As followers of Christ, we are His representatives to a hurting and broken world. We’re called to live and love as He did, and Jesus sought out the marginalized and oppressed and called out the oppressor.
In this episode, Jennifer Slattery’s daughter, Ashley Chester, shares her battle against a university’s Student Services of Disabilities Office to see that they were actually enforcing the accommodations they were legally required to honor. Initially, her fight was personal as she fought against abuses of power she experienced. But as she became more connected with other students with disabilities, she realized her battle extended beyond her. While this was a difficult and stressful time, God used it to grow her into a woman of strength and to present her with numerous opportunities she likely wouldn’t have enjoyed otherwise.
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JenniferSlatteryLivesoutLoud her ministry, Wholly Loved, at: Discussion Questions:
1. What are some injustices or abuses of power God has allowed you to see?
2. How do you normally respond when you see abuses of power?
3. Is there anyone God might be calling you to advocate for?
4. What does godly advocacy look like?
5. What are some fears that keep you from advocating for others in a godly way?
6. Consider a cause you feel drawn to. How connected are you to the community most affected by that cause?
7. Why is relationship important when we advocate?
8. What are some ways to advocate for others in a way that speaks honor?
9. If you have accepted the call of advocate, how is God growing you through your efforts?
Episode Image Credit: Getty/Malte Mueller
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