Parenting will first test, then strengthen our faith. We will experience confusion, frustrations, heartache, joy, and fear. Many days, this journey will feel like an intense battle, one we’re not certain we can win. In our discouragement, anxieties, and uncertainties, we might be tempted to engage, but regardless of how our kids act or what they claim, they need us to remain fully present and invested.
Find Jennifer Slattery at:
https://www.jenniferslatterylivesoutloud.com Wholly Loved, at:
https://www.WhollyLoved.comFind more on the Wholly Loved Online Mother-Daughter Conference: Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens by Paul David Tripp
Group Discussion Questions:
1. What impacted you most in this episode, and why?
2. What tends to make it most challenging for you to remain present and engaged with your kid(s)?
3. What area of parenting feels most challenging?
4. What are some ways you are investing in your spirituality first?
5. What are some of your fears regarding parenting?
6. Where do you tend to go for answers when you feel confused or uncertain?
7. How difficult is it for you to acknowledge when you’ve messed up and asked for your child's or children’s forgiveness?
8. What might it look like to fight for your relationship with you kid(s)?
9. How are you modeling obedience to Christ in your parenting?
Episode Image Credit: Getty/Popmarleo
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