If you’re a parent, grandparent, guardian, or in some way involved with raising children in today’s rapidly changing world, you may worry about their ability to stand strong amidst all of life’s impending storms. How can you build within them the character and strength that will allow them not only to survive but to thrive. In this episode, Helen Smallbone, “mum” to 7 creative children, including artists for King and Country and Rebecca St. James, shares ways God used her family’s most challenging circumstances to strengthen their bonds, deepen her children’s faith, and increase their resiliency.
(Scroll down to find the group discussion questions)
Find Helen at:
https://www.instagram.com/helensmallbone/https://www.facebook.com/helenjsmallbonehttps://www.amazon.com/Helen-Smallbone/e/B09M2KKNNPFind the ministry she co-founded at:
https://www.accessmore.com/pd/MumLife-Community Resource referenced: Behind the Lights: The Extraordinary Adventure of a Mum and Her Family
Find Jennifer at:
https://jenniferslatterylivesoutloud.comhttps://www.instagram.com/avapennington3/https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083247680572Find Wholly Loved Ministries at:
Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/442736966614671Join the Private Wholly Loved Community Group (also on Facebook):
https://www.facebook.com/groups/443325386241769Group Discussion Questions:
1.What resonated with you most in today’s episode?
2.When has God used a time of uncertainty to strengthen your faith?
3.In what ways can times of adversity lead to stronger relationships?
4.Why might hard work serve as an important element in a child’s growth?
5.How can developing and maintaining strong community ties help strengthen your family?
6.How can developing and maintaining strong community ties increase your children’s resiliency?
7.How readily do you seek God’s guidance for day-to-day struggles?
8.How can sheltering our children potentially harm them?
9.What is one action step God might be asking you to take this week based on what you heard in this podcast episode?
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