This episode, you’ll learn why the Swedish will be wearing candles on their heads and dressing up as goats this week, you’ll hear about Saint Nicholas’ past life beating and kidnapping children with his demon slave companion, and you’ll meet St. Stephen, the first man to be stoned to death for bringing a rooster back to life.
Intro theme - "Forest March" by Sylvia Woods
Staffansvisa Från Jämtland by Triakel
Karolinermarsch by Peter Hedlund
Staffan Var en Stalledräng by Folk & Rackare
Vittskövlevisan by Esbjörn Hazelius
Ut Kommer Staffan by Folk & Rackare
Rudisar Vísa by Kari Sverrisson
Saint Stephen by Magpie Lane
The Carnal and the Crane/King Herod and the Cock/The Miraculous Harvest by Nowell Sing We Clear
St. Nicholas by Anúna
La Légende de Saint Nicolas by Anne Sylvester
The Last Stand by Michael Sobel
Tackvisan by Triakel
Coventry Carol by Maddy Prior & the Carnival Band