Our world feels chaotic and uncertainty. With so much changing and beyond our control, many of us are feeling increasingly anxious. But we can stand strong, confident, and courageous, no matter our circumstances, because our world is held by a God who loves us, sees us, is with us, and reigns over all. While life might feel uncertain, in truth it’s not, because God always retains full control. In this episode, author and speaker Jennifer Slattery shares tips and truths able to anchor our souls in hope and faith.
Find Jennifer Slattery at:
https://www.JenniferSlatteryLivesoutLoud.comhttps://www.facebook.com/JenSlatte.comFind her ministry, Wholly Loved, at:
https://www.WhollyLoved.comGroup Discussion Questions:
1. What in your world currently feels most uncertain?
2. What are some truths you can hold tight to when life feels uncertain?
3. What qualities of God most bring you comfort?
4. What are some ways you can remind yourself of those truths and qualities when you sense anxiety rising?
5. When something causes you significant concern, have you considered asking God for assurances? If so, what was the result? If not, is this something you might consider in the future?
6. Why might it be helpful to periodically ask God to increase your faith?
7. What are some biblical examples of seemingly chaotic circumstances providing backdrops for a great work of God?
8. What do you think the psalmist meant in Psalm 16:7 when he said his heart counseled him at night?
9. Have you ever fought against your fears through praise?
10. Why do you think praise can be such a powerful faith-building tool?
Image Credit: Getty/Malte Mueller
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