Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He had lost his parents; so he went to live with his Auntie, and she set him to herd the sheep. All day long the little fellow wandered barefoot through the pathless plains, tending his flock, and playing his tiny shepherdʼs pipe from morning till the evening. What happens next? Listen to this story to learn more.
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This story is adopted from stories compiled by Flora Annie Steel. You can learn more about this tale by visiting [gaathastory.com/the-little-anklebone](
https://gaathastory.com/the-little-anklebone). Story produced by [Gaatha Story](
https://gaathastory.com) and narrated by Sheerali Biju. Music used in this story is from freemusicarchive and soundbible, Image from Pixabay.