The Super-Theology of the Super-Exalted
In our final week on verse 8 ("and being found in human form, He became obedient to the point of death—even death on a cross"), we meditate and explore what it means to preach the Cross.
Join Jeff & Steph for this week's conversation on The Better Surrender: A Meditation on Philippians 2:5-11
Listen to "Part IX: Preaching the Cross" now here in the FAI App
Our journey through the early church hymn recorded in Philippians 2:5-11 finds us joyfully stuck on verse 8 for a third week in a row: "And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."
The cross is not only God's upside-down means to redeem suffering, it is also the supreme revelation of His love—which is categorically different than the cheap, Hallmark rom-com love we generally think of.
Listen to Part 8 of "The Better Surrender: The Supreme Revelation of God's Love" now
As we meditate on Philippians 2:5-11 this season, Jeff & Steph have parked, pitched their tents (and whatever other metaphor you can think of) on verse 8: "And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."
Hang out here with us in this week's episode, "The Cross & Suffering."
"And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."
Paul emphasizes the kind of death Jesus died for a reason—it matters for our redemption. Jeff & Steph hit Philippians 2:8 in Part VI of THE BETTER SURRENDER, our third season of THE BETTER BEAUTIFUL.
It is our gift and privilege to stare at the Man Christ Jesus—the Better Beautiful—in wonder, and adore Him all our days. Join us for another conversation doing just that this week.
Get #AllHailTheBloodyKing from #BalladsOfTheRevelation on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, etc etc etc.
We arrive this week at verse 8 in this staggering hymn of the early church (Phil. 2:5-11):
"And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."
Join Jeff & Steph and ponder these words with wonder; we will never graduate from this truth. We will never wrap our minds around what this verse conveys. But we may allow it to lead us to the Cross, and behold Him there.
Listen to Part V of The Better Surrender now, right here in the FAI App
"Instead He emptied Himself
by assuming the form of a servant,
taking on the likeness of humanity.
And when He had come as a man...."
Sit with us in Philippians 2:7 this week. These are the depths of the depths.
"....Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God...."
These are the words we meditate on this week, a simple phrase inviting us into the depths of Jesus. What does it mean that the "Word became flesh," in whom "it pleased God" that the "fullness of the Godhead would dwell in bodily form"—and "pleased God to crush"? How were (and are) the Father, Son, and Spirit—the plural Godhead—united in the work of the Cross? Was it, as some have supposed, "cosmic child abuse"? Or is there more to the mystery to reveal the Beautiful God?
Join Jeff & Steph this week as we discuss these questions, and wade into the waters of this early church hymn to find the Answer to Every Question: "Christ, and Him crucified."
In this episode, IAI director and IDF Lt. Col. Marco Moreno (Res.) discusses the transition of power in the Israeli parliament from Benyamin Netanyahu's government to a new coalition government, what it means for Israel, and how Wire listeners can make a difference for Israel in 2021.
We pitched our tent in Philippians 2:5 this week: "Have this mind in you also, which is yours in Christ Jesus." How do we become so conformed into the image of Jesus that we literally begin to think like He thinks? How does this affect our ability to "love the Lord our God with all our mind"?
Meditate with us on this incredible hymn of the early church this season as we stare in wonder at THE BETTER SURRENDER.
Devon reads her latest special report for the FAI Wire, delving into the historical backdrop for the recent Israel-Gaza conflict, and broadening our perspective to include the regional actors who are fueling the aggression of Hamas behind the scenes.
'The Better Beautiful' returns for Season 3 with a meditation on Philippians 2:5-11. Consider this likely hymn of the early discipleship communities:
"Adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus,
who, existing in the form of God,
did not consider equality with God
as something to be exploited.
Instead He emptied Himself
by assuming the form of a servant,
taking on the likeness of humanity.
And when He had come as a man,
he humbled himself by becoming obedient
to the point of death—
even to death on a cross.
For this reason God highly exalted Him
and gave Him the name
that is above every name,
so that at the name of Jesus
every knee will bow—
in heaven and on earth
and under the earth—
and every tongue will confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father."
We're excited to swim through this incredible passage this season. Thank you for joining us as we explore the answer to every question: Jesus, the Better Beautiful.
Our journey through the Farewell Discourse ends in John 21, with Jesus' simple but profound private conversation with Peter just days after the young man's failure to obey and follow Jesus at any and all costs. This familiar (but incredible) passage illuminates Jesus' gentle hand, devoted intercession, and commitment to lead Peter into the fullness ordained for him "beforehand" (see Ephesians 2:10). The rowdy boy from the backwoods of the Galilee would indeed become a "fisher of men." He would, also, share the same end in this age as the One he would follow all the rest of his days.
Grab some coffee and sit down with the final pages of John's Gospel for Part 24 of "The Better Farewell: Charcoal Fires."
"The Better Beautiful" will return June 5 with Season 3: an extended meditation on Philippians 2:5-11.
Lt. Col. Marco Moreno (Res.) draws on three decades of experiences in the Israeli Defense Forces to give Wire listeners an insider analysis of the escalating conflict between the State of Israel and the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip. Email your questions for Marco to [email protected] for a chance to get an answer during the next Wire podcast. Otherwise, please listen, pray and share.
"He will not break a bruised reed, and He will not put out a smoldering wick..." (Isaiah 42:3a)
Part 23 of 'The Better Farewell' brings us to the morning of the empty tomb. And what does Jesus do? Whom does He seek to speak with first?
A woman under such compounding grief, that she sees the empty tomb and cannot register what it means.
A man so given to disillusionment, he makes a vow to never believe again—unless his terms and conditions are met.
Before Jesus would give the Great Commission, He found the flickering wicks. And all He had to do was say their names; all they had to do was hear His voice, and see Him standing beside them—alive. Consider the gentle hand of the slaughtered Lamb, who so graciously prioritized those weak in heart and spirit. And we haven't even gotten to breakfast in the Galilee yet.
As with all episodes of #TheBetterBeautiful, we pray this presses you into the beauty of Jesus and His "wonderful" Name. We have one episode left in Season 2, and hope you'll join us next week as we conclude our journey through the Farewell Discourse (spoiler alert: we announce Season 3 in this episode).
DURATION: 58 minutes
At the end of the day and the end of the age, there is but one King and one Truth. His Kingdom is not, will not, and cannot be tainted with the carnality of the flesh; it is "not of this world." We may only participate in His Kingdom with submission to His righteousness—and His alone. The "kings of the earth" will "rage" and "plot in vain," many with Pilate's cynicism on their lips: "What is truth?"
Listen to Part 22 of 'The Better Farewell' now, as we examine the Man on a steadfast mission to disarm the powers of the air, make a spectacle of their folly, and leverage a cursed execution to put the manifold wisdom of God on a magnificent, everlasting display.
DURATION: 53 minutes
Listen to this update from Marco Moreno about the tragic incident in northern Israel that left more than 40 dead and more than 150 injured.
Immediately after Jesus finishes praying in John 17, the next chapter opens with His arrest—a mind-boggling event bookended by two men from His ministry team and brotherhood turning their backs on Him. Is Peter any different, any better than Judas? What do you do when you wake up in the morning with all the world before you as normal, only to go to bed that night under the rubble of your own implosions?
Listen to Part 21 of 'The Better Farewell: Failure & Betrayal'
DURATION: 42 minutes
Our seventh session in John 17, the only chapter in Scripture capturing Jesus' prayer moments before His arrest, brings us to the last group of people He prayed for:
This is the conventional conclusion of the Farewell Discourse, but over the next month or so we're going to follow the story through Jesus' betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and Peter's failure—and restoration on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
Listen to Part 20: His Blood-Bought Prayer List now
“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth.”
John 17:17-19
Meditate with us on these words and The Word, The Truth: Jesus of Nazareth. May we be washed in the water of His Word this week.
DURATION: 40 minutes
"I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, protect them by Your name that You have given Me, so that they may be one as We are One. While I was with them, I was protecting them by Your name that You have given Me. I guarded them and not one of them is lost, except the son of destruction, so that the Scripture may be fulfilled. Now I am coming to You, and I speak these things in the world so that they may have My joy completed in them."
Meditate on this passage with us this week. Listen to "Kept & Coming Home," Part 18 of The Better Farewell now.
DURATION: 38 minutes
In Part 17 of our journey through the Farewell Discourse, we find ourselves—still—solidly in John....17. Fate?
"I have manifested Your name to them...."
What does this mean? Jesus' prayer moments before His arrest, recorded by His beloved friend and brother John, is loaded with magnificent and mighty language: "eternal life," "glory," "sanctify," "truth," "given," "kept," and more—but perhaps we are meant to hear it all through the manifestation of His name through the shining face of Jesus, the Messiah. "The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious...."
The Name declared to Moshe in the cleft of the rock so long ago is in fact the "Rock of ages, cleft for" you, and cleft for us.
We pray this week's conversation edifies you as it has edified us. May He keep us in His name, and may we bear it faithfully.
We've made it to verse 4 of John 17: "I have glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work that You gave Me to do."
Marinate in this power-packed prayer with us.
All authority belongs to Jesus (John 17:2). Meditate on this with us in this week's 'The Better Beautiful.'
We're.....still in John 17. Sit down. Stay a while. :)
"Father, the hour has come."
Years after first garnering public attention at the Cana wedding—the one with the best wine—when it "was not yet His time," Jesus finds Himself in a garden across the valley from where He will one day reign. He looked up to heaven, and said, "Father...it's time."
We have reached John 17, what Jeff considers to be the best prayer of all time. It is certainly one of Scripture's highest mountain peaks, if not the highest of them all. The air is thin, and the glory is heavy. We'll be in John 17 for a while. Hike this peak with us.
Happy Birthday to 'The Better Beautiful'! In our first anniversary episode, we polish the second half of John 16. Jeff 1) showcases his new Romanian vocabulary and 2) walks us all back from the cliff of anxiety. "Waiting"—for the Lord's return, or for whatever your life fills in the blanks—presses against our confidence, our faith, in very unique ways. How do we hold on?
First, we drink deeply from the well of this tried and true word: He will get us across the finish line. And He will take care of us in the meantime.
DURATION: 47 minutes
This one word is the hinge of this week's passage. Jeff & Steph wade through John 16:5-15 and ask what it means for the disciples to hear "the Helper is coming" in light of losing the presence of their trusted Rabbi. But we also don't live in the first century, and need to know what it means to live under the leadership of the Helper in the 21st century. So how do we?
Also, we invite you to play a game and eat your favorite treat or a shot of apple cider vinegar every time Stephanie says "Galatians."
DURATION: 38 minutes
"And just maybe, He'll make me a little less cranky."
Our prayer for ourselves this week closes this conversation on John 15:18-16:4, and what it means for the world to hate Jesus' disciples for no reason other than it hates Him. But many questions emerge in this meditation; for one thing, what is hatred? How does it contrast against love? And what planks might we have lodged in our own eyeballs that we need to dig out before we cry "wolf"? Is it possible we carry a persecution complex that we try to sanctify with passages like this one?
The Farewell Discourse offers us some of Scripture's most powerful passages to transform the water of our hearts, minds, and lives into the "better wine" produced when we "abide in the Vine." May we examine ourselves—better yet, allow Scripture to examine us—and allow these words in John's record of Jesus' final moments before His arrest wash over us, and make us better witnesses to the world around us.
"Dear Father, in heaven...."
Why is this "best blasphemy a Muslim will ever hear" our great comfort, and ultimate anchor for obedience? In John 15:9-17, Jesus uses strong yet gorgeous language to describe the friendship and family offered to us by and through the Father, Son, and Spirit—if we obey. So what is obedience? And how did it wreck the life of a man already "so well behaved," Saul of Tarsus?
Join Jeff & Steph for one of our most favorite episodes to date, Part 9 of our deep dive into the Farewell Discourse.
DURATION: 45 minutes
As we come to some of the "glorious peaks" of the Farewell Discourse, this episode brings us to some of our very favorite verses: John 15:1-8—where we get the language to "abide in the Vine."
But how do we persevere through a "long obedience in the same direction" when life is unpredictable and winds around (and within!) us rage? This week, we welcome special guest Martin Mallory to the table with Jeff. Stephanie (who is writing this caption) deliberately stepped out of the way so we could all sit and hear some fatherly wisdom.
Martin serves alongside Jeff on the FAI Board of Directors, and also shepherds the FAI family as the Director of Pastoral Care. We love and are grateful for both these dads in our family.
Grab some coffee and a copy of John's Gospel, and let the Holy Spirit minister to and strengthen you in this episode.
DURATION: 43 minutes
Have you ever wondered what the point to this age is? Why the garden? Why was the snake allowed in? Why the cross? And why are we asking these questions in the middle of John 14?
If you're following Jesus, you'll almost certainly hear Him say something like, "Arise, let us go from here" right before He leads you—very intentionally—into your own Gethsemane and Golgotha moment. We know we must "carry our cross daily," but sometimes it catches us a bit off-guard. Where is He? Why must we go there?
Paul offers us some clarity in Ephesians 3, and we lean on it in what might be our weightiest episode to date. Join Jeff & Steph for a meditation on John 14:15-31 as we continue mulling through the Farewell Discourse in the Gospel of John.
Jesus is the Way to, and the Image of, the Father. Jeff and Steph continue through John's Farewell Discourse this week in John 14:7-14. Consider His representation, and the "greater things" we are invited into.
Enroll in EMMAUS ONLINE: faitraining.org/emmaus-online
Find out more about Jeff & Carol's new season of ministry: jeffhenderson.global
Right after He tells all His disciples that 1) one of them is a traitor, 2) one of them is a denier, 3) He's leaving (and they can't come with) and 4) all the triggers are getting pulled by sunrise, Jesus says: "Let not your hearts be troubled." What?
We enter 2021 with John 14:1-6; and perhaps Jesus' encouragement—in tandem with His declaration that He is "the way, the truth, the life"—will serve you as we begin this New Year.
This week's passage is John 13:31-35, and it's CHRISTMAS! What does the Incarnation of the "Word made flesh, who dwelt among us" mean for the tomb, the cross, and the crown? "Maranatha" means Jesus came once to break the power of death and sin, and He's coming again to restore all things. In this episode, we meditate on the Incarnation and wish you all a MERRY-NATHA!
DURATION: 32 minutes
Young love is often as immature as it is sincere, and Peter was no exception. He had big dreams, a mouth to boot, and a real desire to stay steadfast—whatever befall. But he was about to find out just how far he could fall, and just how quickly he would implode.
We've all betrayed, and we've all denied. We've all hung by the thread of Jesus' intercession and wondered if we could survive. Find courage in the life of Peter. Listen to Part 3 of our journey through the Farewell Discourse: The Denier (John 13:31-38).
- "Galilee," by Stephanie Quick
- "The Blood & the Barley," by Dalton & Anna Thomas
DURATION: 39 minutes
You’re 3 years into something that has cost you your life. You haven’t slept in your own bed since you heard “Follow Me,” and you’ve “done life” with the same twelve rowdy guys ever since—God Incarnate included. You sit down for the most special holiday meal of your entire calendar year, and He tells you someone in the room is about to stab Him—and everyone else—in the back.
What will this do to your family? Your community? Your ministry?
What will this do to Jesus?
And—is it you?
Listen to Episode 02 of our slow dive into the Farewell Discourse: The Traitor (John 13:18-33)
DURATION: 37 minutes
Jeff is back, Season 2 is rolling, and Christmas is right around the corner. Dare we say 2020 couldn’t take everything from us?
Here we begin a slow, deep swim through The Farewell Discourse. Join Jeff, Steph, and John the Beloved for a thoughtful meditation through Jesus’ last moments with His boys—with all the drama, tension, pain, and glory John could cram into these few chapters.
Episode 01: The Washing (John 13:1-17)
- “Eden,” Jervis Campbell
- “Beloved,” Tenth Avenue North
- “Indiscriminate Act of Kindness,” Foy Vance
DURATION: 39 minutes
Incredibly, the company that began in Toccoa, trained on Currahee, jumped into D-Day and Market Garden, and held the Bois Jacques woods in Bastogne, lived to see VE Day in Berchtesgaden—at Hitler's very own mountain retreat, known as the "Eagle's Nest." At D-Day+336, these men who had lost, survived, and fought for so much got to kick their feet up on their enemy's balcony, plunder his champagne, and raise a few toasts to his final defeat.
This incredible moment was captured in an iconic photo that is usually found on our walls or computer desktops. It means so much to us because it reminds us of a day coming when we can celebrate the devil's defeat—and yet, we know the war isn't over when the seventh trumpet sounds.
Join Jeff, Steph, Anna, Andrew, and Dalton for the final episode in our 'Better Brotherhood' miniseries.
- "Gallows," song by Jess Ray
- "Commitment to a Wartime Lifestyle," Essay by Ralph D. Winter, Sept. 1, 1994 (see http://www.missionfrontiers.org/issue/article/commitment-to-a-wartime-lifestyle)
- "The Last Battle," C. S. Lewis
DURATION: 46 minutes
"Currahee." This Cherokee word became a hallmark of the 101st Airborne, with particular significance to the Band of Brothers. While other units were told to shout "Geronimo!" as they jumped from planes on D-Day, the men of Easy Company were under orders to scream this into the air instead. What originally meant "We stand alone" was adapted to mean "We stand alone—together." And that's how they made it to the war and successfully completed their mission—each man bearing his own load, in strength and solidarity with his brother standing next to him. What can we learn from this?
Our round table grows again this week with Dalton Thomas. Come sit in our living room for our family fireside chat about the impact this story, and the incredible word that is "Currahee," has had on us as people and as a family.
DURATION: 42 minutes
It's the coldest winter in 30 years. You're in a fox hole. You don't have the food, ammo, or coat you need to survive. Trees are exploding above you. And Hitler is closing in. Find out why "Bastogne" is the code word for "hell"—because even the toughest men can break. And then what?
Stephanie, Jeff, Anna, and Andrew return to the round table this week for Part 5 of 'The Better Brotherhood.' Listen now.
DURATION: 35 minutes
What happens when we're crippled—even blinded—by fear? Or how do we gently, lovingly lead people when panic sets in to suffocate them?
Andrew and Stephanie return to continue our miniseries Season 1.75 of 'The Better Brotherhood,' examining lessons in life, leadership, and community through the lives and testimony of Easy Company. But this episode is extra special because Anna Thomas sat down at our round table, and none other than JEFF HENDERSON makes his mighty return.
DURATION: 32 minutes
"Don't ever put yourself in a position where you can take from these men."
Before he was promoted to command 2nd Battalion of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Cpt. Dick Winters leveled a measured rebuke against his commanding officer. What convictions made him so bold, and why is it important for us today?
Join Stephanie and Andrew for an important lesson in life, community, and leadership from Easy Company—the 'Band of Brothers'—and grow as a leader who serves and sacrifices with honor.
DURATION: 34 minutes
On 10/23/20, US President Trump announced diplomatic normalization between the State of Israel and the Republic of Sudan, the third Muslim-majority Arab state to announce a peace deal with the Jewish State since August. As many in the Middle East are celebrating the continued success of the so-called Abraham Accords, many Christians are asking whether Sudan's government can be trusted in light of its role in the future events of Ezekiel 38.
Few things test us like watching someone new wear medals we think they didn't earn. How do we respond to "replacements"—people who join the ranks and are trusted with the mission, but they weren't there for the fire of training? How can we forge trust with people who weren't with us in the trenches? How do we keep a tender heart—and live without callous?
Stephanie and Andrew share lessons from Easy Company of the 101st Airborne Division, who faced these very questions when lives were literally on the line in the Second World War.
DURATION: 33 minutes
Meet Maj. Dick Winters and Cpt. Lewis Nixon of Easy Company, better known as the "Band of Brothers." Find out why their friendship and brotherhood brings such encouragement to Stephanie and the FAI family as we pioneer on the Gospel frontier—and, very simply, learn how to live and love each other like Jesus does. Special guest (and unofficial Easy Company expert) Andrew Cowart joins. Who is the Quaker? Who is the alcoholic? More importantly, which one reminds Stephanie of herself? Find out in the first of this 6-part miniseries before Jeff returns for Season 2 of 'The Better Beautiful.'
DURATION: 34 minutes
"Well cue Shania Twain, y'all, because it looks like we've made it."
Season 1.5 of 'The Better Beautiful' comes to a close as our 'The Better Belief' miniseries through 'Confronting Unbelief' closes with the final chapter: Jesus rebuilds His bride. He rebuilds His beloved. He rebuilds Jerusalem. He rebuilds Peter. And He rebuilds us—and through every storm that tosses and afflicts us, He reveals His manifold, multicolored wisdom for every power and principality to see and be ashamed.
He is a faithful Husband, and He finishes what He starts. Meditate this week on Isaiah 54 and Revelation 21, and stay tuned for what's next in 'The Better Beautiful.' We have a special treat (and we will get to Season 2, we promise).
"For your Maker is your Husband, the LORD of hosts is His name...."
"Come; I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb..."
DURATION: 32 minutes
- "The Return of the Prodigal Son," Henri Nouwen (book)
- "The Prodigal God," Tim Keller (book)
- "Holy (Wedding Day)," The City Harmonic (song)
Be sure to follow 'The Better Beautiful' playlist on Spotify to get all our favorite songs in one spot. Sing along. Meditate. Marinate.
As we discussed last week, it is the gentleness of Jesus that makes us great—but sometimes the hand that shepherds us so gently also prunes us with severity. "Suffering produces endurance; endurance produces character, and character produces hope." If it is "for discipline we must endure," and by this we know we are legitimate sons, how do we cling to the goodness of God in the midst of severity? How do we intercede—firmly against sin, but in faithful solidarity with Jesus' eternal purposes? It matters for Jerusalem. It matters for your family. And it matters for you.
DURATION: 32 minutes
- "All Things New," John Eldredge (book)
- "When a Jew Rules the World," Joel Richardson (book; free in the FAI App)
- "You Won't Relent," Misty Edwards (song)
- "Psalm 46," Shane & Shane
- "All That's Inside," Jon Thurlow
Follow 'The Better Beautiful' playlist on Spotify, where we keep all the songs we recommend here in one playlist! Sing along and let these truths marinate deep into your soul.
"A day is coming" when Jerusalem will behold the Son of Man and weep for Him like one mourns a firstborn Son. This gorgeous, long-awaited moment will be marked with very human grief—and relief. Like messy weeping relief, and the City of the Great King will sing: "Blessed is He! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!"
But her song is not the first; in fact, it's His:
"The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty One who will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness;
He will quiet you with His love;
He will exult over you with loud singing."
David gives us a glimpse into this song of triumph in ultimate deliverance—before Absalom, before Bathsheba, before the crown. Back when a young man was plucked from Bethlehem, received profound promises, tasted promotion, and then entered years of testing, sifting, and incredible stress. It fatigued him, and he stopped trusting Jesus for a season.
What did Jesus do, and how did it reveal His delight?
Listen to Part 5 of 'The Better Belief' in this week's episode of our miniseries walking through 'Confronting Unbelief.' Get the book for free in the FAI App ("READ" –> "APP BOOKS") or on Amazon Kindle/Paperback.
DURATION: 25 minutes
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Search Spotify for 'The Better Beautiful' playlist, where we're collecting all the songs we recommend in these episodes. Sing along and let these truths sink deep.
- "After God's Own Heart," Mike Bickle (Book)
The danger of feeling forgotten is its weed of unbelief that grows into accusations and arrogance like:
"God doesn't love me."
"I hate offering Him anything."
"I'll just do the bare minimum."
"Anything goes. God loves me just the way and I am and everything I like to do."
"I should hoard all my resources."
"What's the point of obeying God when it costs me? Nothing matters."
Any of these sound familiar? But He is more attentive than a mother is to her newborn child, and He is with us until the end of the age—and He will return for us. We are not orphans abandoned by negligent care.
Take courage in the eyes of your good Father who see everything in secret, rewards openly, and will write the sincere movements of a tender heart in a book of remembrance for all eternity. He does not forget. He remembers.
DURATION: 33 minutes
- "Too Good," Jess Ray
- "Refiner," Maverick City Music
Sometimes the best news is the most offensive, and forgiveness is certainly no exception. Redemption is expensive, but nothing else will get us to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. How can we embrace this deep truth for ourselves ("forgive us our trangressions") and live free enough to want it for our enemies ("as we forgive our transgressors")? But we must: if we do not forgive, we are not forgiven.
Join Stephanie as we continue our mini-series through 'Confronting Unbelief' and stare at the literal crux of it all: the forgiveness of Jesus, who is "both just and Justifier of the one who has faith in Him."
BONUS: Hear an exclusive sneak peek at a new song not yet released to the public—only on this week's 'The Better Beautiful.'
DURATION: 31 minutes (+ the song)
Season 1.5 of 'The Better Beautiful' continues with a meditation on chapter two of 'Confronting Unbelief,' that Jesus fights for Jerusalem. Find out how His advocacy for Jerusalem secures His advocacy for us, and what's significant about the part of Isaiah 61 Jesus *didn't* read aloud in Luke four.
"Jealousy is a Husband's fury—therefore He will not spare when He takes revenge."
Listen to 'The Better Belief: Part Two (He Fights for Her)' now in the FAI App
DURATION: 33 minutes
- "Fight for Me," GAWVI, Lecrae
- "Runaway," Jess Ray
- "Union & Communion," Hudson Taylor
- "Confronting Unbelief," Stephanie Quick
(Both titles available FREE in the FAI App: READ –> APP BOOKS)
Podcast sobre o Oriente Médio, cristianismo e política internacional com Paulo Costa e Igor Sabino.
In a very 'typical 2020' move, the Jeff & Steph show has been forced to postpone our Season 2 plans. Find out why and join us for Season 1.5 as we explore the seven attributes as Jesus discussed in Stephanie's book 'Confronting Unbelief.' Jerusalem is the stage He set to reveal His character in this age, and we have much to take confidence in from His pages of profound revelation.
DURATION: 31 minutes
In this episode, Gabe talks to IAI Director and IDF Lt. Col Marco Moreno (Res) about escalating tensions along the Gaza front in southern Israel, the backstory of the Gaza conflict, and Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu's long-term strategy in Gaza.
In this episode, Gabe talks to IAI Director Lt. Col. Marco Moreno about the announcement of formal diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE and what it means for Israel and the region.
Podcast sobre o Oriente Médio, cristianismo e política internacional com Paulo Costa e Igor Sabino.
In this episode, Gabe interviews the director of Israel Alliance International, IDF Lt. Col. Marco Moreno (Res), about recent events in and around Lebanon, including the IDF standoff with Hezbollah at the Israeli-Lebanese frontier, the deadly blast in Beirut, and a brief history of the Hezbollah terrorist organization.
In this episode, Gabe summarizes what we know 36 hours after the massive explosion at the Port of Beirut in Lebanon, the chain of events which led to it, and how we can pray in the wake of the deadly catastrophe.
What began in February (remember February?) comes to an end: Jeff & Steph close the first season of 'The Better Beautiful' and finish our time in the book of Hebrews—for now. We reflect on our time exploring all the "betters" of Jesus and how this testimony has held up in our own lives. It's also a big weekend for Jeff and his family; tune in to hear why—and find out where we're going in Season 2....
DURATION: 29 minutes
In this episode, Gabe interviews Devon Philips about the ongoing Syrian war crimes tribunal in Germany, and how citizens of a coming Kingdom of perfect justice should regard injustice in the present evil age.
"But earnestly desire the spiritual gifts—and I will show you a still more excellent way."
"Let brotherly love continue."
Join Jeff & Steph for a discussion through the "better way" and what it means for you when you (or your brother) wander off to the "far country." The end game is eternity—and we'll start it off around the biggest banquet table we've ever seen. Let's help each other get there.
DURATION: 38 minutes
- "The Return of the Prodigal Son," Henri Nouwen
- "A Call to Compel: The Simplicity, Urgency, and Joy of Making Disciples," Jordan Scott
- "Crowded Table," The Highwomen
Jordan Scott and Gabriel Caligiuri discuss the relationship between God's sovereignty and man"s responsibility as it pertains to disciple making.
Nothing in the universe will ever get behind you being king. Nothing works right that way. We were literally made to belong to the Kingdom: “Seek first the Kingdom, and everything will be added to you.” But if you seek YOU first, nothing will be added to you. You’ll actually be subtracted.
Is there more to salvation than simply hearing Jesus “standing at the door, knocking” and letting Him in to have a meal with us?
- “The Unshakeable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person,” E. Stanley Jones
- “All Things New,” John Eldredge
- “The World’s Last Night and Other Essays,” C.S. Lewis
- “The Night Will Soon Be Over,” Dalton & Anna Thomas
DURATION: 38 minutes
We "have need of endurance." How do we get it? What do we train for? Jeff & Steph discuss the better horizon to set our sights on, the better finish line at the end of the race—and the good Dad who helps us keep going when the cramps set in and our lungs start burning.
DURATION: 35 minutes
GET THE THEME SONG: jessraymusic.com
Jeff & Steph examine the testimonies of the many witnesses in the "Hall of Faith," and explore what it means to "die in faith"—and how we can endeavor to do the same.
"A Long Obedience in the Same Direction," Eugene Peterson
DURATION: 36 minutes
Stephanie Quick unpacks one of the most profound moments in Jesus' ministry that the Lord Himself urges His disciples to tell everywhere the gospel is preached. May the simplicity and beauty of her worship inspire us to be and to make disciples like Mary of Bethany.
Podcast sobre o Oriente Médio, cristianismo e política internacional com Paulo Costa e Igor Sabino.
In this episode, Gabe talks to Adham, a field partner in Iraqi Kurdistan, about the ongoing Turkish and Iranian military campaign there, dubbed Operation: Eagle Claw, which is striking deeper into the region and closer to the communities in which FAI ministers regularly.
In this episode, Gabe interviews FAI field partner Vipin about the ongoing Coronavirus lockdown in India, which has resulted in mass migration across a nation of 1.4 billion people, as well as the military conflict last week along the Chinese-Indian border.
How can we take "big picture" issues like the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus and apply them to our lives and communities today? What does it mean for systemic injustice? What should the people of Jesus be known for, and is it too late to catch up?
DURATION: 34 minutes
New podcast episode of THE WAY with Jordan Scott on the simplicity, urgency, and joy of making disciples with a very exciting announcement.
Was the Cross "cosmic child abuse"? What do we do with a Father willing to give His Son up on the altar as a "burnt offering"? Why do we need an offering at all, and why was Jesus' death the better offering?
Join Jeff & Steph this week to tackle these loaded questions.
- "The Gospel of Christ Crucified: A Theology of Suffering Before Glory," John P. Harrigan
- "Saviour King," Hillsong Worship
- "Grace Alone," Kings Kaleidoscope
DURATION: 33 minutes
Creation is longing for the return of the Lord and the establishment of His perfect Government.
Jordan Scott and Stephen Struebing discuss how the return of the Lord and His coming Kingdom bear on our daily discipleship and our disciple making efforts.
The Jeff & Steph Show returns this week to walk through Hebrews 8:1-9:10. What makes the "new covenant" particularly "new" and what does Israel's covenantal peculiarity mean for the rest of us?
"What About the New Covenant," FFOZ: https://ffoz.com/what-about-the-new-covenant-audio-cds.html
"Promises," Maverick City Music
"Orange Park," Brian Wages (Album)
DURATION: 34 minutes
Gabe talks to Ahed al-Hendi, our Syria expert, about the importance and uniqueness of the Kurdish partnership with the US-led Coalition against ISIS in Northeast Syria, the significance of ongoing reconciliation talks between Kurdish factions there, and how you can be praying and advocating for the people of Northeast Syria today.
Or, "The One That'll Give Stephanie a Vulnerability Hangover." Find out why hope is not for the faint of heart and how it becomes the unflinching anchor for our souls.
Songs To Swim In This Week:
- "Daylight," Brave Saint Saturn
- "Bet All I Have," Mission House Music
DURATION: 37 minutes
Jordan Scott and Stephen Struebing discuss how prophetic insight often proves fruitful when bearing witness of the coming King.
What is your "pillow-top theology"—what do you think about God when you put your head on your pillow at night? Jeff & Steph explore our confidence in the immutable vows of the One who cuts and keeps eternal covenants.
DURATION: 25 minutes
What does Waffle House have to do with making disciples? Jordan Scott and Tyson Ranes discuss unity and brotherly affection for the extremely diverse Body of Christ.
We tackle a harrowing warning against impossible repentance and work through how to wean ourselves off of bottles and start chewing the fatty meats of Scripture. Join Jeff & Steph this week as we seek the "better things" in store.
DURATION: 25 minutes
The One With Melchizedek // Jeff & Steph tackle one of Scripture's notoriously mysterious figures, and consider the kindness of our greatest Intercessor: Jesus. Unlike any man in the Levitical priesthood, our Great High Priest is Himself the offering for our sin and will forever serve to make us right with God our Father.
DURATION: 29 minutes (+ a special treat at the end!)
NEW EPISODE // "Therefore today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart....there is still a rest for the people of God." Dig through Hebrews 3-4 with us in the latest episode of #TheBetterBeautiful. How do we enter His rest, and how do we square up resting in His provision and promises with Scripture's calls to "endure to the end"?
DURATION: 29 minutes
In this episode Stephen introduces a new series focused on the nature of God given human desires and the path to fulfill those desires in the heart and plan of God.
The one and only Holger Reinhardt shares why and how our tables are the true place to make disciples of the Lord.
Duration 28 minutes
"Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses." Join Jeff & Steph for a conversation about sons, servants, and shining faces—and how Jesus' days in the desert guide you into fuller grace for your own "wilderness" (or quarantine).
DURATION: 20 minutes
Jordan Scott introduces this series that explores what it means to be and to make disciples of the coming King!
This episode explores how "each one of us" can step into our God-given responsibilities and gifts to build up the Body and reach out to the lost around us.
On our final day of the MARANATHA FAST, we join Jeff Henderson fireside to close out our study of the end of the age with the words of the apostle Paul.
Thank you for listening!
Today we join Jeff Henderson in a study on the MARANATHA message from a key passage in Paul's letters addressing the enduring relevance and pressing centrality of Jesus' first and second coming.
A walk through Romans 11.
A walk through Zechariah 12-14
This week, Jeff and Steph swim through the implications of Hebrews 2:1-4. With all the "white noise" of the podcasts, tweets, YouTube clips, and voices to listen to, messages to soak in, and songs to sing, why is the name and message of Jesus the "better declaration"? What does that mean for our lives?
"Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?"
DURATION: 21 minutes
Duration 28 minutes
A walk through Jeremiah 31. Listen to the second part of this teaching in the following podcast.
The second installment of our walk through Jeremiah 31.
A walk through Jeremiah 30
A walk through Ezekiel 39
A walk through Ezekiel 38
A walk through Daniel 7-12.
Today we dive into the 7 parables that follow on the heels of Jesus' teaching on the timing and the signs of His return and the end of the age.
Jeff & Steph return this week with a new episode of ‘The Better Beautiful.’ How do we spend these uncertain days?
DURATION: 21 minutes
THEME SONG: jessraymusic.com
Today we walk through the heart of Jesus' teaching on the end of the age.
Today we walk through the pressures that will escalate before the Great Tribulation.
Today we take a detailed look at "the birth pains" that will increase in frequency and intensity in the generation of the Lord's return.
In our opening session Dalton Thomas orients us to the context of Jesus three final messages before Passover and the crucifixion framing His infamous "Olivet Discourse" in Matthew 24-25.
SPECIAL EDITION of 'The Better Beautiful' // "I had no reason to go [back to Ireland], save for the Gospel and God's promises."
Hear how the human trafficking survivor and strategic pioneer we call "Patrick" became the patron saint for the nation that stole years of his life—and how his legacy led to Jeff & Steph's favorite hymn.
DURATION: 20 minutes
THEME SONG: jessraymusic.com
An Interview with an FAI Gateway Leader on the Volatile Border of Iraq-Iran-Turkey
March 15, 2020 // THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas talks with Julie, one of FAI's Gateway Leaders pioneering on the volatile border area of Iraq, Iran, and Turkey.
Duration 13 minutes
How FAI is Engaging in the Golan as Israel Moves Toward Nation-Wide Lockdown
March 15, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas and Marco Moreno discuss today's developments regarding the Coronavirus. The two dialogue about how Israel is easing into a nation-wide lockdown, how an Israeli lab up is on the cusp of a vaccine, and how FAI is engaging on the ground to stand with the most vulnerable in the Golan Heights.
Duration 14 minutes
NEW EPISODE // Jesus is the better Brother. He saves us on the school yard, finds us in the far country, and goes and shares His inheritance with us. His kindness is appalling.
Listen now in the FAI app: faimission.org/app
DURATION: 21 minutes
The Hopelessness of Realized Eschatology
March 13, 2020 // In this episode of THE WINEPRESS Joel Richardson addresses the dark side of "realized eschatology" and why it matters.
Duration 21 minutes
NEW EPISODE // #TheBetterBeautiful returns with a look at how & why the God-Man is better than angels. But we also ask important questions like if our guardian angels like the music we crank up in the car.
DURATION: 22 minutes
THEME SONG: jessraymusic.com
Yearning for His Return: Healthy Motivations
Marc 6, 2020 // In this episode of THE WINEPRESS, Joel explores healthy motivations for our yearning for the return of the Lord.
A Gospel-Oriented Crash Course on the Great Quagmire of Afghanistan
March 5, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas and Gabe Caliguiri dive deep into the complex matrix of Afghanistan—it's past, present, and future. If you've wondered what on earth is happening over there and why, this is the Podcast episode for you.
Duration 25 minutes
Israeli Elections: Will Anyone Ever Win?
March 4, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Marco Moreno explains what just happened with Israel's bizarre and unprecedented third election and exhorts the global Christian community on how we should posture while Israel figures herself out.
Duration 11 minutes
Launching REDEMPTION HOUSE: A Center for Transformation and Restoration
March 4, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas discusses the REDEMPTION HOUSE with Martin Mallory and Jeff Henderson.
Prioritizing Fire on the Inside Over Ministry
March 3, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas and Stephen Struebing discuss abiding in the Vine and keeping a burning heart for a lifetime.
Meet the Workers from the Global South Who Are Flooding the Middle East
March 2, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas speaks with the first doctor who crossed into Syria from Israel who has been pioneering all over the Middle East and building a large scale mobilization mechanism to launch global south workers into the 10-40 Window.
The craziest thing about Jesus having the "Name above all names" is that He has it not because He is powerful and fancy and all-the-holy-things, but because He washes our feet and stoops low to meet our needs—and that commitment pinned Him to splintered wood with rusty nails to die a death we should've died to give us "life and life abundant."
DURATION: 18 minutes
THEME SONG BY JESS RAY: jessraymusic.com
Why is the Podcast Called "The WinePress"?
In this episode of THE WINEPRESS Joel Richardson explains the story and reason the program has been named "The Winepress."
Duration: 20 minutes
Intro to the Winepress Podcast
In this episode of THE WINEPRESS Joel Richardson lays out the vision for the new Podcast that has been years in the making.
Duration: 14 minutes
Are Global Pestilences Signs of the Times?
Feb 25, 2020 // In light of the Coronavirus outbreak, in this episode of THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas and Joel Richardson discuss "avoiding prophetic speculation" and the need to cultivate discernment and wisdom related to Biblical prophecy.
Duration 18 minutes
How FAI is Working with Authorities in Kurdistan to Counter Coronavirus
Feb 24, 2020 // In this episode Dalton Thomas and Nathan James discuss new developments in Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan and how FAI teams are serving local health and government ministries in the KRG to counter the outbreak of Coronavirus.
Duration 11 minutes
In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas introduces the launch of a new ministry of Frontier Alliance International: THE TAYLOR GROUP.
THE TAYLOR GROUP is an international family of business leaders committed to the final frontiers of global missions.
For more information, or to attend a STRATEGIC SUMMIT, head to: https://www.faimission.org/taylorgroup
Coronavirus in Iran, Iraq, and Israel and FAI's Involvement on the Ground
Feb 22, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas and Adham Sedeeq discuss the escalating crisis in Iran that is now affecting cities in Iraqi Kurdistan where FAI teams are on the ground.
Duration 16 minutes
The Anti-Kurdish Lobby // Why Western Policy Makers Often Betray the Kurds
Feb 21 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas interviews Seth Frantzman about the powerful anti-Kurdish lobby that is behind the long historical succession of injustices against the Kurds.
Duration 14 minutes
It's the first episode of what we affectionately call "The Jeff & Steph Show," wherein we stare at Jesus, cry at beautiful truths, and make jokes that probably only we think are funny.
We all have questions. Jesus is the answer to all of them. He is more than Sunday School simplicity. He is the irreducible minimum. He is the better Beautiful.
GET THE THEME SONG: jessraymusic.com
Serious Escalation Between Turkey and Syria in the Raging Battle for Idlib
Feb 20, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas and Adham Sedeeq discuss the seismic geopolitical shifts taking place in the raging battle for Idlib. The two discuss the events of the last 24 hours and the gravity of the situation.
Duration 12 minutes
Chaos in Lebanon // A Strategic Briefing on What is Happening on the Ground
Feb 19, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Gabe Caliguiri interviews Lt Col. (res) Marco Moreno about the chaos in Lebanon as Marco lays out the backdrop to what's happening and where it's heading.
Duration 16 minutes
How the Middle East is Being Ravaged by Substance Abuse
Feb 18 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas interviews Jordan Scott about the hemorrhaging crisis of drug abuse that's tearing the Middle East apart. Dalton distinguishes the difference between root and fruit of the Middle East's greatest conflicts and Jordan explains how addiction recovery is a massive opportunity for the advance of the Gospel.
Ending Human Trafficking // Pop-Culture Fad or Actual Ministry?
Feb 17, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas interviews Misty, who is in the trenches pioneering FAI's counter-trafficking initiatives. The two discuss the difference between the pop-culture fad of ending human trafficking and actual engagement in countering sexual exploitation.
Duration 17 minutes
Is the Mounting Conflict Between Israel and Iran a Sign of the End of the Age?
Feb 14, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas addresses Israel's strikes on Iranian proxies in Damascus last night and engages the question of whether this mounting conflict between Israel and Iran is a sign of the end of the age.
Duration 26 minutes
Why We Are Launching the "United Christian Embassy for Kurdistan"
Feb 12, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas interviews Nathan James and Adham Sedeeq on the launch of the "United Christian Embassy for Kurdistan."
Duration 19 minutes
Isolation, Intervention, and the Cost of War
Feb 11, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Gabe Caliguiri jumps into events in Afghanistan to discuss the debate over isolationism versus interventionism and how this relates to the call of discipleship.
Duration 22 minutes
The Intersection of History, Geopolitics, Art and Discipleship
Feb 10, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas talks about what it means to stand at the intersection of history, geopolitics, art, and discipleship.
Duration 17 minutes
The Future of US Military Presence in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria
Feb 9, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas discusses "The Future of US Military Presence in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria" with Adham Sedeeq after news broke of the American Military casualties in Afghanistan last night.
Duration 17 minutes
Airstrikes in Syria and Palestinian Attack on Golani Brigade in Jerusalem
Feb 7, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Lt. Col. (res) Marco Moreno gives an update on the last 24 hours in Israel. Marco's son was present in Jerusalem during the terror attack that happened before his induction ceremony where he and others swore on the Bible and a rifle to defend Israel.
Duration 11 minutes
Idlib Crisis: How Russia and Turkey Use Syria for Their Own Gains
Feb 5, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas interviews Seth Frantzman on the unfolding carnage in Idlib, Syria as Seth untangles the complicated mess of the Syrian conflict. If you don't already, make sure to follow Seth on all his social media platforms. He is one of the clearest voices out there today on the shapeshifting Middle East.
An Eventful Month in Iraq // Understanding What is Happening
Feb 4, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas interviews Adham Sedeeq (one of the Directors of FAI's United Christian Embassy for Kurdistan) about what is happening in Iraq after a very eventful month.
Duration 13 minutes
The Syrian Quagmire: An Interview with a Former Political Prisoner in Syria
Feb 4, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE, Gabe Caliguiri interviews our friend and brother Ahed Al Hendi, a former political prisoner in Syria.
The Myth of an End-Time Seven Year Peace Treaty
Feb3, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas addresses the myth of a future seven year peace treaty in Biblical prophecy.
The Deal of the Century: Arab Silence is Arab Agreement
Jan 30, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Marco Moreno delves into the "Deal of the Century" addressing the issue of Arab reception to the proposal.
The Deal of the Century: What Happened and What Comes Next?
Jan 29, 2020 // IDF Lt. Colonel (res) Marco Moreno explains the backdrop to the "Deal of the Century" and what may come next.
Jan 29, 2020 // In this episode of THE WIRE Dalton Thomas and Joel Richardson discuss the "Deal of the Century" and the theology of dividing the Land of Israel; what it is, what it isn't, and some of the complexities Biblically, ethically, practically, and prophetically.
Jan 9, 2020 // Dalton Thomas and Marco Moreno discuss the Golan Heights, Qassem Sulemani and the future of the Middle East from the future site of FAI's Legacy Center on the Syrian border.
Jan 8, 2020 // In this inaugural episode of THE WIRE, Dalton Thomas explains the backstory and vision of the program from the center of the Golan Heights.
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