We all have parts of our past and perhaps even ourselves that we long to hide, but living in hiding only leads to shame and isolation. In this episode, Wholly Loved’s Jennifer Slattery and Tara Rye discuss how God responded to Eve in her moment of shame and what this reveals regarding the love and grace He longs for us to experience.
Contact Jennifer through her website HERE to have her speak at your next women’s event.
Contact Tara through her website HERE to book her for your next women’s event.
Find Tara at:
https://www.facebook.com/tara.ryeFind Jennifer Slattery at:
https://www.facebook.com/JenSlattehttps://www.instagram.com/slatteryjennifer/Twitter: @jenslattery
Find Wholly Loved, at:
https://www.WhollyLoved.comGroup Discussion Questions:
1. What resonated with you most in today’s episode, and why?
2. Is there a behavior, struggle, past sin, or experience you’re tempted to hide?
3. When have you experienced rejection due to weakness, sin, or failure?
4. Why do you think grace is such a hard concept for many people to grasp?
5. How has that experience, or others, impacted your relationship with God or understanding of grace (if indeed it has)?
6. How would you describe or explain God’s grace to someone unaccustomed to it?
7. Why is it important to our healing and freedom to invite God to probe our hearts?
8. Describe a time when you’ve sensed God’s grace.
9. What does grace reveal regarding the character of God?
10. What is one way you can actively live in grace today?
Episode Image Credit: Getty/Ponomariova_Maria
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